King's Business - 1958-11

Under the Parsonage Roof by Althea S. Miller LOVE'S FREEDOM “ U " s n ’ t that music beautiful and rest- ful?” Daddy’s eyes shone as he asked his wife the question. “It’s all right, but I’m afraid I cannot work up your enthusiasm for Hawaiian music. A little of it goes a long way. Come to think of it, Robert Miller, I have a new sense of freedom which is sweet, a sort of emancipa­ tion in not agreeing with you about this particular type of music. Give me symphonies any day.” “What do you mean by freedom? I’ve never tried to dictate your tastes in music.” The smile on his face had a “what will she come up with next?” expression. “I know you have not ordered my musical life. But in every other phase of our married life where principle or philosophy have been involved, if we have not been agreed, I have de- fererd to your decision as my head. But since likes and dislikes in music are a matter of personal taste (al­ though music does reflect philosophy and principle) I have no fears that I am out-of-bounds in disagreeing. In fact, I feel light-headed with joy,” Mother concluded as she gave the man of her heart a resounding kiss. “Why are you two arguing?” our stormy six year old demanded. “We’re not arguing. Your Mother is just disagreeing with me.” The twinkle in Daddy’s eyes proved he was enjoying the events of the mo­ ment. “Well, when I get married I will never argue with my husband.” “Ha,” a s k e p t i c a l M o t h e r re­ sponded, “that’ll be the day. What will you do when you and your hus­ band don’t agree?” “I’ll put him to bed and get a switch.” With a toss of her head Ardyth sashayed out of the room. When the parents had gotten their breath after laughing, Daddy in­ quired, “How is it that you never thought of that angle?” “Life’s problems and differences are not resolved so easily. I wish they were. But I praise the Lord that every problem of our family and marital life can be resolved because Jesus Christ loves us and gave Himself for us. I’ll never cease to thank Him that our love is centered in our mutual Lord.” Read the new “Christian Home” column in this month’s King’s Business. See Page 24 for “Are You the Same Person Your Partner Married?”

/ / ¿A r y • . . i f n>e hai * This is what the lady said in a letter in Russian from behind the Iron Curtain. " I have heard your voice on the radio inviting sinners to come to the Saviour, and I am asking you to s e n d m e t h a t b o o k from which you read. I now believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, who died for our sins. Pray for me and for m y hus­ band and children. "I f w e h a d t h a t B o o k , we could read it to sinners and also invite them to the Lord Jesus. Friends come regularly to our home to listen to your invitation to come to the Saviour.” We at HLKX are reaching folk far beyond the horizon through the daily gospel broadcasts in Russian, Chinese, Korean, Mongolian and English. Your gifts npw will help keep this ministry on the air. t l i c L t We quote: TEAM Radio-Korea THE EVANGELICAL ALLIANCE M ISSION 2845 W. McLEAN AVE. CHICAGO 47, ILL. *Your gifts enabled us to get "th a t Book" into the lady's hands. Now she is sharing God's precious Word with others. Mail gifts regularly to:

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