King's Business - 1958-11

1 . For one pen­ ny a day you can become one of the supporters of our Is­ abelle Orphanage at Pusan, Korea. 2 . Our 300 orph­ ans need your gifts and prayers. I t you wish we will send you a bank mounted with a beauti­ ful wooden figure. 3* “ Bear ye one another's burdens and so fulfill the law of Christ.“ Galatians 6:2

in the n ew s

DR. BOB PIERCE, President of World Vision, Inc., has been invited to conduct a major evangelistic crusade in Ghana (Africa) next February. This will be a part of the country's observance of its second year of independence. MR. JACK SONNEVELDT, former president of the Sonneveldt Paper Company of Grand Rapids, has been appointed president of Gospel Films, Inc. One of the film leader's new responsibilities will be the photographing of a new production aimed at reaching teenagers around the world. Shooting will begin February 1 in Singapore. DR. H. WILBERT NORTON, president of Trinity Seminary and Bible College in Chicago (educational institute of the Evangelical Free Church of America) has returned from a seven-week missionary survey trip of Central and South American countries. DR. THEODORE W . ANDERSON, president of the Evangelical Mission Covenant Churches, will be one of the special speakers at the 90th anniversary celebration of that organization in Chicago on December 26, 27, and 28. Dr. Anderson's father was the first secretary of the church back in the days before the Chicago fire. Meetings will be held in the church pastored by DR. HAROLD L. LINDQUIST, with a special emphasis made toward reaching the Jewish people of the area. REV. RANSOM D. MARVIN, former Spokane, Washington pastor, has accepted a position with the National Sunday School Association in Chicago as executive assistant. DR. CLATE A. RISLEY is executive secretary. Mr. Marvin, who received his training at the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, was a former illustrator for the "KING'S BUSI­ NESS/' MR. ARTHUR REIMER, former director of music for the Church of the Open Door, passed away in September. Mr. Reimer was a member of the faculty of the Inglewood City Schools and noted for his outstanding work with the Laudisti Choir. MANKAMU and MINTAKA, the two Auca women who left their tribe for civilization have declared that they are now planning to return to the jungles shortly. Both of them accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as personal Saviour during their time with the missionaries. Their avowed purpose: "to take the gospel back to our people." MR. RUSSELL HITT, editor of "Eternity" magazine has spent several months in Ecuador gathering material for a new book concerning the life of one of the five martyred men, NATE SAINT. REV. W. DOUGLAS ROE, executive secretary of the Montrose Bible Conference led an extensive program of activities for the organization during its 50th anniversary celebration. Started on August 21, 1908 the work was originated by DR. RUEBEN ARCHER TORREY. (BIOLA's founding was just six months previous to this and Dr. Torrey was one of the first deans of the Bible Institute.) MR. A. P. FRYE, chief engineer of WMBI, radio voice of the Moody Bible Institute, Chicago, one of the original staff members of the broadcast facility, was on hand when the Chicagoland station recently marked its 100,000th hour of broadcasting the Gospel message. MR. ROBERT PARSONS, program director of the station stated that the pioneer voice of Christian radio continues to originate more than 150 programs each week. Some of these broadcasts are released on 50 stations in this country and around the world. REV. THOMAS "ED" STEELE has been appointed director of extension for the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc. He was formerly pastor of the First Baptist Churches of Anderson and Hemet, Calif. Mr. Steele's work will be in radio, meetings, alumni, and publicity. REV. C. ALLEN TAFF, former pastor of the First Baptist Church of Richland, Washing­ ton, has been appointed western representative of the General Association of Regular Baptists. DR. R. T. KETCHAM is the national representative. REV. PAUL B., SMITH , associate pastor of the People's Church, Toronto, Canada, continues a special series of evangelistic meetings in the Far East during November. Meetings are being held in Japan, Korea and Hong Kong. A t the conclusion of the crusades, the team will go to Moscow for five days. DR. JOHN R. RICE, editor of the Sword of the Lord, has announced the fifth annual Evangelistic Sermon Contest, with awards totalling $1,600. Entries are to be submitted before December 1, 1958. Rules are available upon request. MR. HAROLD VAN BROEKHOVEN, d¡rector of Radio Europe, has left for the continent to continue survey work preliminary to the establishment of an evangelical radio station in that important area of the world. The project is sponsored by WRMF, Inc. (The Voice of the Andes.)

Write to: The Korea Gospel Mission, Inc. P. 0 . Box 291, Inglewood, California Penny a day bank HONG ICONG is the GATEWAY to Asia GOSPEL PREACHING — Emmanual Church holding regular services in English and Chinese in the heart of the colony and the Countryside. MEDICAL M IN ISTRY — Emmanual Clinic with two doctors and a regular staff of nurses and evangelists, treating over 1,500 monthly. PRINTED PAGE — Biola Book Room, o large evangelical book store in downtown Kowloon distributing Bibles and literature in English and Chinese. YOUTH CENTER — Recently built in the New Territories. Primary and Evening Schools for factory workers and their chil­ dren. Summer and winter Bible Confer­ ences. Charles A. Roberts, D.D., Supt. The Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc. Hong Kong Department 558 South Hope St., Los Angeles 17, California New Release T2" LP High Fidelity Recording J O H N G U S T A F S O N Tenor with Ralph Carmichael Orchestra

The Haven of Rest Peace in the Valley God is Everywhere I Have Been Born Again Jacob Wrestled W ith An Angel Lord I'm Coming Home Let God Tune Your Heartstrings Show a Little Love If I Gained the World The Things I Have Left Undone A t your Book Store or order from CHRISTIAN FAITH RECORDINGS Reseda • California



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