2.1M Livestock grazing on PUF Lands could provide 68.5 million protein-rich meals 1
Output from renewable energy projects on PUF Lands can provide enough
Acres of grazing lands
electricity to sustain 312,600 households 2
Acres of solar & wind energy leases & pre-leases
The 6,763 miles of roads on PUF Lands are equivalent to driving from the east coast to the west coast of the U.S. 2.5X
26.5K oil & gas wells drilled to-date
10.2K producing oil & gas wells
23K miles of pipeline & powerline easements
If pipelines and powerlines on PUF Lands were laid end-to-end, they would almost circle the globe
2 million football fields could fit on PUF Lands
18K acres of surface leases
acres leased for mineral development
1 Based on the head count of cattle, sheep & goats grazing on University Lands as of January 2023 and average carcass yields with each meal containing 0.25 lbs. of protein. 2 Based on the installed megawatts (MW) of renewable energy projects operating on University Lands multiplied by the Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT) estimate that each MW of renewable power generation will supply 200 households.
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