Sustainability topics Regenerative management To identify the main sustainability topics of our company, we consulted with our stakeholders of previous years through a survey among employees and suppliers, and we also considered the insight of our commercial team, the talks we conduct with our clients, and the outcomes from associations meetings and industry forums. This year, in line with our commitment to robust sustainability reporting, we have adopted a double materiality approach. This approach not only considers the impacts of our activities on the external environment but also evaluates the extent to which external environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors may impact our business operations and long-term sustainability. The assessment was completed with other issues and challenges that we deem relevant to our sustainability strategy. The final list of relevant topics is depicted in the following materiality graphic, and it is classified according to our 5 sustainability pillars. They represent our company’s most significant impacts on the economy, environment, and people, including impacts on human rights. The identified material topics are thoroughly addressed throughout the entirety of the report, appearing in various sections. Given the interconnected nature of sustainability issues, many of these topics are cross-cutting and may reappear in different sections. This approach ensures comprehensive coverage and allows for a holistic understanding of our sustainability efforts and their impact across different aspects of our operations and engagements.
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