Express 2024 05 29

5 AU 9 JUIN 2024

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Tirage Voyage Une nouveauté pour le festival : un tournoi d’hockey balle. • Lieu : Patinoire de l’arena de St-Isidore • 11h00 à fermeture • Casque avec grille, gants et espadrilles obligatoires. ˇˢ˨˦˟˘˦ˣ˥ˢЃ˧˦˔ˠ˔˦˦̻ ˦˔˩˘˖˖˘˧̻ ˩̻ ˡ˘ˠ˘ˡ˧˦˘˥ˢˡ˧˥˘ˠ˜˦̲ ˟Ϡʴ˦˦ˢ˖˜˔˧˜ˢˡ du Hockey Mineur de St-Isidore. ˆˢˠ˘˧˛˜ˡ˚ˡ˘˪˙ˢ˥˧˛˘˙˘˦˧˜˩˔˟ʭ˔˕˔˟˟˛ˢ˖˞˘ˬ˧ˢ˨˥ˡ˔ˠ˘ˡ˧ʡ • ʿˢ˖˔˧˜ˢˡʭ˅˜ˡ˞ˢ˙˧˛˘ˆ˧ʠʼ˦˜˗ˢ˥˘ʴ˥˘ˡ˔ • ʤʤʭʣʣ˔ˠ˧ˢ˖˟ˢ˦˜ˡ˚ • ʻ˘˟ˠ˘˧˦˪˜˧˛˙˔˖˘ˠ˔˦˞ʟ˚˟ˢ˩˘˦˔ˡ˗˥˨ˡˡ˜ˡ˚˦˛ˢ˘˦ˠ˔ˡ˗˔˧ˢ˥ˬʡ ʴ˟˟ ˣ˥ˢ˖˘˘˗˦ ˙˥ˢˠ ˧˛˜˦ ˘˩˘ˡ˧ ˪˜˟˟ ˚ˢ ˗˜˥˘˖˧˟ˬ ˧ˢ ˧˛˘ ˆ˧ʠʼ˦˜˗ˢ˥˘ ˀ˜ˡˢ˥ ʻˢ˖˞˘ˬ ʴ˦˦ˢ˖˜˔˧˜ˢˡʡ

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Sales Representative Représentante des ventes Lise PICARD


St-Isidore, ON 613-524-2177

4650, rue Ste-Catherine St-Isidore, ON K0C 2B0 613 524-2828 #17201

Cell: 613-762-8370 1863, rue Laurier St., PO Box 845 Rockland • 613-446-6031


Besner’s report presented two options for creating an off-leash dog park at Larocque Park this year. Option 1 involves building a new dog park addition at Larocque Park within a timeframe of about two weeks. It is the most expensive option, at more than $5000 for materials and equipment to put up 233 feet of new fencing and install three entrance gates. Township staff would do the work. If a contractor was hired instead the cost might be between $10,000 and $12,000. Council and administration would have to find money within the existing municipal budget or find some other source of revenue for the work. Option 2 involves modifying the second ball for use as an off-leash dog park at a cost of about $500 over a few weeks time. The main costs would be installing three entrance gates, planting some shade trees, and providing waste barrels for dog dung. The existing dugouts would serve as shelters where dog owners could sit while watching their pets at play, and future budget plans could include money to develop agility training equipment for dogs. All of council approved Option 2 for creating a dog park in Alfred. Councillor Jean-Pierre Cadieux asked that Option 1 be included as part of future discussions for the 2025 municipal budget.

All the dogs in Alfred have best friends on township council. There was unanimous support at the Alfred-Plantagenet Township council table May 21 for resident and dogowner Lorraine Tittley’s proposal to change the secondary ball park at Larocque Park in Alfred into a dog park. “This ball park has been vacant for several years,” said Manon Besner, parks and recreation director, in a detailed report to council. Besner’s report follows up on a presen- tation that Tittley made to council earlier in May. Tittley proposed that the little-used second ball field at Larocque Park become a full-time off-leash dog park. She told council that site would be perfect, with a few modi- fications to keep dogs contained within the area when they are allowed off-leash to play. The main ball park, with its backstop and bleachers, is the main site for any local ball tournaments at Larocque Park. That ball park also serves as a site for other outdoor recreational events. Some dog owners already use the secon- dary ball park as an unofficial dog park. But they have to keep a close watch on their pets because there are no gates to close off the pedestrian entrances into the ball field. There is no money allocated in the 2024 municipal budget for a dog park project.

Il y aura un endroit où les chiens d’Alfred pourront jouer entre eux. Le canton d’Alfred- Plantagenet a approuvé un plan du service des parcs et des loisirs visant à modifier le deuxième terrain de balle du parc Larocque pour en faire un parc pour chiens sans laisse. (Gregg Chamberlain)

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