Fostering universal values through sports and by preserving the cultural heritage of communities Social impact
Senhor Jesus do Bonfim Portalegre, Portugal
By promoting cultural heritage, we acknowledge and celebrate diversity, fostering respect for different cultures and traditions, enhancing the value of individual and collective identities, and contributing to a sense of pride and self-worth among the community. We also believe that preserving the cultural heritage provides opportunities for intercultural dialogue and exchange. For this reason, in 2023 we supported two initiatives, one from the Jesus do Bonfim Confraternity, as well as the publication of a book written by an individual author. On February 4 th , 2023, Evertis Ibérica supported a procession that was organised by Senhor Jesus do Bonfim Confraternity and that took place to celebrate the 300 th anniversary of the opening of the Senhor Jesus do Bonfim Church. Considering the cultural interest of this church we also supported the publication of a short book, authored by Isilda Garraio, focusing on the historical and artistic framework at European and local level, to understand the reason for this construction, in the reformist context of the 16 th century. Federation of philharmonic bands of the Portalegre district, OSAA Alto Alentejo Wind Orchestra Portalegre, Portugal The Federation of Philharmonic Bands of the District of Portalegre, born in 1999, is an organisation representing all philharmonic bands and some orchestras in the district of Portalegre. The Federation supports its affiliates, essentially, at a technical level and in carrying out training activities and is nationally recognised as the most active and dynamic, priding itself on carrying out innovative projects. In line with our goal of local attunement, in 2023 we contributed to financially supporting OSAA – Alto Alentejo Wind Orchestra project to help cover their travel expenses. This Orchestra began as a group created for the most experienced musicians of their affiliates to enjoy music together. It is composed of a group of more than 50 of the best musicians in the Portalegre district.
We believe that the promotion of universal values, such as respect for human rights and dignity, equality and fairness, justice, freedom, kindness and empathy, integrity, honesty, and acceptance of diversity, solidarity and cooperation are key to build a sustainable and prosperous society. We also believe that the promotion of sports activities and the support of cultural heritage initiatives contribute to this goal in significant ways. For this reason, during 2023 we supported the following activities:
The handball and the athletic club Portalegre, Portugal
We supported various youth sports club in Portalegre, Portugal, where our biggest industrial site is located. Our general support to these clubs, aims at recognising the importance of developing healthy habits and social skills such as teamwork, resilience, perseverance, discipline, leadership, and respect. Positive experiences that sports bring, play an important role in a young person’s life. Playing sports is linked to better academic results, as determination and goal-setting skills a sport requires can be transferred to the classroom. The Handball club is formed by 90 athletes, both female and male, and the Athletic Club is constituted by 33 young and adult athletes. Our general support to these sports clubs aims at contributing to their sustainability and recognising the importance of sports. Fighting for a common goal with a group of players and coaches teaches you how to build teamwork and effectively communicate to solve problems. This experience is helpful when encountering problems at work or at home. Moreover, sports help develop self-confidence, as well as being a natural way of releasing pressure and letting go of stress, a common problem to the young generation.
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