King's Business - 1935-07

July, 1935


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

lived fifty years without the Lord. She had twenty years o f perfectly happy married life, as happy as it could be between two persons who did not know the Lord. They were selfishly happy in each other. One night the husband had a heart attack. He was taken from her. She had no children, and everything was gone with him. She wakened the next morning wondering how she would ever live through that day and wishing she could.die. When I met her, she had lived two years this way. She was a truly prepared soul, one who was ready to hear about the Lord. She opened her heart to the Lord Jesus Christ and became

and who are taking the whole of the first Tuesday o f the month, or some part o f it, for prayer for quickening in Europe. Readers o f the K ing ’ s B usiness who wish to receive the bulletin may send their names to F. Jean Holt, M. D., 607 South Hill Street, Los Angeles, Calif. P ersonal B ible S tudy and R evival The next thing the Lord laid Upon our hearts was the need for the real study o f the Word' o f God, if revival was to be expected. One time in prayer the' thought came that we should have Bible conferences. Miss Davis and I went to Holland to present this matter to the friends already interested in the revival movement.. A t first the Dutch friends said that it could not be done — that we could not get the people to come just to study the Bible, that it could not be financed, and that We could not get a preacher in all Holland who would teach the Bible by showing men and women how to study it for themselves. But at the end o f our day of prayer and counsel together, it was decided that we Would have two Bible conferences. Many people came. The meetings were financed by free­ will offerings, and the people were brought to the study of the Word— not talking about it, but studying it. Miss Davis had a class in the Epistle to the Hebrews. She electrified her class by saying, “ Now,¿for tomorrow, you will please read through the whole of the Epistle to the Hebrews.” One o f the pastors said, “ Why, Miss Davis, that can’t be done. I have never in my life read a book o f the Bible through at one time. It can’t be done.” She said, “ Let us see.”

Toledo, Spain

radiantly happy, having been married to the risen Christ. She began to study, and when she was only five months old as a Christian, she began teaching the Gospel o f John and has been winning people to Christ through it. She is now teaching Romans. Would you dare to teach it? How does she dare ? She told me the reason in a letter in which she wrote: “ Miss Paxson, last spring I began to study it ; last summer I experienced it ; now I’m teaching it.” That is what we are trying to do over in Europe— to get men and women to study the Word, then to experience it, and then to teach it. This will bring revival. It will bring it in our country, too. It is the only way it can come. In making possible this experience o f God’s truth, there are three factors in the revival movement in Europe: the giving o f the message of full salvation in Christ through the fullness o f the Holy Spirit; the prayer revival confer­ ences to bring this burden o f prayer upon the hearts of God’s people; and the Bible conferences to equip God’s people for this task. love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose. He will never permit anything, therefore, not even war with all its terrible aspects, to cheat him o f his crown o f glory. In the third place, the Christian will never permit war to change his loyalty to God’s standards o f right and wrong. God’s law will still be God’s law to the Christian. The foul depths of immorality into which men and women sink .through the exigencies of war will be utterly avoided by the Christian who will refuse to have a banner stained in any way with dishonor. Finally, the Christian’s attitude toward war will be governed entirely by his orders from on high. He will wait upon the Lord to ask Him what his place is to be in the conflict. He will refuse to take a place assigned to him merely by man. He will be unafraid to take any place as­ signed to him by God.— P aul P richard . THE ATT ITUDE OF THE CHRISTIAN TOW AR D W A R [Continued from page 243]

Courtesy Atchison Topeka & Santa Fe Ry.

Bridge in Brussels, Belgium

They found it could be done! The next day, the teacher said, “ For tomorrow’s lesson, will you please read through the Epistle to the Hebrews again; After that, read again the first five chapters as many times as you can, and commit to memory the first four verses.” Then she gave just a few questions to lead them out in thought; that they might have the joy o f finding truth for themselves. Do you know what happened? The members o f that class came face to face with their great High Priest. He was their High Priest, and they found Him by studying the Word themselves. I have a letter from a woman who said, “ Oh, I didn’t know I had such a great High Priest.” That woman has read the Epistle to the Hebrews ninety times and is teaching it to two classes. This is what we are trying to do in Europe— bring people face to face with the Christ of the Word. This is what will bring revival. E mpowered and E quipped to T each the G ospel What we are longing to do is illustrated in one life of which I will tell you in closing. We met a woman who had

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