V M M E B I B L E C O N F E R E N C E Pacific Palisades A s s em b l y Ground s N e a r Santa Monica, Calif., Aug . 10 to Sept . 2, 1935 August 10 to 16—Life Problems August 17 to 23—Prophecy August 24 to September 2—Young People
H. C. Thiessen
John E. Brown
The Bible Institute of Los Angeles is fortunate in securing the services, of strong Bible teachers during the period of its Summer Bible Con ference. The following is a partial list of expected speakers. Henry C. Thiessen, Associate Professor of Bible and Philosophy at Wheaton College, Wheaton, ife will speak on "The Living Messages of the Books of the Bible." John E. Brown, evangelist and founder of the John Brown Schools, Siloam Springs, ArL, will bring evangelistic messages daily in the closing days of the conference. E. L. McCreery, Vice-President and Dean of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, will furnish exegetical studies from the First Epistle of John. John A. Hubbard, member of the faculty of the Bible Institute, will teach the book of Romans. ‘ Other speakers include Louis T. Talbot, pastor of the Church of the
Open Door and Président of the Bible Institute, Robert L. Evans, pastor of the Lincoln Avenue Presbyterian Church, Pasadena, Calif., Roy L. Laurin, pastor of the Union Church, San Gabriel, Calif. The daily program will be strong and varied. Ample time will be allowed for recreation— hiking, boating, golf, tennis, and sea bathing. The Conference Grounds are a short distance from the ocean, and twenty-one miles from Los Angeles. A C C O M M O D A T IO N S Cabins,, casitas, and tent houses offer comfortable housing. For a family of two, a ten-day vacation in one of the floored tents, including light, water, gas, blankets, linen, and housekeeping equipment, requires an outlay of only $1 1.50. Information regarding accommodations and program will gladly be sent upon request.
BIBLE INSTITUTE ofLOS ANGELES 558 South Hope Street Los Angeles, California
PROFITABLE Summer Reading ■ 1 f l THINGS NEW AND OLD By DR. C. I. SCOFIELD Spe c i a l Pr ice $ J O O LOW EST PRICE EVER OFFERED! SCOFIELD Reference BIBLE $ C J 0 0 The Golden Book o f Faith Compiled By T. C. CLARK Splendid c o lle c tio n of poems. Practical variety.
GL IMPSES O F I N D I A N A M E R IC A W. F. JORDAN 200 Pages T H E BIBLE A N D BU S INESS By UMPHREY LEE Fresh inieresi is gained in the Bible. Special $1 00 Valuable studies, Lectures and addresses by this noted author. 323 pages. India Paper— Pocket size. Weighs only 16 ounces. Easy to read. A U N T M A R I A N ’S PARABLE S By MRS. S. H. LEHMAN A collection of sto rie s that teach wonderful les sons as well as entertain. Sure cure for the restless, fidgety boys $ " | 5 0 and girls. Special J L T h e Three Half-Moons Biola Book Room 560 South Hope St., Los Angeles, Calif. HEADQUARTERS FUNDAMENTAL LITERATURE Blue Flames The Nest o f Spears By F. W. BOREHAM Special! Each . . . . I a*"« Q Q
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