July, 1935
Barnabas was a good man. But what made him good? He was full o f the Holy Ghost. And if you ask how we may be filled with the Holy Ghost, the answer is in the word “ faith.” Modern religion tries to grow the Christian life upside down, striving to produce goodness without faith. If you want to produce flowers, you must start with flower seed. Exhorting people to be good, without first getting them to believe, is like trying to grow flowers without planting flower seed. The dullest farmer in the world would, know better. 2. Barnabas ’ was originally from Cy prus (Acts 4:36). I have wondered often whether it was this fact, when Paul and Barnabas set out on the first missionary journey from Antioch, that led them to make their first intensive missionary ef fort in Cyprus (Acts 13:4). If so, the story shows that Barnabas was deeply in terested in the salvation o f his neighbors and country, which is one o f the marks of those who are really saved. 3. Barnabas was a man who evidently could be trusted in financial matters. We first meet him as he sells a field and brings the price o f it to the apostles, .holding nothing back as did Ananias (Acts 4:37). When it was prophesied that a great fa mine was coming, and the Antioch Chris tians decided to send relief to Jerusalem, this man Barnabas was chosen with Paul to carry the money (Acts 11:30). When men are “ full o f the Holy Ghost,” you can trust them with money. The first deacons, who handled relief funds for the poor widows, were filled with the Holy Ghost (Acts 6). Banks would be a safer place for money if all employees and officers were men “ full of the Holy Ghost.” ' Golden Text Illustration A few years ago.it was announced that General Booth, o f the Salvation Army, was losing his sight, and that his days of usefulness were over. After many weeks’ seclusion, this Christian hero o f four score years appeared, having had one eye removed and possessing only imperfect vision with the other. To an audience of over 4,000 in London, he spoke for an hour and a half. “I want to do more for humanity,” he said, “and I want to do a great deal more for Jesus. There are thousands o f poor, wretched, suffering, and sinning people crying out to us for help, and I want to do for them.” Verily this is the true spirit of the soldier of Christ.— The Congregationalist, in 1,001 Illustrations for Pulpit and Platform. by Webb. Barnabas’ Love Gift A cts 4:31-37; 9:26, 27; 11:19-30 Memory Verse: “Freely ye have re ceived, freely give” (Matt. 10:8). Approach: You remember that before the Lord Jesus left this earth and went back to heaven to live, He promised His.
day. One o f the believers at Jerusalem was a man named Barnabas. Lesson Story: Barnabas wanted to do something to show his love fo r Jesus. Many were bringing gifts to the disciples to be shared with poorer Christians, and Barnabas wondered what he could bring. He had a piece of land. He thought about it. He would sell the land and bring the money to the disciples. That was a big gift for him to make, and maybe it left him yery poor, though the Bible doesn’t say. But the Bible does go on to tell what great work Barnabas did for Jesus. He and Paul went on missionary journeys to gether. Barnabas began his Christian life by giv ing, and all through the story of his life it was the same. He gave gifts to God, but, best of all, he gave himself. This is the gift which each one of us has to give to God. It is the gift which God likes best to have us give to Him.
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Objects: Two quart milk bottles, two hard-boiled eggs, a pitcher o f hot water, and a pitcher of salt water sufficiently strong to float kn egg, and a pan. (Remove the shell from each egg, and blacken one with ink. Rinse each bottle with hot wa ter and immediately place an egg over the mouth o f the bottle. The suction will draw the egg into the bottle.) Lesson: Boys and girls are very much like these two bottles. We will let the eggs inside the bottles remind us o f the heart. One is black, and the other is white. Peo ple are either generous or selfish, depend ing upon the condition of the heart. If their hearts are clean, they will be gener ous ; but if their hearts are black, they will be selfish. Both of these bottles are receiving something. (Pour into both at the same time, and the audience will not wonder why both bottles are not filled from the same pitcher. Fill the bottle which has the clean egg with salt water.) You will notice that the black egg goes to the bottom, seeming not to appreciate that which it has received. The sinful heart is always wanting something differ ent. The clean egg rises to the top, as if grateful for every drop of water. These two are different when it comes to giving. The one with the black heart gives very little. (Hold the hand over the mouth o f the bottle, as you turn it upside down, until the egg falls into the neck o f the bottle.) The one which has a clean heart is dif ferent. (Turn this bottle upside down while the hand is over the mouth, and al low the water to run slowly past the hand into the pan.) See how freely it gives. (D o not allow too much to run out, as the egg would close the opening before, the bottle was entirely emptied, spoiling" the lesson.) God is pleased when H is children give, for He has said: “Freely ye have received, freely give.”
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disciples a Comfor ter, the Holy Spirit, who would come to help them when they w e n t about telling people of their Sav iour. You remember how t h e disciples were together in one place on the day w h e n t h i s n e w Friend w a s s e n t , and how they stood
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up fearlessly and preached to all o f the people about the Lord Jesus. Many peo ple came to know about Christ on that
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