King's Business - 1935-07


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

July, 1935


Christ taught a lesson in the need o f steadfastness. As the farmer patiently measures his field, furrow by furrow until the whole area is prepared for the seed, so must the follower of the Lord Jesus Christ be faithful in season and out o f season, if he is to be worthy o f the name he bears. In the parable o f the pounds, the servant who was found faithful was given author­ ity over ten cities (Lk. 19:17). In the book o f Revelation, reward is promised to those who are “ faithful unto death.” Such pas­ sages as Galatians 6 :9 ; 1 Peter 1:13; and Revelation 3:11 refer to other promised blessings that await the one who will con­ tinue steadfastly to the end. The second passage in our lesson, James 1 :5-8, indicates the need for perseverance in prayer. W e to “ask in faith, nothing wavering.” The answers to many prayers are not realized because .the petitioners have turned away in discouragement or unbelief. Having begun—whether it be in a walk o f faith with Christ through life, or whether it be an exercise of hope through prayer, we are to continue undeterred, and the reward of the Lord will be ours.

years ago that I was converted.” The gentleman showed considerable interest, and asked for particulars. On hearing the younger man’s story about the tract, ' the gentleman said, “I am the one who gave you the tract. For years I ceaselessly dis­ tributed tracts, but I saw so little result from my efforts that years ago I stopped scattering them. But by the grace o f God, I shall start again.”—S elected . II. P ersistence 1. Christopher Columbus, in the evening of a day when he and his companions had failed to sight the land they were seeking, would record the date in his log book. Then below the notation he would add the words : “ Sailed on.” Sometimes the record o f our days is very similar. W e achieve nothing notable, but it is well with us if, having set sail for the heavenly kingdom, we just keep sailing on (1 Cor. 15:58). —'P ickering . 2 . Learn a lesson from the postage stamp. Its virtue consists in sticking to its job till it gets there.-—S elected . III. S teadfastness I. Bible Examples o f Faithful Followers: 1. Joshua (Josh. 24:15). 2. Caleb (Josh. 14:8). 3. Daniel (Dan. 1 :8; 6:7-10). 4. Paul (2 Tim. 4:6-8). II. Rewards fo r Faithful Following: 1. Privilege o f service (Matt. 4:19). 2. Fellowship with Christ and honor from the Father (John 12:26). 3. A crown o f life (Rev. 2:10). IV. L oving C hrist S upremely When writing a paper for the Natural History Society upon the habits of the wild pigeon, Audubon says, “ So absorbed was my whole soul and spirit in the work, that I felt as if I were in the woods o f America among the pigeons, and my ears were filled with the sound o f their rustling wings.” W e who would attain to eminence in the service Of Christ must let the love of souls, in ah equal way, master and engross us. W e should all write, speak, and preach for our Lord Jesus far more powerfully if our love to the Lord were a passion so domi­ nant as to make th'e great realities of eter­ nity vividly real and supremely command­ ing in our minds. —C harles H addon S purgeon . It had an heroic beginning . . .; its busi­ ness affairs have been managed with con­ summate skill and conscientiousness, as the auditors and others who have exam­ ined its books report; and a visible proof of its spiritual potency and fruitfulness was afforded me recently when, at a Thanksgiving dinner of about three hun­ dred of its local converts, I saw bearded old patriarchs who looked like characters out o f the Old Testament, young Jewish women as lovely as Esther, and “mothers in Israel” rejoicing together as they sang Psalms in Hebrew and wept for joyous emotion as they testified of their faith in the Lord Jesús as their “Meshuach.” . . . . Our Lord’s last orders were to preach the gospel to every creature. If we do not obey them, who will ? Work Among Jews B y I rwin H. L inton For over forty-one years, the American Board o f Missions to the Jews (succeeding the Williamsburg Mission to the Jews) has proved that it is neither faithless, ineffi­ cient, nor spiritually sterile.

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Leader’s Helps I. D esiring E ncouragement

A Christian man waS giving away gospel tracts on board a steamer. A gentleman who accepted «one in a gracious way said, “I have not much faith iii that kind of work.” Said the Christian, “ It was through a gospel tract given to me in Glasgow twenty

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cJ2aying ty/lfy T R E A S U R E in H E A V E N Send for leaflet “ The Stewardship Question” (free ). It may help to settle a principle in handling the Lord’s money now in your hands or that you may be entrusted with. Write Field Department BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES 558 South Hope Street Los Angeles, Calif.

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