T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S
July, 1935
" W O R L D F A I R ” GOSPEL SO N G S AN D CHORU SES “New Singable Son g s” 32 — with “ Isn’t it Grand to be a Christian.** Twenty-five cents, postpaid; 25 copies $3.25, not. “New Singable Songs Leaflet” 3 Choruses— Ten eents, postpaid; 25 for $1.25, net. C A M PA IG N C H O RU S BO O KS of the C A LIF O R N IA P A C IF IC IN T E R N A T IO N A L E XPO SIT IO N E V A N G E L IST IC C A M PA IG N May 29th to Nov. 10th - -S a n Diego. California Published by: H A R O L D A L E X A N D E R Exposition Campaign Song Director K— BO X 321— STA. C -:- LOS A N G ELES, C A LIF.
Victorious Life Conference Dr. Charles G. Trumbull, editor o f the Sunday School Times, will spend several weeks on the Pacific Coast. From July 7 to 14, he will be in Pasadena, Calif., speak ing at a Victorious Life Conference in the Lake Avenue Congregational Church; and from August 25 to September 1 a con ference of similar character will be held in the Hamilton Square Baptist Church, San Francisco, Calif. Between these periods, he will be heard at Mount Hermon Bible Conference, near Santa Cruz, Calif. A Boardwalk Bible Conference Atlantic City, with an inflow and out flow of hundreds of thousands of tourists every week, presents a strategic opportun ity for Christian work. Through God’s gracious provision, two nine-day interde nominational Bible conferences will be held in Atlantic -City this summer, in one of the Boardwalk’s largest and finest ho tels, the Chalfonte-Haddon on North Carolina Avenue. Besides providing ac commodations for individual guests at moderate rates, the hotel management has offered to the conference committee the use of any one of a dozen delightful rooms for public gatherings. The dates of the meetings are July 20 to 28, and August 3 to 11. Expected speak ers include L. Sale-Harrison, Erling C. Olsen, William Allan Dean, George A. Palmer, Albert Hughes, Herbert W . Bie- ber, J. Oliver Buswell, Jr., W. H. Rogers, Isaac Page, and Rowan Pearce. The summer program is a venture of faith. The conferences are being held in cooperation with the American Bible Con ference Association. Further information will be furnished gladly by Clarence E. Mason, Jr., Conference Director, 49 N. Jackson Ave., Atlantic City, N. J. The Heralders With thanksgiving to God, the “Her alders,” a gospel quartet, of which H. G. Rempel, R.F.D. 1, Box 474, Huntington Beach, Calif., is business manager, write of the first month of their northern tour. Led by the Lord to Lompoc, Calif., the group found a prepared field with many souls ready to respond to the ministry of the Word and the testimony in song. C. Har old Chrisman, pastor of the Christian and Missionary Alliance Church in Lompoc, to gether with members o f his church, as sisted the group in many ways. In nearly three weeks of services in towns of the Lompoc Valley, more than forty young people definitely accepted Christ as their Saviour. From Lompoc, the men turned northward, to render similar service as the Lord leads, and to witness especially to men in the C. C. C. camps.
Evangelists at Work Harold Alexander—May 29 to Novem ber 11, Exposition Evangelistic Campaign, First Baptist Church, San Diego, Calif. Harry O. Anderson—July, New York; October, North Hollywood, Calif. Ad dress: 717 W . San Marino, Alhambra, Qtlif. Leonard J. Eilers—July 2 to 21, Paso Robles, Calif. July 23-28, First Baptist Church, San Diego, Calif. Address: 124 N. Florence, Burbank, Calif. Everett C. and Mrs. Mills—June and July, Los Angeles, Calif. Address: Rock ford, Ohio. W . E. Pietsch—July 7 to 21, Atlanta, Ga.; July 22 to 31, Sparta, Ga.; Aug. 1 to 24, Chicago, 111.; Aug. 25 to Sept. 1, Cicero, III. Address: 1600 W . 65th Place, Los An geles, Calif. Harry W . Vom Bruch—July, Hermosa Beach, Calif.; August, Winona Lake, Ind. Address: 3001 E. 2nd St., Long :Beach, Calif. Walter Lewis Wilson, M. D.—July 27 to Aug. 3, Gull Lake, Mich.; Aug. 4 to 18, Detroit, M ich.; Aug. 20 to 25, Camp Grounds near Cuba, 111. Address: 3524 Wyandotte St., Kansas City, Mo. Summer Bible Conferences Greenwood Hills, Pa. July 21 to' Aug. 4. Greenwood Hills Conference, held under the auspices o f the Philadelphia School o f the Bible. Speakers include: Wilbur M. Smith, E. J; Pace, William Culbertson, Roy E. Grace, and Carey S. Thomas. Long Beach, Calif. July 12 to 21. Breth ren Conference, held in First Brethren Church, 5th and Cherry Streets. Speakers : Louis S. Bauman, Pastor; William Evans, Kenneth M. Monroe, and others. Mount Hermon, Calif. June 22 to Aug. 26. Federate School of Missions (June 29 to July 6), Young People’s Conference (July 14 to 21), California C. E. Officers Training Conference (Aug. 1 to 8), Minis ters’ Week (Aug. 4 to 11), Prophetic Conference (Aug. 11 to 16), Christian and Missionary Alliance Conference (Aug. 16 to 26). During Ministers’ Week and the Prophetic Conference, Dr. Charles G. Trumbull, editor of th e. Sunday School Times, will speak. Pacific Palisades, Calif. Aug. 10 to Sept. 2. Bible Institute of Los Angeles Summer Conference. Voorheesville, N. Y. June 15 to Aug. 26. Camp Pinnacle Conference (Young W o men’s Bible Training Movement). Prophetic Conferences Under the auspices o f the Biblical Re search Society, 4417 Bernice St., Los An geles, conferences will be held at the fol lowing centers: Vancouver, B. C., July 1 to 7. Flat Rock, N. C., July 21 to 28. Montrose, Pa., Aug. 12 to 18. Lime Lake, Machias, N. Y., Aug. 16 to 25. Port Huron, Mich., July 14 to 21. At each of these conferences, David L. Cooper, President o f the Biblical Research Society, and others, will speak.
After all, nothing can take the place of the Bible in teaching the Sunday School. Today ministers and Sunday School superintendents are diligently seeking Christ-centered, tfue-to-the-Bible graded lessons, and that means STANDARD Sunday School courses. FREE PROSPECTUS For every department— Nursery, Beginners’, Primary, Junior, Intermediate, Young People’s, Adults’— Standard Courses provide the finest teaching material obtainable and create a pro found interest in the work of the Sunday School. Send for your copy of the free prospectus, tell ing us the department in which you are interested. Don’t deprive your Sunday School of the ad vantages which Standard Lessons bring to your work. Address Dept. K.B. 7 THE STANDARD PUBLISHING CO. 8TH S CUTTER STS. . . • . ( . ’ CIN CINNATI, O H I O “ ROUND UP FOR GOD ” LEONARD EILERS Now Riding the Range for God. Young Man — Old Message -r- Unique W ay In His work at your service. Arrange now for a special meeting. 124 North Florence :: Burbank, California THE ABUNDANT LIFE A 16-Page Leaflet Message By JAMES H. McCONKEY “ Every Soul that knows the Spirit's abounding life is touching other lives zvith power ” Sent Free Postpaid, W rite SILVER PUBLISHING SOCIETY Bessemer Bldg., Dept. K, Pittsburgh, Pa. P I A N I S T S ! A beautiful, artistic piano arrangement of “There’s A Wideness In God’s Merey.” Unusual harmonies: striking cadenzas: brilliant variations by Gordon E. Hooker, pub lisher of “Songs of Grace, No. I.’’ Excellent for solo— prelude— voluntary: fingered for teaching. Appeared first in “Sacred Musician” by Robert Harkness. Other sacred piano solos forthcoming. — Price 35e Postpaid- Order From SACRED MUSIC PUBLISHERS Room 902 558 So. Hope St., L ot Angeles, Calif.
Five Elements of Prayer
Adoration (Psa. 95:6). Confession (Psa. 51 :l-4). Petition (Lk. 11:9). Intercession (Eph. 6:18). Thanksgiving (Phil. 4:6).
—S elected .
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