T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S
July, 1935
may say so; He illumines the Lord Jesus Christ for you. When you are busy with thoughts of Christ, o f His glory, and the wonders o f His grace, be sure the Holy Spirit is doing the work He came to d o - manifesting Jesus'^p S elected . AUGUST 11 Sanctified “A s ye have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk ye in him’’ (Col. 2:6 ). I go back to the cross of the Lord Jesus Christ, and I recognize that I am sanctified by His blood. Just as by faith I accept my justification, so by faith I can accept my sanctification. . . . I pray that we may, first of all, by faith look up to Him and accept Him who is made unto us sancti fication, and then that we may say: “My spirit, soul, and body, Jesus, I give to Thee, To live, my Lord, by Thee ! Now, Son of God, my Saviour, Live out Thy life in me.” — W . H. A l d is . AUGUST 12 Love’s Alabaster Box “For ye have the poor always with you" (Matt. 26:11). Our blessed Lord, in announcing that the poor would always be with us, offered no comment upon His own statement. He did not indicate the sources of poverty, nor did He outline any proposal as to how it might be reduced, and, finally, banished from the common lot of man. Poverty, like pain, is one of those inscrutable mys teries about which we know extremely little; but we recall the words of Moses in another connection, when he declared that the secret things belong unto the Lord our God, but that the revealed things are ours and our children’s forever. We may not be able to explain the mystery of poverty . . . but our immediate task is to break love’s alabaster box, and thus anoint the Saviour’s head through healing and soothing the wounded hearts o f those He died to save.— Life o f Faith. AUGUST 13 Heaven’s Perfect Melody . “ God . . . hath at the end o f these days spoken unto us in his Son”-- (Heb. 1:1, 2, R. V .). One o f our poets tells how a great musician wandered from place to place ; seeking an organ which would enable him adequately to express the music that was A consecrated off’ring, Thine evermore to be. “ Oh, blissful self-surrender,
AUGUST 7 Occupied with Christ "Jesus Christ himself’ (Eph. 2:20). “Jesus Christ himself” is to occupy all our thoughts this morning. What an ocean opens up before me I Here is sea room for the largest bark! In which direction shall I turn your thoughts? I am embarrassed with riches. I know not where to begin; and when I once begin, where shall I end? Assuredly we need not go abroad for joys this morning, for we have a feast at home. The words are few, but the meaning vast— “Jesus Christ himself.” Beloved, the re ligion of our Lord Jesus Christ contains in it nothing so wonderful as Himself. It is a mass of marvels, but He is the miracle o f it; the wonder of wonders is “The Wonderful” Himself. — C h a r l e s H a d d o n S p u r g e o n . "And at midnight Paul and Silas prayed, and sang praises unto God" (Acts 16:25). Keep up the song o f faith, However dark the night; And as you praise, the Lord will work To change your faith to sight. Keep up the song o f faith, And let your heart be strong, For God delights when faith can praise Though dark the night and long. “ And &hen they had prayed, .e. . they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and they spake the word o f God with bold ness’’ (Acts 4:31). Prayer is hard work, but the prayer life must be cultivated, for prayer is the high road to power. Neglect prayer, and you are like a building in which all the neces sary wiring has been done, and the fittings are in place, and the switches are in order, but there is no light, no heat, and no p.ower. Prayer is the connecting point with the source o f power. The natural man with his proud nature, revolts against prayer.. He will try to calm his own conscience by a thousand plausible reasons why he has not cultivated his own soul in a daily intercourse, very intimate and very sacred, with his beloved Saviour. All the excuses and reasons in the world will not connect him with God’s power-house— but prayer will .— L io n e l B . F l e t c h e r . “ The light o f the knowledge of the glory o f God in the face of Jesus Christ” (2 Cor. 4:6). In Edinburgh there stands an old castle, a lovely thing to look at. The city fathers have recently installed flood lighting there. It is a beautiful thing on a dark evening to look away up to the dark night-sky and see against that inky blackness, a wonder ful fairy castle, brilliantly lit, all its linea ments so clear and plain to see. You can not see the lamps; they are hidden. But you can see the castle and every detail of it. The Holy Spirit is just like that, if I AUGUST 8 Keep Up the Song of Faith Keep up the song of faith; The foe will hear and flee. Oh, let not Satan hush your song, For praise is victory. — M a r g a r e t E. B a rb er . AUGUST 9 What Prayer Will Do AUGUST 10 The Work of illumination
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