T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S
July, 1935
in his soul. But all were imperfect. At last he said, “I will build my own organ” ; and this he did, and was able to pour out the perfect harmony that surged within him. So was it with God. He tried patriarch; He tried prophet; He tried priest; but how fragmentary was the result; how broken the melody! There were moments when Abraham, Moses, David, Elijah seemed to thrill in sympathetic passion, only finally to fail, and hinder His purpose with jar ring discord; until at last, He said, “I will send my beloved Son;” Then were heard the never-dying strains of heaven’s perfect harmony.—S elected . AUGUST 14 Study the Book "Study to show thyself approved unto God” (2 Tim. 2:15). It sounds^ foolish to say that if you would have a knowledge o f languages, or chemistry, or astronomy, or medicine, you must study these things; yet there are people, and good people, who imagine they can obtain a knowledge o f the Bible with out studying it. They seem to regard the Bible as a magic Book which they can come to know in some magic way. They turn over to the Spirit the duty o f their own mind, but the Spirit can no more do your mind’s work than your mind can do the Spirit’s work. . . . Your devotion will not suffer by ypur doing a bit o f hard reading and thinking. . . . The Holy Spirit will not put information into our minds, because He has given us minds with which to gather information. —W . G raham S croggie . “ Now no chastening fo r the present seem- eth to be joyous, but grievous', neverthe less, afterward it yieldeth the peaceable fruit o f righteousness unto them which are exercised thereby" (Heb. 12:11). There is an “afterward” to all life’s sorrow. An “afterward” which may hold purest gain; An “afterward”—a glad and golden mor row To leave behind all shadowed sense of pain. There is an “afterward” o f far exceeding measure AUGUST 15 Afterward
Than tedious days o f suffering’s long- drawn length; An “afterward” of fuller, greater treasure; An “afterward” of nobler, surer strength. Then, O my soul, pine not, nor let faith perish, Though deep and sore the chastening now may b e ; Not punishment! This sweeter thought, oh cherish— God’s chastening is but now enriching thee! ¡f.'jf-J. D anson S mith . AUGUST 16 A Matter of Commitment “H e that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life” (John 5:24). We deserved judgment and condemna tion. These were the natural consequences o f our course in sin. But these are passed forever, as far as we are concerned, if we believe on the Lord Jesus Christ as the One by whom God has delivered His final word to mankind. From the moment we are in Christ by faith, all the gracious ben efits resulting to the believing sinner from Christ’s death and resurrection are ours. Committal to the Lord Jesus Christ is a personal transaction. A young woman be comes a bride by committing herself to her bridegroom. . . . Similarly, a soul be comes a new creation and the possessor o f eternal life, having the assurance of ex emption from the sinner’s judgment by committal to the Lord Jesus Christ. —N eil M c L achlan . AUGUST 17 A New Life “ Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature” (2 Cor. 5:17). The frog was once a little tadpole, liv ing in tbe slime and filth of the muddy pond, a fish breathing through its gills in stead of through its lungs. But a day comes when God gives to it a new heart, and immediately small members appear, the tail disappears, the old life is forsaken, and it becomes a new creature, an animal now and no longer a fish. It breathes air, feeds on clean food, and lives in a beauti ful grassy home, having received a new name, a new nature, and had a new song put into its mouth. I cannot see a frog without being reminded of the stages from the natural^ man to the spiritual, and then to the rejoicing Christian. —B ishop T aylor S mith . AUGUST 18 Peculiarities May Reflect Glory “My grace is sufficient for thee” (2 Cor. 1 2 : 9 ) . ; ': The Christian life is . . . intended to be a continued progress. We are to be con tinuously receiving, always •recognizing that in ourselves, that is, in our flesh, there dwells “no good thing,” but always, on the other hand, recognizing that what we can not do, Christ can. You say, “My disposi tion is a very peculiar one.” Yes, it is, but the Lord made that disposition and the Lord made it to show forth His glory, and in the very peculiarity o f your disposition He can show forth an aspect o f His glory which can be shown forth through nobody else. You say, “My circumstances are very much against me.”, . . . Yes, but in so far as those circumstances are of God, remem-
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