King's Business - 1935-07



July, 1935

AUGUST 22 Helping “Instant in season, out o f season” (2 Tim. 4:2). I would be helping some brother today; Help him to sing as he goes on his way; Help him to pray when the burden is there; Help him to trust in God’s infinite care. I would be telling what Jesus has done; Tell o f the wonderful love of God’s S on ; Tell o f His mercy forgiving our sin; Tell o f His blood, and of cleansing within. I would be doing, from morning till night; Finding His service my joy and delight; Doing His will when the last shadows fall; Waking at dawning to answer His call.; B -HnwAnn T. N. U ssher . AUGUST 23 Mirrors “Beholding . . . in a glass” (Jas. 1 :23). There are two mirrors which the Apos­ tle James speaks about. There is the ordi­ nary looking-glass, in which we see our­ selves as we are. There is nothing in this vision to give any inspiration. It leaves us where we were, and we straightway for­ get. But there is another mirror in which we see ourselves as we ought to be, and as we are going to be,- and as God purposes that we shall be. This sight furnishes con­ tinual inspiration, desire, resolve. We want to run, to fight the good fight of faith, “till we all of us arrive at oneness of faith, and in the knowledge of the Son o f God, and at mature manhood and the stature of full- grown men in Christ” (Eph. 4:13, Wey­ mouth Trans.). Let us remember that none of the things which go to make a perfect man are be­ yond our reach.— F. W. A inley .

ber that they are designed to show what He can do in them.—J. R ussell H owden . How oft within the trivial round So many trying things are found! But Christ can rtlake all grace abound, For all the unexpected. —F.B. AUGUST 19 Depth of Insight ‘‘The eyes of his glory” (Isa. 3:8). In the text before us, “the eyes of his glory” stand for “His glorious eyes.” . . . His glorious eyes can see beneath the sur­ face, and can observe the heart’s desire. Much of the best that is in our hearts never finds outward expression. What poets we should be were We able to put in words what we sometimes think and feel! What mighty men and women of God some of us would prove if all that we wished and hoped and yearned could be externally realized! . . . But the text should bring untold comfort to all who mourn such discrepancy. God sees what is be­ neath the appearance. David was not able to build the temple, but God said to him, “Thou didst well that it was in thine heart." Not what we produced, but what we pur­ posed, will be the standard of His judg- m entJlj. F. T rav I ner . AUGUST 20 Preaching That Yields Permanent Results “H e that goeth forth and weepeth, bear­ ing precious seed, shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him” (Psa. 126:6). What is the message which is being de­ livered on the occasion of the so-called Revival? I f it be the gospel o f the grace o f God, as clearly laid down in the New Testament; if the cross is uplifted as the sinner’s only hope; if the Spirit’s work is honored and taught; in short, if the truth as it is in Jesus is fully and affectionately proclaimed, permanent results are as cer­ tain as God reigns and His Word is true; Feelings may be more or less; audiences may be larger or smaller; but the results o f the work are certain: “He that goeth forth and weepeth [in sympathy with the Master who had compassion on the multi­ tudes], bearing precious seed, shall doubt­ less come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him .”— W illiam O lney . AUGUST 21 A Hint to the Wakeful “He giveth his beloved sleep” (Psa. 127:2). Those who have studied the phenome­ non of sleep tell us that sleep Occurs some time after the mind has steadily excluded one after another o f the crowd of thoughts that normally attract our attention, and is occupied with one only. They tell us that, if we would seek early sleep, we must exclude the multitudinous things that pre­ vent our repose, and fix our minds on one thing only. . . . Now what object should occupy a Christian’s thought as he com­ poses himself for sleep? Certainly not his trials and afflictions ! . . . Let the servant of the Lord turn his last thoughts to God. Let him say : “Return unto thy rest, O my soul ; for the Lord hath dealt bountifully with thee.” Instead of counting sheep, let him count his blessings one by one........ From contemplating the gifts, let his thoughts turn to their Giver, saying, “My soul waiteth upon God : from him cometh my salvation.”—W . S. H ooton .

CHRISTIAN REST HOME New, modern, reasonable. Pleasant sit­ uation, good climate. Mrs. Carnapas, Prescott, Arizona.

Four Great Prophetic Summer B ib le C on fe ren c e s Montrose, P a .; Vancouver, B .C .; Flat Rock, N .C .; and Lime Lake, N .Y . Dr. B. B. Sutcliffe, Dr. David L. Cooper, Rev. W . H . Cauble, Rev. A . Evan M. Danks, Rev. M. B. Lindberg, Rev. W . H. Pike, Rev. Merrill 1. MacPherson, and Rev. Stillman W . Martin are some of the teachers. A spiritual feast awaits those who a t­ tend. For information, write to . . . BIBLICAL RESEARCH SOCIETY 4417 Bernice Street, Los Angeles, Calif.

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