July, 1935
T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S
AUGUST 28 Not Ours "The battle is the Lord’s" (1 Sam. 17:47). The battle is the Lord’s ! If you can get that realization into your heads and hearts, there is no need for any further sermon. It is the secret o f the overcoming life, the victorious life, the holy life, the happy life, the helpful life. The battle is the Lord’s I . . . Drop your wrestling, my dear people, and exercise your faith—that sweet, child like, resting faith. The battle is the Lord’s S-that is what we are here to know and prove, and then to go and tell throughout the whole of life.—B ishop T aylor S mith . AUGUST 29 Precious Faith “Like precious faith" (2 Pet. 1:1). Faith is indeed “precious” when it is centered in Him whose faithfulness can never be called in question. W e are called upon to put our trust in a living, loving Lord. . . . W e rest in the certainty o f His unfailing watchfulness oyer us and His care for us, in the assurance that He will guide and keep us to the end, and in the prospect o f His second coming . . . . We have a faith that enables us to triumph over sin and Satan, over sorrow and suf fering, over death arid the grave, and to “rejoice with; joy unspeakable.” Such a faith may well be designated “precious.” —F. J. H orsefield . AUGUST 30 Shut In “I therefore, the prisoner o f the Lord" (Eph. 4:1). Shut in ; a prisoner; Within four walls confined; Counting the weary hours O f days and nights combined. Shut in ;>.in idleness ; No duties to fulfill; Served,, but not serving now ; My service to lie still. And is there nought beside? Ah, yes, thrice-blessed word; Shut in to Jesus Christ, “A prisoner in the Lord.” Shut in? Yes, all shut in, Whatever ill betide; Shut in to Christ, my L ord; And oh, so satisfied! —H enry W eston F rost . AUGUST 31 Knowledge That Transforms “ Then shall we know, if we follow on to know the Lord" (Hos. 6:3). There is a difference between the knowl edge o f God and all other knowledge. . . . We may know how far the sun is from us,; and yet be neither warmer nor colder than our neighbor who does not know. There is much knowledge that only puffeth up. But the more we know God, the more fully are we changed. When we know that God loves us, we love. When we know that He is holy, we seek to be holy. When we know that His Word shall not return to Him void, but shall accomplish that which God pleases, we run to proclaim it in every part o f the world. . . . In this knowledge let us be rooted and grounded. Then shall no experience ever turn our minds from the knowledge of God’s grace and love. —F. W . A inley .
AUGUST 24 The Test of Wisdom “H e that winneth souls is wise" (Prov. 11:30). So stands the English rendering in the 1611 version. But a significant change in phrasing is found in the Revised Version— a change that more accurately expresses the meaning of the inspired utterance: “He that is wise winneth souls.” In the one case, winning is a sign of wisdom. In the other, it is wisdom’s essential test and full mani festation. It means hot merely “may,” but “must” Our greatest danger today is that we may lose the “passion for souls ” Pray that, by communion with the risen and liv ing Lord, the passion may never die. —C arey B onner . AUGUST 25 My Time “My times are in thy hand” (Psa. 31:15). The plural implies the singular: “My time is in Thy hand. It belongs to Thee; Thou alone hast a right to command it. I yield it wholly and gladly to Thy disposal.” What mighty power time can exert if wholly given up to G od! . . . What like ness to His image, and what power in His service for blessing to men! . . . Oh, my brother who complainest that overwork, or too much zeal in doing the work, is hinder ing thy spiritual efficiency, do you not see that if you would but submit your time table to the inspection of Christ and His Holy Spirit, you would find that a new life would be yotirs if you fully believed and put into daily practice the w ord: “My time is in Thy hand” ?—A ndrew M urray . AUGUST 26 Unchanging Love “ I have loved thee with an everlasting love" (Jer. 31:3). Pressure, pain, persecution, and provo cation o f all sorts may patiently be born if only we are loved. Poor, poor indeed, however, are all the loves of earth com pared to the all-mastering love that Christ has for His own. It is true that the warm est affections of earth may wane. The closest companionships may grow cold. The securest of earth’s unions may be sev ered. . . . But His is an everlasting love. He changeth not. Earthly friends may fail and leave us, One day soothe, the next day grieve us, But this Friend will ne’er deceive us, Oh, how He loves 1 —B. M c C all B arbour . “Make haste, my beloved" (Cant. 8:14). In the Song of Songs, so precious to the heart of the believer, seeing that its aim is to exalt the Bridegroom in relation to His Bride, we have the concluding cry : “Make haste, my beloved” . ; . . Are we crying: “Make haste, Lord Jesus” ? Let there be more haste on our part in doing His busi ness, and then we shall bring back the King. . . . It is possible for us to hasten the coming of the Lord. If it be true that the Saviour will not appear until the last living stone has been added to the spiritual temple He is building, then can we not by earnest consecration and Spirit-inspired evangelism, hasten the completion o f that church which the Lord is to receive unto Himself?-—H erbert L ockyer . AUGUST 27 Hastening Christ’s Appearing
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