King's Business - 1935-07

July. 1935

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


remained only a half hour in which to con­ fer. But that brief period was enough for the establishment of the work. We had often prayed earnestly for this port, but had had no funds to go ahead. (W e arrived home with seventy-five cents left o f the money provided for the world trip!) Shortly after our reaching Cali­ fornia, however, the Lord supplied funds which enabled us to take advantage o f the special low price offered in Havana on Gospels (3 for lc ) ; then He raised up colporteurs who have been giving their services free of charge. As a result o f this gracious provision, thousands are receiv­ ing the gospel in print in their own tongue. The first 10,000 copies o f' God’s Word Were distributed among the seamen, fisher­ men, and crews o f small coastal ships in the ports o f Havana, Antilla, Mariel, Regia, Santiago de Cuba, Cienfuegos and Baracoa, Cuba. Then the second lot of 10,000 went to seven ports of Porto R ico; then a like amount to the Dominican Re­ public, and later to the harbors o f Haiti. The Virgin Islands and Martinique are next in line, with funds on hand to meet these needs. As in a number of the other fields vis­ ited, the Lord’s purpose in guiding during the stop at Havana was not shown fully until later. Nor is all the fruit visible as yet, but we are looking to Him to bless His own Word for the glory of His Son. Meanwhile, it is a cause for abundant thanksgiving that forward steps in many regions have been made possible. During the six months’ trip around the world in the quest for expansion and new stations, God so signally blessed that seventeen new ports were opened up to the gospel. Was it worth while? WAR! WAE! W A K ! Summer Offer on Prophetic Books T H E C O M IN G W O R L D W A R By W. D. H errstrom ._ A study of the inev­ itable Armageddon, showing the Purpose, Pro­ portions and Preparations for a war involving 200,000,000 soldiers. Do you know? Price, 25 cents. T R E N D S T O W A R D C H A O S By A rthur P. S engpiehl , B.D. Staggering and alarming evidences showing Trends of Crime, Immorality, Divorce, Modernism, Communism and War are graphically set forth in this book. Every American should read it. Price, 25 cents. N E A R IN G A R M A G E D D O N By A rthur I. B rown , M.D. Taken from “ Unveiling the Future” and is as Dr. Trumbull says, “ Convincing and terrifying” but for the Rapture. Do you know what awful weapons the nations have today? Read this book. Price, 15 cents. T H E C O M IN G D I C T A T O R By -W. E. B iederwolf , D.D. Why all these Dictators, War clouds^ and “ Distress of nations with perplexity” ? Whither bound America? This is a startling message by a great leader. Price, 25 cents. L IG H T O N T H E H ILLS By D r . A rthur I. B rown . An amazing and recent book showing signs of the times, with stud­ ies of Germany, Russia, Leagues of Nations, Mus­ solini, Palestine, the Jews, and great preparations for ARMAGEDDON. Very Wonderful! Price, 50 cents. All five books valued at $1.40, only £ 1 . 0 0 , until Sept. 15, 1935. Postage on all only 10 cents. F u n d am e n ta l T r u t h Publishers FINDLAY, OHIO

c Around the World w ith the Gospel [Continued, from page 247]

to be approached in one short afternoon. Previously, permits to board these vessels for gospel work and tract distribution had been refused our brother who labors in that field. The. day was extremely hot, the obstacles many, and the doors seemed closed. The French line objected on the ground that its vessels carried Catholic pilgrims, and the Mohammedan line was obdurate. Yet all five passes were event­ ually granted, miracles of the grace of our God I From Colombo a thirty-five mile ride brought us to the home of other for­ mer Bible Institute students, Mr. and Mrs. James A. Ker, where an evening of fel­ lowship was heartily enjoyed. On the fol­ lowing day, we saw Something of their great field and some of the trophies! ,of grace. From Colombo our way led to Bombay, to the Arabian Sea, and then to the Red Sea, where, in a thrilling meeting on board ship, we were privileged to preach the gospel at just about the spot where the people o f Israel made the crossing on dry land. A midst P ompeii ’ s R uins It was among the ruins of famous Pom­ peii that the beginning o f our work in Brindisi, Italy, was laid. My guide, the wife of an Italian sea captain living in Brindisi, had come to Naples on a visit to her parents. The parents were friends of an Italian professor whom I had met in the United States while crossing San Fran­ cisco Bay. As we stood among the ruins -of the ancient city of Pompeii, buried for 1,700 years, God gave a burden for the need in the port o f Brindisi. Later, through our cowprker in Genoa, a brother was found who could assume the responsibility in the new port, and souls have been reached in that field. F rom E uropean P orts to A merica Our journey next led overland through Italy, Switzerland, Germany, Holland, Bel­ gium, and Austria, then back to Genoa.— a month o f inspection o f our various sta­ tions in that part o f the world, visiting our fellow workers and their families, hold­ ing conferences concerning their particular problems, and again seeing God’s boun­ teous hand in supplying needed Gospels in many languages. Marseilles was left be­ hind, and soon the homeward-bound ship passed through the Straits o f Gibraltar, crossed a smooth Atlantic, and was in dock across the river from Lower Man­ hattan. Spending but two days in New York, we boarded the “ President Lincoln” as the last vessel to be used on the world trip (the twelfth ship that God had provided for our use on this journey), and soon we were in port in Havana, Cuba. H avana E xperience It was a sunny Lord’s Day afternoon when our liner arrived in the harbor of Havana. From 3 p . m . o f that day until noon of the next (only twenty-one hours) was the time at our disposal to see God at work in answer to prayer. That Sunday afternoon we spent in getting our bearings in the strange city. The next morning we started out to find the brother in Christ to whom we had written several years pre­ viously. Wlien he had been located, there

Batavia is the gateway to all Java and the world. Our ship stayed in port but one day, and much had to be done in that short time, though there were great difficulties to overcome, and I did not know the lan­ guage. But our God is ever faithful, and again He answered prayer, so that before our ship- sailed, this great port was occupied for Him. We found an open door, a man raised up to carry on the work, and literature supplied. We can never forget the ride through the city in quest of the whereabouts of the man whose address we had, the two-wheeled cart, the native driver speaking the strange language and unable to read the address we held, and yet how the Lord led to the very door o f the home desired! Our way led next to Singapore, and it was indeed a joy to meet with some forty souls there in a church near the harbor, souls that had been won for the Lord in a short time through the faithful Witness of our native evangelist among the fishermen. In addition, two Sunday-schools have grown out o f that work among the people of the water front. Then we went on. to Penang, and from there via the Federated Malay States and Imperial Siamese Rail­ way on a thirty-hour trip through jungles to Bangkok, where our old-time friends, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Siegle (o f the Bible Institute of Los Angeles) met us. During the few days o f fellowship together, we enjoyed going with them to observe their evangelistic and school work for the Lord. Here, too, we saw how our evangelist reaches throngs o f people on the canals and river and in the port. W e also visited a Sunday-school maintained by the evan­ gelist’s wife among those families, and later learned that in the nearby village of Mng some twenty adults were found who had been saved as a result o f our helper’s reaching one Chinese carpenter with the gospel on a ship. From Bangkok we made our way back to the coast, then traveled around the Bay o f Bengal on British liners, stopping at Rangoon in Burma, Calcutta and Madras in India, and at Colombo, Ceylon. O bstacles O vercome In Calcutta, God provided precious fel­ lowship with our evangelist and overseer in the few days spent together. But here we were faced with the problem of contin­ uing down the coast to Colombo. Calcutta had been reached late at night. Being taken to the home of a believer, we found that he had a visitor in the person o f the captain of the “Domala,” the ship on which we had planned to sail I However, we learned that the ship was “sold out,” not a single berth being available, and no other ship sailing to bring us to Ceylon in time to connect with the next steamer reservation, a circumstance which would mean two weeks’ delay in Colombo ! What could be done? Here again the Lord pro­ vided. The fact that we had met the cap­ tain (a true believer) moved the agent to act in our behalf ; and as one man can­ celled a reservation at the last moment, the agent reserved the berth for us. In Colombo, Ceylon, there were fresh manifestations of the grace o f God and of answered prayer. Three British lines, a French one, and a Mohammedan one were

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