King's Business - 1935-07


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

July, 1935


H eading north as it leaves the Bible Institute on June 20, the “ Good News Special” will carry five enthu­ siastic Bible Institute representatives on their journey to fill appointments in churches all along the way from Los Angeles to Vancouver. The big silver-grey bus, purchased by Rev. W . F. Rawlins a few years ago for the purpose of taking the gospel to rural districts in America, is unique— an attraction in any community. Equipped for light house­ keeping, the car has the added advantage o f a rear platform suitable for outdoor meetings. T he P ersonnel The party is composed o f Mr. and Mrs. Rawlins, representing the Institute, and three young men stu­ dents o f the Institute who sing together. For two sum­ mers, during the Century o f Progress in Chicago, Mr. Rawlins had charge o f the open-air activities o f the Chris­ tian Business Men’s Committee. He rendered valuable ser­ vice to the World’s Christian Fundamentals Convention in Columbus, Ohio. Mrs. Rawlins is an accomplished musi­ cian. Besides vocal numbers by the trio, the musical pro­ grams-will include selections on the piano accordion and the Deagan Unifone bells. P opular S tereopticon L ectures The plan is to assist pastors in their summer programs by means o f special music and by stereopticon lectures, pre­ senting the gospel o f the Lord Jesus Christ as the only means of combating the evils which menace our Christian civilization. Actual photographs o f existing conditions in Russia, showing churches demolished, believers exiled, starvation endured, and cannibalism practiced in the land where, officially, God is ruled out, portray the awful results of a system that is rapidly spreading to other countries. The sweep o f godless influences through many o f the colleges and universities o f America is indicated in a series o f strik­ ing photographs which follow the pictures on Russia. It is estimated that at least 150,000

P reaching C hrist It should be clearly understood that it is not to combat communism or atheism, as such, that this gospel quintet goes forth. The group is determined, as Paul was* “ not to know anything among you, save Jesus Christ, and him cru­ cified.” The message is positive, Scriptural. The illustrated messages open the way for the presentation o f salvation truth. The questions on every hand today a re: What o f anti- christian influences in the United States? And what is to be done to hinder their advance ? Wordlessly, these questions are answered— and very conclusively— by stereopticon slides that trace the history o f the Bible Institute o f Los Angeles through more than twenty-five wonderful years o f faithful teaching o f the Word of God. During this period, over 2,000 young men and young women have received a personal working knowl­ edge of the Bible, and have gone out to spread the gospel to the ends of the earth. And this gospel is what the world needs—the only remedy for humanity’s many ills. In Mr. Rawlins’ lecture, the views o f Institute life bring observers into the classrooms, the dining room, the students’ dormi­ tories ; they introduce them to the faculty, to business ex­ ecutives, to members o f the graduating class of 1935; they indicate the fields o f student employment and o f mission­ ary interest. In brief, they depict the practical aspects of Christian training. The quintet has appointments in the following centers: Ventura, Paso Robles, Oakland, Ber­ keley, and San Francisco, Calif.; in Roseburg, O re.; in Seattle, Salem, Portland, Tacoma, Everett, and Centralia, Wash.; and in Vancouver, B. C. Would you not like to have this consecrated group in your church? There are a few open dates in the ten-weeks’ schedule which begins June 20. Why not invite the work­ ers to your community ? The illustrated lectures, the music,: the messengers, and even the bus itself will speak for

Qh rist. And there are no financial stipulations whatever; freewill offer­ ings are all that is asked. The Bible Institute of Los Angeles is depending upon its friends to make known far and wide the coming o f the Good News Special. Will you help? Please write today for information and open dates t o : Bible Institute o f Los Angeles, 558 South Hope Street, Los Angeles, Calif.

people have heard these messages in the last two years. A Christian leader in Pennsylvania writes: . “ Mr. Rawlins delivers a strong message that is Scrip­ tural, sound, and sane. He does not use any extreme pressure in his methods. We have found him and his wife to be consecrated Christian workers with but one object in view and this is ‘souls.’ ”

Above, the central group is composed of Rev. and Mrs. W . F. Rawlins (right) and the gospel trio. In the view at the left, a street meeting is being held, the speaker addressing the crowd from the platform of the bus. At the right is the Good News Special in which the quintet will tour the Pacific Coast this summer.

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