King's Business - 1935-07


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

July, 1935

satisfactorily accounts for every known geological phenomenon. The only logical explanation 6f geology is found in the flood theory. Very rapidly, water deposited the sediment which later formed the stra­ ta; it killed and buried the fossils, and it deposited the plants in the sediment which later formed the coal beds. Read this book, and be convinced. Augsburg Pub. House. 190 pages. Cloth. Price $1.50. After Its Kind: The First and Last Word on Evolution B y B yron C. N elson This book will be appreciated by all who want information presented as a scholar presents it. Yet the style is straightfor­ ward and simple. The so-called proofs of evolution—Classification, Comparative An­ atomy, Embryology, Vestigial' Organs, Geology, and Geographical Distribution— are treated carefully. In each case, evolu­ tion is disproved by showing where the evolutionists have drawn false conclusions from known facts which did not justify such conclusions. The disproof is clear,; forcible, and impressive. The feeble, unscientific, and highly imaginative efforts to “bridge the gap” from the lower creation to man by means of prehistoric man, are laid bare by the use o f Smithsonian Institution reports and others. Nature’s correspondence with what the Bible states is shown to be without va­ riance, and “mutations of chromosomes” are shown to produce no new species, but merely new forms of the same species. Certainly no one with an open mind can read this book without having his faith in the Word o f God strengthened. 217 pages. Augsburg Pub. House. Cloth. Price $1.50. Infiltration, Quotation, Notation, Illustration U sed , by the ' late W . L eon T ucker From Dr. Tucker’s scrapbooks and nota­ tions and from memory, Helen M. Miller has sought to compile material which will be helpful to Christian workers. Within this small book of 80 pages there will be found illustrations and pithy sayings relat­ ing to widely varied subjects. W . Leon Tucker is remembered as an evangelist and Bible teacher, and also as the editor o f the “Wonderful Word” magazine. Following his death in 1934, the magazine ceased to be published, but the remarkable use o f alliteration with which his writing abounded, is seen in the present volume. Although there is no classification as to subject matter, the book will have a useful mission. 80 pages. New York Cen­ tral Bible Conference, Homer, N. Y. Paper. Price 25 cents. ________ In the Steps of the Master B y H. V. M orton Having already delighted a large au­ dience of readers by means o f his descrip­ tive and historical books concerning other countries, the writer now turns his atten­ tion to the Holy Land. The result is a fresh and intimate approach to a familiar subject. The book deals with the land, its history, and the customs of its people; and the author makes no attempt to give his writing a theological bent. Because of this fact, leaders o f widely different religious groups have commended it freely. Never­ theless, the numerous references to the Bib­ lical record indicate an attitude of sympa­ thy and reverence for the Book and an ef­ fort to present with fairness the facts and implications found therein. Possessed of a fascinating style and the willingness to ex­ ercise care in order to preserve accuracy, the writer has given color to minor details

ing which is reflected in this book. In eighteen chapters, packed with informa­ tion and argument of cyclopedic propor­ tions, he deals with many forms of unbe­ lief that confront students o f our day. The second edition has been improved by the addition of new and up-to-date ma­ terial. Its usefulness as a textbook for colleges and seminaries cannot be over­ estimated. 348 pages.; Harper & Bros. Cloth. Price $2.25. The Certainties of the Gospel B y W illiam C. R obinson The author begins with the declaration that “certainty is the lost chord in mod­ ern Protestantism.” The new emphasis that is prevalent makes the gospel rest too much on the uncertain basis o f human discovery and effort. Dr. Robinson demands a re­ turn to the faith that glorifies God as the Author and Christ as the Substance of the gospel. This “ faith is a certainty.” It builds upon the uncontrovertible fact that “ Christ died for our sins” and “rose again for our justification.” The certainty of, grace, of justification by faith, and of God’s faithful care of His own, naturally follows. It is refreshing to have such a strong and positive note as that which Dr. Rob­ inson has sounded, in these days when much groping and guessing parade as a “new statement of the gospel.” The au­ thor proves himself a scholar o f high rank. 150 pages. Zondervan Pub. House. Cloth. Price $1.00. Hosea: The Heart and Holiness of God B y G. C ampbell M organ Dr. Morgan holds steadfastly to the fact that in all periods and among all peoples God has revealed Himself as unceasingly active in love and in holiness. He finds this double activity an eternal principle of life, whether study is made of God’s dealings with His chosen people in the ancient past or with twentieth century nations and in­ dividuals. In this volume, Israel’s sin, as depicted by Hosea, is graphically present­ ed ; and over against this picture there is portrayed the tender yearning of the heart of God, as He waits for the backsliders to repent and return. Application to present- day conditions is frequently made in a most effective way. There is no diluting of the teaching contained in the book of Hosea in an attempt to make it merely a social mes­ sage—although this is the practice o f many modern writers. The author writes in his usual felicitous style. Some readers may be disappointed that he did not give attention to predictive prophecy in Hosea, but the answer prob­ ably is that he had in mind to write a se­ ries o f practical and helpful meditations, not a commentary. 160 pages. Revell Co. Cloth. Price. $1.50. The Deluge Story in Stone B y B yron C. N elson In recent years, geology has been claimed by some scholars as being proof that the Bible story o f creation is false. Mr. Nel­ son brings to the reader a history o f the Deluge Theory o f geology in which he shows how the stratification of the earth’s crust, the presence of fossils in these strata, and many other geological phenomena, such as the formation o f the Grand Can­ yon, may be very readily accounted for on1 the basis o f the Noachian Deluge. God has, in these times when critics would label His Word a myth, provided indisputable evidence as to its authenticity. At a time when modern geology is faced with inexplicable findings, the flood theory

Jamison’s New Chronological P A N O R A M A O F T H E B I B L E Prof. Leander S. Keyser, D.D., says, “ It is a pictorial commentary on the whole Bible.“ Lithographed in nine colors on fine map cloth, 17 x 34 in. See review in> King's Business, July, 1935. Price* $1.75, -including a 36-page Key, and an abridged edition In black and white, 7 x 15 in. Large 4 x 8 ft. size, $40.00. Each postpaid. The Key alone, 35c postpaid. Address PROF. L E W IS H. JAM ISO N 751 O LIV E A V E N U E LONG BEACH, C A LIF O R N IA Radio Songs [and Choruses By W E N D E L L P. LO V ELESS A book of gospel songs ideal for summer conference use. 30c each, postpaid. Quan­ tity Discounts. Write today. Send 15c for pamphlet of choruses for Daily Vacation Bible School. Laurel Press Pub., 832 N. Wells St., Chicago, III. OBJECT LESSONS OBJECTS— AND THEIR LESSONS. SEND ten cents for object lesson and list. Chas. Mor­ rison. The Object Man. Pastor, Fairmount Park Chapel, 76 Hudson St., Johnson City, N .Y. “ God’s Message Thru the Ages” A Bible study of the ages of God. Enjoy studying your Bible. Learn to rightly divide the W ord of Truth. 96 pages and 2-color chart, only 25c postpaid. R . F . SUERIG 2740 Sutton Blvd. :: ST. LOUIS, MO. GIFTS from Foreign Lands for Church or personal use. Hand-work of Chinese Chris­ tian .boys and girls supporting largest orphans’ home in the Orient . . . Sunday School Classes and Societies profitably act as our agents. Aid us with your prayers and efforts. Full information gladly sent; write today. HOME OF ONESIPHORUS American Office Drawer II, 3131 Lincoln Avenue. Chicago, Illinois ical and sustaining. Our price one third less than the current price. By mail 20 oz. $1. Agents wanted. S T OP and completeness to the treatment of mat­ ters of larger interest. Exquisitely printed, with the inclusion o f maps and pictures, the book will be as useful to the reader who must remain at home as for the one who contemplates a Palestinian tour. 448 pages. Dodd, Mead & Co., New York, N. Y. Cloth. Price $3.00. The Romance of a Doctor’s Visits B y W alter L ewis W ilson The author o f this book is a recognized leader—a doctor of medicine, a preacher of the gospel, and a far-famed radio preacher. But perhaps his greatest ability is shown in personal dealing with individuals, helping them to accept Christ as Saviour. It seems impossible that any Christian could read the thirty-ofie stories which this book contains without being encour­ aged in the effort to make soul-winning the first business o f his life. Under the head­ ing, “Hints and Helps for Personal Soul Winners,” Scripture references are given for use in dealing with many classes of in­ quirers. 126 pages. Bible Institute Colpor- tage Assocation. Paper. Price 20 cents. God’s Message Through the Ages B y R. F. S uerig Basic principles of Bible prophecy and of the essential Christian doctrines re- coffee m is e r y . D rin k MATE, famous Paraguay tea. Healthful, econom­ PAN AMERICAN TE A COMPANY 1553 W est Jefferson, Los Angeles

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