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Many don’t realize they can ask this question or that it will create new answers for them. We show them that question and then we answer it for them in a number of areas … What if there is another way … to recruit and hire great employees? What if there is another way … to market your business and generate leads — a way that is more effective and costs less?
What if there is another way … to make more money with less stress?
These questions are asked — and answered — at Service Business Edge. CEO Warrior is holding another Service Business Edge on Oct. 23–26 and we’re working to make this event one of our very best. We’re bringing industry experts who know exactly how to answer the question, “What if there is another way?” If you have been spinning your wheels in your business, and if you’re ready to make a change and grow like never before, start by asking the question, “What if there is another way?” … and find the answer at Service Business Edge.
What if there is another way … to be more profitable?
What if there is another way … to run a business that serves you and your life? For some people reading this, the question you need to ask is, “What if there is another way … to run my business so I’m not in my truck anymore?” And for other people reading this, the question you need to ask is, “What if there is another way … to take my business from $30 million to $40 million this year?”
What if there is another way … to lead your team? What if there is another way … to handle your competition? What if there is another way … to grow a business?
Mike Agugliaro
No. 1: Don’t limit your growth. Start with your mindset. Do you tell yourself things like, “We just need to get through the busy time,” “I have to be careful about how much I take on during this time,” or “I want to grow, but I’m not sure we’ll be able to do all of these things during this busy season”? If you do this, then you are limiting your growth by setting a benchmark for what you think you’ll be able to achieve. Destroy your limiting beliefs and you’ll grow bigger. No. 2. Set huge goals. Start by setting huge goals. Don’t just set a goal that is similar to last year’s peak, or even just a little higher. Set a lofty goal that inspires and even scares you. Make it a goal that you think, “Wow, if we hit that, it will be a game-changer for us.” Then figure out what it will take to hit that goal by reverse engineering the goal into monthly, weekly, and daily initiatives. No. 3. Lead. One of the biggest factors that will determine your success or struggle at growing in a busy time is how you lead. Does your team see you get excited about the busy time
or dread it? Do they see you getting stressed throughout the busy time? Do they see a normally fun-loving business owner become focused and irritable as the busy season approaches? Your team will pick up on cues that you give, which means a positive let’s-figure-it-out-and- enjoy-the-ride attitude will be adopted by your team. Check your leadership approach constantly to ensure that you are maintaining positivity. Remind your team that when everyone steps up in the busy time, EVERYONE in your company wins. No. 4. Words matter. As you approach your busy time, watch what you say to yourself, to your team, and to your customers. When busy times become challenging, words can communicate a negative attitude. For example, to yourself you might say, “I don’t know how we’re going to get through this.” Or to your team you might say, “Brace yourselves! It’s going to get crazy.” Or to your customers you might say, “I apologize for the inconvenience; it’s our busy season.” All of these phrases only HURT your business; they don’t help at all.
No. 5. Ramp up your marketing. When things get busy, it’s easy to pull back on your marketing. However, now is the time people are buying or thinking about buying, and your marketing can help them make a commitment to your company. The goal of your marketing should be to fill in the gaps and extend your busy season even further into the period when it might normally slow down. The busy season is an opportunity for you to grow. It’s unfortunate that many contractors end up dreading the busy season because of how stressful it can be. Yes, it will stretch your resources and test your mettle, but it will also make you a bigger, stronger company in the same way that a muscle only grows when it is worked harder than ever. If you want to grow your contracting business, change your thinking and how you lead your team this busy season. Look forward to the challenge and step into it! You’ll come out the other side a better business poised for bigger things.
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