engulfed and enveloped in such concepts. Unfortunately, today, so much is predicated on the basis of experience. Existentialism affirms the actuality of things as opposed to mere possibility or conceivabil- ity. It appeals to the senses and is really an introspective humanism in approach. It expresses an indi vidual's intense awareness of his limitations. Christian existentialism expresses the subjective or the in ward aspects of a human being considered as a creature of Cod. Orthodox, fundamental theologi ans certainly do not knowingly classify themselves as existential ists. We hold to an objective stand ard which is the Word of Cod. Everything we do is conditioned by the authenticity and the relia bility of the Bible. Frankly, exis tentialism, if it has any message at all, addresses itself to despair rath er than that of hope which per vades the Biblical revelation. Q. "If a person lives where there are no good, fundamental churches should he go to a liberal church or simply stay home?" A. We cannot be another man's conscience. We hesitate to take that position or to appear to take that position. From purely a per sonal point of view, however, it might be best to first go to the pastor of the least liberal church and express your deep concerns. Let him know your feelings and convictions. Urge him to preach the Word of Cod in its complete revelation. If this fails, why not consider a small Bible class in your home, gathering those people of like kind to exhort one another with the truths. This is actually the way the church began. It may be
that the Lord will use your humble efforts to help others, including impressionable boys and girls, to know the truth of Cod. Q. "/ was told that in the account of God creating man the Greek word infers more than just Adam and Eve since it is 'mankind'. Could this be possible?" A. There is no original Creek for this passage since the Old Testa ment is in Hebrew. You may be referring to the later Septuagint version. In the Hebrew language there are at least four different words for man. One differentiates him generically from woman. The second shows he is of a different sex category. The other shows him in his weakness and fraility. The last refers sometimes symbolic of a warrior or a man of might. In the reference which you have in mind, Adam does refer to mankind. The way the word is pronounced can also alter the meaning. To accent the first syllable of "mankind'' it again means only men as against women. To accent it differently it means mankind over against ani mals, birds, fish and the like. There fore, it is the second syllable that must be accented (Genesis 1:26). This particular subject has vast ramifications all the way through Scripture. You and I ultimately are going to be conformed to the im age of Cod's Son. He is the image of the invisible God. The specific reference here is to mankind or humanity. God created all human beings in His own image. No one can possibly prove that there were more than Adam and Eve created in the beginning. The human fam ily has all come from Adam and Eve. The Lord Jesus Christ died for
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