Biola Broadcaster - 1972-11

Adam's race since he was the nat­ ural head of the human family and the Saviour is the spiritual head of the new creation. Q. "I have always thought fasting, as defined in the Bible, pertains to food. Recently it is being pointed out that one can fast by giving up something. Could you please ex­ plain this?" A. The Biblical concept of fasting is abstinence from food. Any other type is not taught in Scripture nor is it verified by reliable diction­ aries. This may come from the old idea of giving up something for lent. Such has no Biblical basis whatsoever, although fasting is well defined in the Word. Fasting must be done in a good spirit as unto the Lord, without being critical of others. It is really most important to spend more time in prayer be­ fore the Lord and less worrying about whether fasting is proper. The best time to fast is when one is so taken up with a burden that his life is given over in tremen­ dous, earnest, devout intercession so that eating is a minor matter. Q. "Is there any indication in the Old Testament Scriptures particu­ larly where a person just decided to fast or was there always some immediate, pressing burden draw­ ing them into the act?" A. The references always show that it was something the Lord enjoined upon the nation as a whole or in­ dividually. It was not ever to be done without real purpose and meaning. There was always an ob­ jective to be accomplished for the will of Cod.


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