Biola Broadcaster - 1972-11

In studying the exit of Israel out of Egypt into the land of Canaan we find a most magnificent picture of striking contrasts. It shows how an individual can come to know the Lord by the shed blood of the Saviour, and thereby enter into the fullness of the Christian life. In I Corinthians 10:1-11 we have a detailed description of this im­ portant event. The Apostle, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, tells us what happened to Israel in their exodus from Egypt and their final entrance into the land of Ca­ naan. The redemption we see typi­ fied here is through the shed blood. Unfortunately, God's chosen peo­ ple did not enter the kingdom immediately. Geographically, it is about a fourteen day walk from Egypt to Canaan. What a sad and tragic thing to see that Israel had to spend 40 long years in the wil­ derness. The reason for it basically was sheer unbelief. While the peo­ ple evidenced enough faith to get out of Egypt, they fell short when it came to getting into the land of Canaan. We might further typify the land of Canaan as that normal experi­ ence for the believer now. Some song writers have incorrectly made Canaan refer to heaven. This does not fit the picture at all. The prom­ ised land is something that we can enjoy today. It is an opportunity for blessing and victory in our present activities. The words of Moses in Deuter­ onomy indicate clearly that God brought them out of Egypt so that He could bring them into the land of Canaan. The underlying prin­ ciple which was characteristic of the people was murmuring, fault­ finding, criticizing, and grumbling. Page 17

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