Biola Broadcaster - 1972-11

am tired of living a sham, but I won't admit it!" The problem is we just do not want to expose our­ selves to other people who think we are good Christians when we alone may know the truth. We are not anxious to let others realize what we really are. Eventually the time will come when you will not care who knows. Christ did not die on the cross to put you in the wil­ derness. He shed His blood so that He might infuse His life into yours. In verse 16 we read about the priest of Midian who had seven daughters. Moses helped them when they encountered difficulty at the well because of cruel shep­ herds. He was brave enough to go to their aid. That was quite a come­ down! First he was the self-ap­ pointed statesman planning to help Israel out of her dilemma. Now he was reduced to a mere waterboy. He was not aware at that moment the Lord was going to use that sit­ uation. Maybe you are in a condition right now for which you have no human explanation. God knows what He is doing. He will work it out (Romans 8:28). When we do not understand our situation we ponder, "God, why? Lord, if only this would change." Our lives are lived on the basis of "if" and "why." All the Lord is waiting for from you is an attitude of trust. You may be surrounded by insur­ mountable problems. The only an­ swer is that Cod will step in to do the impossible. Will you let Him? Then, thank Him for His ability to handle the entire situation. ANY OLD BUSH WILL DO When the daughters of Jethro returned home, they told their fath- Page 19

to keep out Cod by seeking to rectify the inequities imposed up­ on his people by the Egyptians (Exodus 2:13-15). Trying to solve one problem only caused another even more dangerous than the first. Now Pharaoh was intent on killing Moses. While we do not doubt the sincerity, dedication and commitment of Moses, yet he failed to realize that God is not basically interested in these com­ modities. He simply is interested in you! Moses had to run away to save his life. What utter frustration, de­ pression and discouragement he experienced. He did what he thought had to be done but the only thing which transpired was miserable failure. This is typical of so many believers. After becoming a Christian, there is that first urge to be active in everything possible. The cooling off does not take too long. I speak from experience. I be­ gan my pastoral ministry in 1950, just a youth fresh out of Bible col­ lege. The start was characterized by a whirlwind of activity. For five solid years that went on. Then I found myself totally and physically exhausted, depressed, dejected, disappointed and disillusioned. I was literally ready to "throw in the towel." Perhaps you may be going through a similar experience just now. I can understand and empa­ thize with you. At the end of those five years my body had wasted away until I was only 130 pounds (6 ft.-3 in. tall). There was no per­ sonal peace which the Bible had to offer. I experienced just the op­ posite of joy and contentment. Perhaps there are some reading this who would have to admit, "I

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