er about the one who had deliv ered them from the hands of the shepherds (Exodus 2:19). Learning of Moses' kindness to the seven daughters, he was interested in the man's help. He found Moses "was content to dwell with the man" (vs. 21). The earlier enthusiasm, commitment and dedication seems to be missing. Too often this is the sad com mentary that can be pronounced on Christendom today. We lose our zeal and choose rather to sit back and criticize others. How easy it is to be misunderstood and to have our feelings hurt. We become depressed and disillusioned. The danger is that we leave that first love. How strange it is to see once strong Christians, through circum stances and disappointments, will ing to accept something far less in life than what Cod originally in tended for them. The Lord desires that you have a victorious, trium phant life. This means, if you are living a life of defeat today, then you are accepting something far less than what the Saviour has for you. While I may not understand your situation, I am in touch with the Person who does. My Bible teaches me that Cod's intention for you and for me is a life of victory and blessing. This is not to say that problems will be a thing of the past. Keep in mind, victory is syn- onomous with battle! Too often we have been content to settle with far less than victory. Moses, following his defeat and fear in Egypt, was now on the back side of the desert content ! He had been a total failure and now he was content! It is during this time that Cod
speaks to Moses from the burning bush. Seventeen years ago, at the end of my five year ministry as a pastor, I met a man named Major Ian Thomas. In the course of our conversation he referred to this passage in Exodus 3. He drew a diagram for me on the placemat. First there was a circle into which he put the name of God. He illus trated it further by saying, "Now suppose Moses was over to the right side as God speaks to him. But suppose Moses were a hun dred miles in the opposite direc tion. Could God have used a bush over a hundred miles in the other direction as easily as He used that particular one?" I had to answer, "I suppose so, but what difference does it make?" He smiled and ob served, "In other words, in God's economy, just any old bush will do." I got the point as the Holy Spirit opened my mind to illumine my thinking. No matter how de feated, how depressed, how de jected I had been in the past, "any old bush will do." The Lord uses what is available. In Moses' case the plant did not have any capacity in itself. God used it because it was available. You may have come to the point where as far as the Lord is con cerned you have lost your useful ness. Maybe you have been dab bling in sin, and because of the guilt now feel that for you, "It is all over." Yes, "Any old bush will do." The bush could not boast, "Look what I did." It was simply the vehicle through which God spoke. The Lord is looking now for available bushes. Are you available to Jesus Christ? You are qualified because, "Any old bush will do!" I became so excited when I dis-
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