covered this 17 years ago that I could hardly contain myself. I ex claimed, "In other words, in spite of my past failures and depressed guilt, I can come and confess all of my sins and fears living in antici pation of the victory the Saviour wants to give me." Will you make yourself today to be available? CANAAN LIFE God spoke to Moses through the burning bush. He had been so sure that the Lord had forgotten him entirely. How often we fall into the same trap! Have you felt that the Saviour was not interested in you and was not alert to your cry? I can recall vividly those days of heavy depression for me when I wondered if God was even alive. As far as my life was concerned there seemed to be no evidence of His care. The Lord assures us, "I know your sorrow." Never fear, there is nothing that happens to you but that the Lord knows! What you must do is simply come to the Lord and tell Him how you feel. After all, He is the only One who can help you. It is so easy to get involved in cliches and evangelical jargon that we only are impressing one anoth er and certainly not the Lord. I challenge you to forget all the pol ished words and phrases and just get through to God so that you can hear the wee small voice of the Spirit say, "You let me worry about it. Give me your whole life and make yourself totally avail able to me. Let me handle the sit uation!" Are you willing to do that? God told Moses, "I am come down to deliver them out of the hand of the Egyptians, and to bring
Dr. and Mrs. Hobson were on campus for last year's Torrey Conference. them up out of that land unto a good land and a large, unto a land flowing with milk and honey" (vs. 8). There was no thought here of a 40-year wilderness wandering. The promise was for deliverance! The Lord Jesus now lives in you if you are a believer. He wants you to enter the experience of Canaan which is a land of blessing, triumph, and victory. Are you sick of the wilderness? Tell the Saviour all about it. Be very specific about the sins that you may need to confess. Turn your entire life over to Christ, area by area. Give Him every part of yourself, past, present and fu ture. Say, "Lord, it is all yours." Christ died in order that He might live through you right NOW. This is what we mean by Canaan Page 21
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