life. Anything less is a cheap imi tation of the real thing. Let Him take over and stop living that wil derness life. It is all up to you. You are the one to benefit as the Lord blesses. Moses met with defeat and frus tration when he attempted to de liver Israel out of Egypt by his own capacity and ability. He experi enced miserable failure on the back side of the desert. In such a posi tion of humility, Cod spoke to him through the burning bush. This il lustrates the fact that even as He used this plant, so He can use you if you will make yourself available. God was fully aware of the oppres sion of the children of Israel (Exodus 3:9, 10). Moses doubtless won dered how such deliverance could come since he had tried it 40 years earlier. There is no wonder he ques tioned, "Who am I, that I should go unto Pharaoh, and that I should bring forth the children of Israel out of Egypt?" It may be that Moses, like the rest of us, had an ego prob lem. He was not chosen by the Lord because of his past record of success. It is when we realize that we are nothing that God can really do something! Too often our vision is blurred on this vital point. Keep in mind one important fact. If God uses you today in His kingdom it will not be because of your ability but rather because of your inabil ity! If you find yourself asking, "Who am /? How could / ever do the job," then you will probably qualify. The day I discovered this 17 years ago I nearly jumped out of my skin! Do you mean to say God is looking for failures? Exact ly. He knows that if you come to grips in your heart that you are a total failure then you can come to
trust Him and not yourself. I am afraid we have developed a gen eration of Christians who are so able and adequate that they erron eously feel they do not even need God. There are such sophisticated evangelical programs that the Holy Spirit is never consulted. There is nothing wrong with good programs and able men, but it is not by pro motion and pushing, but by God's Spirit. When Israel was finally deliv ered out of Egypt, the Lord wanted to make certain only He would re ceive the glory. That is why He chose Moses who had been brought low through his continued failure. In traveling around the country I find two kinds of pastors, gener ally. On the one hand there are those who are looking for a very sophisticated program to employ in the church which they believe will get results. On the other hand are the pastors who are trying to figure out a way to unwind the program, getting back to allowing the Holy Spirit to do His will in the membership. The latter are wisely saying, "Lord, we want your program; nothing more, nothing less, and nothing else!" God told Moses, "I know you failed forty years ago. Now you let Me do it." The Lord promised to be with Moses all the way. He was told God's name to use when peo ple might ask him his credentials. He was instructed, "Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you." What ever God chooses to initiate, He has the power and the authority to implement and the capacity to finish (Philippians 1:6). What did God start in your life? Remember the day when you came to know
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