pets, the walls fell to the ground. Can you explain that? All I know is that God did it! Israel lived in Canaan completely dependent and trusting upon Cod. In such a state they experienced one victory after another. Are you prepared to live absolutely, totally dependent upon the living God? Will you allow the Saviour, residing within you to have absolute sovereignty in every aspect of your existence? When I live without depending upon God, the roof caves in. What is the Almighty's plan for your life? There is absolutely no question but that the Bible teaches He wants you to have victory rather than de feat. No matter who you are, what your situation, how deplorable you may have been in the past, God's plan for your life from this point on is victory! Are you prepared to make Him Lord of your life? Bow to Him and give thanks for the victories in advance! Jesus Christ is living in you that He might live through you. This is truly Canaan life! The way it starts is for you simply to say, "Lord Jesus, thank You for coming to live within me. I place my everything at Your dis posal. I just thank You for the way that You will live through me." Then, as the situations arise that you do not understand, commit them to Him and know that He is going to work them out. Anticipate the Canaan life and experience this daily victory.
The Lordship of Cod is in ques tion. He responds in affirmation, "I am prepared to let you be God in my life" (5:15). At that moment Jericho, the walled city, was instan taneously defeated. Joshua's prob lem was not Jericho but rather the Lordship of Cod. Is Cod to be God, or not? This is the same issue for us to day. When Jesus Christ came into your life it was not just to be your Friend and Saviour. He stepped in to your life to be your Lord. Maybe you have not been willing to face the Jerichos in your life. The walls do not come tumbling down and you are defeated and frustrated. The reason is you may have been avoiding the real issue. Joshua faced fact and took the shoes off his feet. Then he received the promise of the Lord (Joshua 6:2). Note that the battle had not been fought yet. The Lord talked about it in the past tense because He knows the end even from the be ginning. The Lord was saying to Joshua, "The battle is over. I have given the enemy into your hand; the victory is yours." Do you have a problem in your life? If you are prepared to face the issue of the Lordship of Christ, allowing Him to be in complete control, the battles are already vic tories! Paul knew this, too, as he testifies, "Now thanks be unto Cod who always leadeth us in triumph." This must be an attitude of life. The Lord continued giving Joshua instructions as His faithful servant trusted Him. You know the story of Jericho's fall. The people marched around the city each day and sev en times on the last. At that mo ment when they shouted together, and the priests blew their trum
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