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Next we see that Solomon was a powerful king. It is not always true that every monarch also has strength. This man had the ability to rule his land (1:2, 12). There were times when people were known as kings, but they were in exile. They had no power to func tion as sovereign because they did not have the proper authority. Several years ago I had the oppor tunity to look through the wrought- iron fence that surrounds the palace in Athens of the man who was then king of Greece. He was not there, for he was in exile. You remember in Biblical times when David was on the throne in Jerusa lem. Absalom, however, was down Page 33
words of the teacher or the in structor (verse 12). Solomon is frank to observe, "I gave my heart to seek and search out by wisdom concerning all things that are done under heaven" (vs. 13). Here we see a researcher who investigates carefully so that he can communicate his ideas to others. After a lifetime of study he made this sage observation, "of making many books there is no end; and much study is a weari ness of the flesh." We see such emptiness in a life devoid of true Cod-consciousness and a personal relationship with Him. Certainly Solomon was not soured on life because he lacked prestige.
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