No man has the capacity to be truly free until he knows Christ. Apart from our freedom in Christ, however, we respond in predict able ways. For example, the philosopher Plato knew well the power of pas sion and in his dialogue, "Phaed- rus," revealed how passion alone wins out over the combined ef forts of intelligence and virtue. Many know well that they are not masters of their own lives. Life is a constant hastle as they fight with themselves, society, and God. The pressures are enormous. As a breath of fresh air, Christ says, "If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed" (John 8:36). Let us con sider the dimensions of this free
dom that is in Christ. First, we are free from Satan's bondage. The Pharisees who heard Christ speak of freedom replied that they were not in bondage to any man. Christ, however, knew that they wanted to hill Him and replied, "Ye are of your father the Devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do" (John 8:44). What does it mean to be bound to Satan and to act as he demands? Paul illustrates very vividly in Gala tians 5. There he sets the pattern in verse 17 by saying that the flesh will lust against the spirit. In the verses following he points out what the works of the flesh are. Let me illustrate by using the word, hatred, as found in verse 20. If a person is mean to us and tells
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