to secure this publication. Rev. Dunn points out that there is a need to understand the nature of the addiction as well as the back ground and psychology of the per son. An alcoholic becomes so en slaved that he will lie, cheat, turn on his dear ones, and generally do anything to get liquor because of his craving. While he mayfeel self- condemned he will still proceed to hurt and hamper those he loves just for another drink. In a practical vein, many loving wives want to know how they can help their husbands who have the problem. They wonder if it is best to leave them. Sometimes it is, be cause of the intolerable situations which exist. If there are children in the home, they should certainly be considered. Many have been the heart-breaking experiences re lated to me about husbands who may have been kind and gentle when they are sober, but even bes tial when they become “ liquored- up." There can be no generaliza tion on these matters of counseling, however, and every case should be individually weighed and prayer fully considered. While such treat ment does not necessarily mean divorce, or provide a Scriptural grounds for such a final action, yet living separated for a time may bring the matter into the open and force the issue. The Lord Jesus Christ pointed out that the only basis for divorce is “except for fornication.“ The apostle Paul in the seventh chapter of I Corinthi ans suggests the approach through living apart yet remaining married or else being reconciled. Let us consider the plight of an alcoholic who needs help. By the grace of God he has been able to
give up liquor and is now on the way to recuperation. The problem comes when he goes back into a home where there is unfriendli ness, untidiness, disorder, and bickering. Records reveal that such things often cause him to fall back into his old ways. Therefore the first need is try to find out why the individual drinks. There may be a number of reasons some of which could be only superficial. Without the Lord Jesus Christ and His Holy Spirit to help him, a man has no real defense against the devil. Some men drink to forget their problems. One may have a wife who looks at TV all day long. The dishes are not done, the food is not well pre pared and there is no warmth or adequacy in the home at all. He may feel trapped, that he will nev er have those things which he feels will bring him joy or satisfaction. He drinks to forget his problems. Other men drink (and we refer to women as well in all of these in stances) when they start going with the wrong crowd. This is so often true with our young people who become trapped before they know it. It is a very evident fact that no person can overcome alcoholism by himself or through any efforts of his own. In the secular world psychiatrists are hard pressed to find any real “bonafide cures" of alcoholics. They readily see, how ever, what such groups as Christian clinics and ministries are doing to rescue these poor souls from the blight of hell. Let us never forget that the only power we have to help an alcoholic, and the only power one can have who is ad dicted to liquor, is through Christ. The Saviour is the One who in lov-
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