was a sacred vow before the Lord. It has helped me through the years. It is important to have such firm convictions based on our desire to serve the Saviour in a manner pleasing to Him. It is clearly seen that the world has a guilty conscience about drink ing. If one turns down mushrooms nobody says anything. The same is true with almost any other food or beverage. But let a young person refuse a drink and he is branded as "a holy Joe" or some such title. This shows that the crowd has a guilty conscience! We need to show our young people that alco hol is not only sinful but also that it is positively damaging and dev astating to the physical well being. Outside of man, alcohol can be a great blessing, as God intended it should be, however, inside it will bring financial, physical, mental and spiritual destruction. Dangers cohol strictly from the standpoint of science. After this we can make some psychological and spiritual applications. You see, alcohol, outside of the body is really a great blessing. Alco hol both dissolves and dehydrates. It is made through fermentation. Most of us can remember our moth ers doing home canning and the great caution which was taken to avoid fermentation setting in. The purpose of the sterilization, of course, was to kill any bacteria which might cause sickness. Alco holic fermentation does not "set up" in shallow liquids because the wild yeast gets the oxygen from Page 43
ing compassion can say, "I love you, my son, regardless of what you have done or of how you have failed. I died for you, my child. Your sins have been atoned for through my shed blood. If you turn the burden over to Me I will cleanse you. I will give you My life and My fellowship." Let us remind our children, as we read in the first Psalm, "Blessed is the man who walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor stand- eth in the way of sinners, nor sit- teth in the seat of the scornful." It is easy to become ensnared when one does not have the right kind of companionship. Many young mothers and fathers are laid waste because they erroneously think that drinking is sociable and fashion able. They do not want to be looked down upon. When I was a lad I took a WCTU pledge which Alcohol'; It is a sad thing to realize the growing number of women who are alcoholics in our nation. Such an individual is a very needy case, usually more so than the man. The family endeavors to cover up for her and they generally try to keep her inside. This usually compounds her problems. With the millions of dollars be ing spent by the beer and liquor industry advertising their products, we as parents need to instruct our children very carefully concerning the problems and temptations they will face. For this reason I believe it would be profitable for us to spend a little time considering al-
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