the air. When wild yeast germs cannot get oxygen from the air they break down the sugar content by a process of fermentation giving off carbon dioxide and thus making alcohol. There are, of course, very elaborate processes of chemically producing alcohol, however, this is the basic way it happens in the home. Alcohol is a marvelous chemi cal. If we were on TV we would suggest an experiment which would graphically portray what we have been saying. To do this we would use 16 little bottles or test tubes. In eight of them we would place water and in the other eight, ethyl alcohol which is the basis of the beverage industry. By changing compounds there is actually an endless number of alcoholic com pounds. All of them have these two properties in dissolving and dehydrating. With these little vials we would put some oil in one, some resin in another, camphor in the next, and then a plant leaf, such as from a geranium or a violet in the fourth. Then we would put the same sub stances in alcohol, one to each little container. Before going any further let us check our experiment. For the first, water has no effect on oil while alcohol dissolves it. In water resin goes right to the bottom while in alcohol it dissolves. In water cam phor floats while alcohol will dis solve it. In water a green leaf will remain that way while alcohol will take the color out of it. The other characteristic of alco hol is that it dehydrates. Continu ing our experiment we take the remaining little bottles this time using bread, sugar, meat and the
white of an egg. In water sugar will dissolve while in alcohol it makes it harder sinking to the bottom of the glass. Bread in water will cause it to become mushy and finally de cay. In alcohol it hardens as it de hydrates. Meat in water causes it to putrify. Alcohol, a great preserv ative, will dehydrate it so that prop erly controlled it can be kept for a long period. The white of an egg will become slimy and finally have a very strong odor when put in water. In alcohol, however, the egg white gets cooked just as it would coagulate if it were cooked on the stove. Having completed our experi ment we can readily see the prob lem when an individual takes alcohol into his system. This is a great curse of mankind! Alcohol is a deterrent to normal body func tion, and is a protoplasmic poison. There is no question about the tremendous effect alcohol has up on offspring. Alcohol is a narcotic and a habit forming drug. You see, we need to tell our children more than, “Do not drink!" This will serve for awhile, however, when they get older they will want to have more positive information. They should know the effect upon the body as well as upon the soul. The Lord has given us intelligent minds to deal with problems. By faith in Him, salvation brings not only eternal life, but also the in dwelling presence of Cod's Holy Spirit, giving us the empowerment to overcome temptations. Alcohol has been given of the Lord as a blessing to man, making life easier and even alleviating human suffer ing. Let us not pervert what Cod has ordained, or we will find de struction and misery as a result.
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