January 28 - February 2,1973
Dr. Royal Blue Pastor, North Valley Baptist Church Redding, California Dr. David Breese President, Destiny, Inc. Wheaton, Illinois Dr. Arthur Custance Author and Publisher Toronto, Canada Rev. John DeBrine Director of Boston Youthtime Boston, Massachusetts Dr. Kenneth Gangel Trinity Evangelical Seminary Deerfield, Illinois Dr. Louis Goldberg Chairman, Dept, of Pastoral Training Moody Bible Institute Chicago, Illinois Rev. Gerald B. Griffiths Conference Speaker and Author Edinburgh, Scotland Dr. Vernon Grounds President, Conservative Baptist Seminary Denver, Colorado Rev. Olan Hendrix General Director Amerian Sunday School Union Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Dr. Grant Howard Asst. Prof, of Pastoral Theology Western Conserv. Baptist Seminary Portland, Oregon Rev. Benjamin Johnson National Dir. of Urban Ministries American Sunday School Union Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Dr. Karlis Leyasmeyer Author, Educator, Editor Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Dr. Jack MacArthur Pastor, First Baptist Church Eugene, Oregon Rev. Nathan Meyer Bible Conference Teacher Hardy, Virginia Dr. Lester Pipkin President, Appalachian Bible Fellowship Bradley, West Virginia Dr. Alan Redpath President, Unevangelized Fields Missions Capernwray Hall, England Dr. Charles Ryrie Prof, of Systematic Theology Dallas Theological Seminary Dallas, Texas Dr. Masumi Toyotome General Director Missionary Strategy Agency Los Angeles, California
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