in Christ. As a contestant in a game, they are trying to chalk up points to win favor with God: Two points for wearing a conservative toga and five for not eating meats offered to idols! Paul says they are ignorant (I Corinthians 8:7). Yet Paul, free though he was from the pressure of this supposedly "Chris tian" game, says, I will limit my freedom in order to help them (I Corinthians 8:13). Paul was not obnoxious in the way he handled his freedom; he loved people too much. This same 8th chapter also re veals a second group of Christians: the stronger or obnoxious Chris tian. Why is he obnoxious? Be cause he is free in Christ? No! Because he thinks much of his freedom is due to his great insight instead of Christ's great sacrifice. They had knowledge, but they
lacked love or concern for the Christian still trapped in works and indecision (e.g., I Corinthians 8:1, 9, 11 and 12). Paul also limited his freedom to reach that last great group: the unsaved. The unsaved are quick to judge on appearance and actions. Paul, therefore, carefully d isci plined himself so he might have the best chance of reaching them for Christ (I Corinthians 9:19-27). Free in Christ? We certainly are! Freed from the overwhelming bur den of trying to do what Christ has done so well. But, charged with a holy obligation to live wisely be fore God and profitably before men. Dr. Chase's Expío message was recorded in Dallas, Texas this past summer as he was addressing a student seminar.
• special chapel • faculty/student talent program • visit classes • opportunity to talk with professors
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