Or. J. Richard Chase Dr. Samuel H. Sutherland PANfLDiscussions Dr. Charles L. Feinberg
numbers seven and 40 so often? Is there some significance to them?" A. There certainly is a great deal of use of these two numbers. There is a fine book by F. W. Grant, The Numerical Bible, which explains some of these points very help fully. The book of Revelation has a number of these for seven is the number of perfection and, at the end of all things, this blessed state will again be experienced. Here we see things in completion. Forty is important as we consider the sub ject of testing and sometimes even punishment. There were 40 days for the flood in Genesis 7. Exodus gives us the 40 days Moses was on Mt. Sinai. There were 40 years of wilderness wandering. There were three 40's in the life of Moses, all connected with testing. There were 40 days in spying out Canaan by the Israelites. Jonah's warning to Page 9
Q. "Are there possibly degrees of heaven? I have heard that there is a first, second and third. Is this Scriptural?" A. You will find your answer in II Corinthians 12:1-4. Paul was trans ported by the Spirit to catch a glimpse of the heaven of heavens. The atmosphere about us could be regarded as the first heaven. The heaven in which the stars and planets move is the second. The third heaven is the place in which God dwells. Verse four refers to this as Paradise. Other verses which may be helpful to you are Acts 7:49 and Hebrews 1:8. The third heaven, remember, is not a created place. It is the throne of God which endures forever and forever. Q. "Why does the Bible use the
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