SCL Bursary Policy 23-24

Free Meals Allowance

Learners may apply for support towards term time meals if they are in receipt of, or have a parent/guardian who is in receipt of one of the following: • Income Support • Income-based Jobseekers Allowance • Income-related Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) • Support under part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999 • The Guarantee element of State Pension Credit • Child Tax Credit (provided they are not entitled to Working Tax Credit and have an annual gross income of no more than £16,190, as assessed by Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs (HMRC) • Universal Credit with net earnings not exceeding the equivalent of £7,400 pa (after tax and not including any benefits you get) Eligible learners are entitled to receive a free meal or free meal allowance at the equivalent of £5 for one meal for each day of attendance on programme*.

*this is subject to timetabled days for education.

SCL Group have deemed £5 an appropriate amount to allow learners to buy a nutritional and substantial meal. Learners are 16+, exerting physical and mental energy during their programme, therefore, need a meal with appropriate calorific and nutritional elements to suffice throughout the day. SCL Group do not have a subsidised restaurant/canteen from which to provide learners with a meal. Therefore, the allowance is aligned to the cost at a high street retailer. Learners will be expected to source their own meal from the local community including high street retailers, or where possible food outlets within the venue.

Support with essentials

Learners facing financial hardship due to exceptional reasons and/or their circumstances changing, and/or in need of assistance with course-related costs are invited to apply. This is a means-tested bursary so applications should be submitted with evidence of income (from the list above). SCL’s qualifying condition requirements above also apply. Items to be funded through cash and/or “in kind” payments may include: • Emergency meals • Kit (up to £350 per learner) • Laptops on lease to learners (must be returned to SCL) (up to £300 per learner) • Other justified costs as agreed by the bursary committee


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