IMGL Magazine October 2023


From player claim tensions in Europe to insightful regulators contributions


elcome to the latest edition of the IMGL Magazine! It has been one of my priorities to expend and intensify

decisions, in the form of laws, that the regulators end up carrying out.


the geographical scope of the magazine’s authorship beyond Europe and the US. And I am thus delighted to bring another mix of articles to you that are rich in topics and diverse in geographical scope. It includes contributions on tax matters in Peru and Ecuador, crypto perspectives from Argentina, a case study from Mexico, insights into first nation gaming in Canada and much more. Law makers often neglect the fact that certain choices they make can cripple or boost the nationally regulated gaming industry. Two articles in this issue illustrate it. One discusses the link between ill-conceived gaming taxation and a blight on the legalized industry in Ecuador and Peru. Then we have a piece from Canada which reveals how amendments to the country’s Criminal Code and Indian Act could dramatically shake up the entire gaming. These two examples show yet again how important it is for the gaming industry and its various stakeholders to have an open dialogue with law makers. It is the latter’s

We also look back at the IMGL Zurich conference where delegates found expected and unexpected delights. Amid the expected high-value panel contents and social events, many were surprised to be – unexpectedly – able to take a dip in the city river of Zurich! The crystal-clear waters directly adjacent to the conference hotel met with (former and current) presidential approval. The conference hosted regulators from five continents and their views were a key part of the IMGL Zurich event. We look back at their contributions in this magazine issue. IAGR President Jason Lane kicked off the conference with a deep-dive fireside chat. His and the subsequent contributions of his colleagues were an excellent opportunity to listen and absorb regulators’ views. Further, this issue features two contributions from Europe that I suggest reading in conjunction. One from Austria, the other from Malta. They discuss the tensions that exist in

Contents 6

Austria courts set legal precedents

10 14 18 24 30 34 38 42 46

Regulator’s reflections: Carl Brincat, CEO of Malta Gaming Authority

IMGL conference review: regulators’ views were a key part of the autumn event in Zurich

Lottery courier services and the law

Online gambling taxes in Peru and Ecuador

Artificial intelligence in gaming

Change may be coming to gaming conducted by Canada’s First Nations

Betting on women’s sports: realizing the untapped potential

Do cryptocurrencies represent an opportunity for online gaming in Argentina?

To appeal or not to appeal: the Tamaulipas file, a study case from Mexico



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