IMGL Magazine October 2023


the EU’s Internal Market with its two layers of legal rules. The tensions between national laws of the member states and the supranational set of rules of the EU. These tensions have received increased attention with Malta’s introduction of Bill 55 – yet, from another angle. Traditionally the tensions have related to Malta arguing the European fundamental freedoms of services and establishment for its licesensed gaming companies, while some member states have argued that games of chance are a special case where European principles can hardly apply. In the Bill 55 causa, it is vice versa: the plaintiffs in states like Austria argue that gaming operators relying on licenses from outside its jurisdiction are operating in contravention of its national laws and that players with gambling losses are entitled to claim for reimbursement. Accordingly, they cite European law (the Brussels Convention) to help enforce their national court decisions relating to player claims against operators. Malta, on the other hand, argues national law and ‘ordre public’ exceptions to refuse international enforcement of court decisions in Malta. Do not miss this multilayer transnational debate in Europe!

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Yours sincerely, Simon

IMGL Magazine is owned, published and distributed by: The International Masters of Gaming Law PO Box 27106, Las Vegas, NV 89126 USA The IMGL is a domestic non-profit corporation registered in Nevada, U.S. with registration number NV20121147120 Editor in Chief: Simon Planzer PhD, Publication & Marketing Committee: Co-chairs , Stephanie Bell and Simon Planzer Members : Henrik Hoffmann, Kok-Keng Lau, Christine Masse, Peter Kulick, Anna Soilleux-Mills, Veronique dos Reis Head of Publications: Phil Savage Design and production: SportBusiness Communications. Copyright: All rights reserved to IMGL. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without prior permission from the publisher. The articles expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect the views of IMGL but those of the authors. The publisher and editor do not accept any liability for the contents of the authors’ contributions.



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