Elevate September 2024 | Air Serbia

Air Serbia inflight magazine

FANCY A CUP OF TEA IN CHINA? Jeste li za čaj u Kini?

BRŽE I JEDNOSTAVNIJE MOBILNA APLIKACIJA ZA KUPOVINU AVIO-KARATA • Pronađite najbolju ponudu • Skenirajte i bezbedno čuvajte putne dokumente na svom profilu • Brža prijava na let • Karta za ukrcavanje uvek uz vas • Svoje ideje i sugestije možete podeliti sa nama putem aplikacije


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Reč dobrodošlice

Welcome message

September 2024

Septembar 2024.

Dear passengers,

Dragi putnici,

SEPTEMBARSKO IZDANJE MAGAZINA „ELEVEJT“ PO- SVETILI SMO NARODNOJ REPUBLICI KINI . Već skoro dve godine Er Srbija leti do Tjenđina na severoistoku Ki- ne, a nedavno smo najavili pokretanje i naše druge de- stinacije u toj azijskoj zemlji. Od 30. septembra srpska nacionalna avio-kompanija leteće do grada Guangdžou, koga zbog pozicije često nazivaju i kapija južne Kine. Taj moderni i dinamični grad, bogate kulturne baštine, krase stare gradske četvrti, istorijski i kulturni spomenici i kan- tonski vrtovi, a hramovi i autentična gastronomija turiste privlače tokom cele godine. Do Guangdžoua Er Srbija će saobraćati dva puta nedeljno, a mi vas pozivamo da red letenja i dodatne informacije pronađete na našem saj- tu www.airserbia.com. Karte za Guangdžou su u proda- ji, pa već danas možete isplanirati putovanje do Narod- ne Republike Kine. Onima koji daju prednost kraćim putovanjima na ras- polaganju je više od 80 destinacija u našoj mreži. Pre- poručujemo da iskoristite čari septembra za putova- nja do Krfa, Krita, Rodosa, Kipra, Sicilije ili Malte. Na tim ostrvima je leto još uvek u punom jeku, a uživanje zagarantovano. Ukoliko više volite obilaske evropskih metropola, pra- vi je trenutak da upoznate njihovu bogatu istoriju i kul- turu, arhitektonska čuda, živopisne gradske trgove i lokalnu kuhinju. U Evropi je sve blizu, pa tokom samo jednog putovanja lako možete obići i više destinacija. Pogledajte na poslednjim stranicama našeg magazi- na do kojih gradova Evrope Er Srbija leti, a zatim pusti- te mašti na volju, planirajte, kombinujte, uvek imaju- ći na umu misao čuvenog Marka Tvena: „Za dvadeset godina bićeš više razočaran stvarima koje nisi uradio nego onima koje jesi. Isplovi, zato, iz sigurne luke. Ot- krivaj, sanjaj, istražuj!“ Da bismo vam u tome pomogli, trudimo se da nepre- kidno unapređujemo uslugu. Naša flota trenutno ima 27 aviona, različitih tipova. Pored širokotrupnih aviona tipa „erbas A330-200“, uskotrupnih aviona iz porodice „erbas A320“ i turboelisnih ATR aviona, odnedavno u floti imamo i dva „embraer“ aviona tipa „E195“. Očeku- jemo da će u narednom periodu u Beograd stići i treći širokotrupni avion, čime se otvara mogućnost za dalje proširenje dugolinijskog saobraćaja naše kompanije. Er Srbija, kao najbrže rastuća avio-kompanija u regi- onu, iz dana u dan obara rekorde u broju prevezenih putnika i realizovanih letova. Dobri rezultati odraz su poverenja koje nam ukazujete. Zajedno idemo napred i dostižemo nove visine. Hvala vam što birate srpsku nacionalnu avio-kompaniju za svoja putovanja. Uživajte u letu i srećan put!

WE HAVE DEDICATED THIS SEPTEMBER ISSUE OF OUR ELEVATE MAGAZINE TO THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA . Air Serbia has been operating flights to Tianjin, a city in northeast China, for almost two years, while we re- cently announced the launch of flights to our second de- stination in this Asian country. Starting on 30 th Septem- ber, the Serbian national airline will be operating regular flights to Guangzhou, which is often dubbed “China's Sout- hern Gateway” due to its position. This modern and dyna- mic city with a rich cultural heritage has old town neighbo- urhoods, historical and cultural monuments, Cantonese gardens, temples and authentic gastronomy that attra- ct tourists year-round. Air Serbia will operate two flights a week to Guangzhou, and we invite you to check out the flight schedule and all additional information on our web- site: www.airserbia.com. Tickets for Guangzhou flights are already available, so you can plan your trip to the People’s Republic of China today. Those preferring shorter trips can benefit from over 80 de- stinations in our network. We recommend that you seize the opportunity and enjoy the magic of September by travelling to Corfu, Crete, Rhodes, Cyprus, Sicily or Malta. Summer is still in full swing on these islands, and a good time is guaranteed. If you prefer visiting European cities, now is the perfect ti- me to learn about their rich history and discover their cultu- re, architectural wonders, lively town squares and local cui- sine. Everything is nearby in Europe, and you can easily visit multiple destinations in a single trip. Check out the last pa- ges of our magazine to see which European cities are inc- luded in Air Serbia’s network, then let your imagination ta- ke over, make plans and arrangements, and always have in mind the words of famous writer Mark Twain: “Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines! Sail away from the safe harbour. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover!!” We strive to constantly upgrade our services in an effort to help you in this endeavour. Our fleet currently includes 27 aircraft of different types. In addition to wide-body Airbus A330-200 aircraft, narrow-body planes from the Airbus A320 family and turboprop ATR, as of recently our fleet has also included two Embraer E195 aircraft. We are expecting a third wide-body jet to arrive in Belgrade in the coming period, thus creating the po- ssibility to further expand our long-haul network. As the fastest-growing airline in the region, Air Serbia is bre- aking passenger and flight number records on a daily basis. And these good results reflect the trust you have placed in us. We are advancing and reaching new heights together. Thank you for choosing the Serbian national airline for your travels. Enjoy your flight and have a safe trip!

Jirži Marek Jiri Marek



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Torta i šampanjac: Er Srbija uz srpske olimpijce / Cake and Champagne: Air Serbia supports Serbia’s Olympians Er Srbija prevezla rekordan broj putnika i u julu / Air Serbia carried a record number of passengers in July

 Er Srbija od 19. septembra ponovo leti za Nicu / Air Serbia resumes its Nice service as of 19 th September


INTERVJU INTERVIEW 30. Žan Pol Munik: Muzika može



da transformiše ljude, to je magija / Jean-Paul Maunick: music can transform people, it’s magic

 Sa nama putuje Lena Kovačević, muzičarka / Travelling with us is Lena Kovačević, musician

Jesenji trend raport: Tkanine padaju na naglašene siluete / Autumn trend report: Fabrics take on accentuated silhouettes



 Vodimo vas u Guangdžou / We’re taking you to Guangzhou

BITEF: Lepota (ne)će spasiti svet / BITEF: beauty will (not) save the world Bebi Lazanja: „Egzit“ mi je bio strašniji od „Evrosonga“ / Baby Lasagna: Exit was scarier than Eurovision Serije: Od Pariza, preko Tolkina i Oldmana, sve do lignji / Series: from Paris, via Tolkien and Oldman, all the way to squid



8 | Sadržaj » Contents

The inflight magazine of Air Serbia

Glavna urednica i direktorka izdavaštva / Editor-in-chief and publishing director Jelena Isaković Izvršna urednica / Executive Editor Jelena Pantović Urednički odbor Er Srbije / Air Serbia Editorial Committee Arsen Rudan Šef tehničke redakcije / Chief of the design and layout team Zoran Stojković Tehnički urednik / Design and layout editor Aleksa Vasović Dizajn i lejaut / Design and layout Milica Vasović, Bojana Stanojević Urednik fotografije / Photo Editor Mladen Šurjanac Fotografije / Photography Đorđe Kojadinović, Mitar Mitrović, Milan Ilić, Nenad Mihajlović, Oliver Bunić Foto-agencije / Photo agencies Profimedia.rs, Depositphotos Lektura / Copy editing Bojana Đurić, Jovana Subotić Prevod na engleski / Translation to English Mark Pullen Lektura za engleski / English Copy Editing Mark Pullen Oglašavanje / Advertising Media Impact Srbija Snežana Stojsavljević, izvršni menadžer prodaje oglasnog prostora / Executive Advertising Manager snezana.stojsavljevic@mediaimpact.rs, elevate@mediaimpact.rs Izdavač / Publisher Ringier Srbija Kosovska 10, 11000 Beograd elevate@ringier.rs


Dobro došli u Tjenđin: Grad iza zida i vrata Pekinga / Welcome to Tianjin: City behind the wall and gates of Beijing


Beogradski šik kroz vekove / Belgrade chic throughout the centuries



Slavlje na balkonu: Oni su heroji nacije / Celebration on the Balcony: They are the heroes of the nation

Peking: Gde se drevna raskoš spaja sa savremenim šikom / Beijing: where ancient luxury and contemporary chic merge

Generalni direktor Ringier Srbija / CEO Ringier Serbia Jelena Drakulić Petrović Štampa / Print Rotografika Subotica

RITAM SRBIJE RHYTHM OF SERBIA 90. Tršić, selo u kom se šeta

Air Serbia inflight magazine

kroz prošlost / Tršić: a village where you stroll through the past

Distribucija / Distribution Besplatno na svim letovima Er Srbije Free of charge on all Air Serbia flights

Materijali objavljeni u ovom izdanju vlasništvo su izdavača ili Er Srbije i ne mogu se reprodukovati bez pisanog odobrenja izdavača. Stavovi izneti u tekstovima su stavovi autora i ne mogu se dovoditi u vezu sa Er Srbijom ili izdavačem. Izdavač i Er Srbija odriču se odgovornost za sadržaj oglasa. All material is copyrighted and all rights are reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in whole or in part without the written permission of the publisher. Opinions expressed are those of the authors and cannot be related to Air Serbia. Air Serbia does not accept responsibility for advertising content. Air Serbia Review - besplatno na svim letovima Er Srbije / Air Serbia Review - free of charge on all Air Serbia flights / CIP - Каталогизација у публикацији Народна библиотека Србије, Београд • 659 • ELEVATE : the inflight magazine of Air Serbia / glavni i odgovorni urednik Jelena Isaković. - 2014 (avg.)- . - Beograd : Ringier Axel Springer Srbija, 2014 - (Subotica : Rotografika). - 27 cm • Mesečno. - Tekst uporedo na srp. i engl. jeziku. - Je nastavak: Air Serbia Review • ISSN 2466-4073 • Elevate (Beograd) • COBISS.SR- ID 222113804 • Copyright 2013 © Air Serbia All rights reserved

FANCY A CUP OF TEA IN CHINA? Jeste li za čaj u Kini?

Polećemo za Guangdžou / We are flying to Guangzhou Foto/ Photo: Profimedia

Broj / Issue No. 367 Naslovna strana / Cover Profimedia

Contents » Sadržaj | 9

U fokusu

In focus

DVA PUTA NEDELJNO DO AZURNE OBALE TWICE A WEEK TO THE FRENCH RIVIERA Er Srbija od 19. septembra ponovo leti za Nicu / Air Serbia resumes its Nice service as of 19 th September

Serbia’s national airline will fly to this French city on Thursdays and Sundays, with a flight time of approximately two hours “AIR SERBIA INTRODUCED DI- RECT FLIGHTS BETWEEN SERBIA AND NICE in June 2019, as a sea- sonal service. I am pleased to anno- unce that scheduled flights to this destination will launch on 19 th Sep- tember. Nice is one of the most attractive cities on the French Ri- viera, and a very popular tourist de- stination in Europe. Bringing this ci- ty back into our growing network of destinations enables a fast and comfortable link, as well as good connections from Nice, via Belgra- de, to a large number of cities aro- und the world,” said Air Serbia Ge- neral Manager, Commercial and Strategy, Boško Rupić. Nice is a tourism and econo- mic hub of the Côte d'Azur. Loca- ted on the Mediterranean coast, it stretches along the entire length of the beautiful Bay of Angels. Cha- racterised by a mild Mediterrane- an climate, it enjoys more than 300 sunny days a year. As the leading ci- ty of the French Riviera, Nice epito- mises the art of living. You will enjoy the azure waters of the Mediterra- nean, strolling the narrow streets of the old city, shopping in prestigio- us boutiques, attending classical music concerts at the Opera, ga- la evenings in casinos throughout the city, as well as Michelin-starred restaurants. Make sure to visit Co- urs Saleya market, as well as Colli- ne du Chateau park, which offers a beautiful panoramic view of the Bay of Angels, the old town and Ni- ce harbour. The Serbian national airline wi- ll fly to Nice Côte d'Azur Airport (NCE), which is located about six ki- lometres west of the city centre. France’s second largest airport, it handles over 14 million passengers annually, with flights available to over 100 destinations and 40 coun- tries worldwide.

Do tog grada u Francuskoj srpska nacionalna avio- kompanija će leteti četvrtkom i nedeljom, a let će trajati oko dva sata – ER SRBIJA JE DIREKTNU AVIO-VE- ZU IZMEĐU PRESTONICE SRBI- JE I NICE prvi put, kao sezonsku lini- ju, uvela u junu 2019. godine. Sada sa zadovoljstvom možemo da najavi- mo da će ta avio-linija od 19. septem- bra biti deo našeg redovnog saobra- ćaja. Nica je jedan od najatraktivnijih gradova na Azurnoj obali i izuzetno popularna turistička tačka u Evropi. Ponovno uvođenje tog grada u našu rastuću mrežu destinacija putnicima omogućava brzu i udobnu vezu, kao i dobre konekcije iz Nice preko Beo- grada do velikog broja gradova širom sveta – rekao je Boško Rupić, direktor za komercijalu i strategiju Er Srbije. Nica je glavni turistički i privred- ni centar Azurne obale. Smešte-

na je na obali Sredozemnog mora, prostire se celom dužinom prediv- nog zaliva Anđela. Odlikuje je ume- renomediteranska klima, sa više od 300 sunčanih dana godišnje. Kao vodeći grad francuske rivijere, Ni- ca je oličenje umetnosti življenja. Uživaćete u plavetnilu Meditera- na, šetnjama uskim uličicama sta- rog grada, u šopingu prestižnim bu- ticima, koncertima klasične muzike u Operi, gala večerama u kazinima širom grada, kao i u restoranima sa „Mišlenovom“ zvezdicom. Obave- zno posetite pijacu Kur Saleja, kao i park Kolen du šato, iz kog se pruža predivan panoramski pogled na za- liv Be dez Anž, stari grad i luku. Srpska nacionalna avio-kom- panija leteće do aerodroma „Azur- na obala Nica“ (NCE) koji je smešten oko 6 kilometara zapadno od cen- tra grada. To je drugi po veličini aero- drom u Francuskoj, i godišnje opsluži više od 14 miliona putnika. Sa aero- droma u Nici može se leteti na preko stotinu destinacija u više od 40 ze- malja širom sveta.

10 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia

Na letu

On board

Na letu pripadam svetu mašte On flights I belong to the world of the imagination ZAŠTO VOLITE AVIONE? WHY DO YOU LIKE PLANES?

– OD NAJRANIJEG DETINJSTVA LETIM AVIONIMA, ali se još nisam navikla na magič- nost boravka u nebeskim visinama. Postoji ne- što što me opčini svaki put kad poletim: kao da na određeno vreme i sama pripadam višem svetu mašte. Volela bih da nikad ne postanem ravno- dušna na prizor koji vidim kroz avionski prozor. Kako provodite vreme na letovima i bez čega ne ulazite u avion? – Zavisi s kim letim. Deca, naravno, postav- ljaju hiljadu pitanja koja nisu bezazlena. Kad na njih odgovorim, volimo da slušamo muziku. Vo- lim i da čitam i pišem planove, poneku misao, ideju. Umem u avionu da vidim određene stva- ri iz ptičje perspektive, pa mi se učini da sam pa- metnija u vazduhu. A nosim previše stvari – osim slušalica, tu su knjiga, časopis, agende i olovke, karmini, parfemi...

“I’VE BEEN FLYING BY PLANE SINCE MY EARLI- EST CHILDHOOD , but I still haven’t grown accustomed to the magic of spending time in the heavenly heights. There is something that captivates me every time I take off: as if I personally belong to the higher world of the imagination for a certain period. I would like it if I never become apa- thetic to the sight I observe through an aeroplane window.” How do you pass the time during flights and what do you always carry aboard the plane? “It depends who I’m flying with. Children naturally ask a thousand questions that aren’t naïve. Once I an- swer them, we like to listen to music. I also like to read and write down plans, some thoughts, ideas. I’m capable of observing certain things from a bird’s eye view while I’m aboard a plane, so it seems to me that I’m more intel- ligent in the air. And I carry too many things – apart from headphones, I also take a book, a magazine, journals and pens, lipsticks, perfumes etc.”

Tekst / Words: Ana Vodinelić Fotografije / Photography: Irina Duplevskaya

Ko je Lena Diplomirala je muziku na muzičkom Konzervatorijumu u Amsterdamu. S pesmom „Kafe“ glas joj se začuo na radio-stanicama širom sveta. Bila je po- časni član na „Brit Awards“ iz regiona, nastupala na venčanju Novaka Đokovi- ća, zapevala pred nastup Lari Fabijan u beogradskoj „Areni“. U 2024. objavila je obradu čuvene pesme „Ederlezi“, uz po- dršku Gorana Bregovića, a uveliko piše muziku za novi album. WHO IS LENA? She graduated from the Conservatori- um van Amsterdam music school. Her voice was heard on radio stations world- wide thanks to the song Cafe. She has been this region’s honorary guest at the Brit Awards, performed at Novak Đok- ović’s wedding and sang as a special guest performer at Lara Fabian’s Bel- grade Arena concert. She released a 2024 cover version of the famous Romani song Ederlezi, with the support of Goran Bregović, and is currently busy writing music for her new album.

Lena Kovačević, muzičarka musician

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HORIZON RESIDENCES Where Sky Meets Sea Introducing Horizon, an exclusive hill- side neighbourhood where the beauty of the Adriatic Sea meets the vastness of the sky. Here, every hillside residence is a testament to thoughtful design and boundless natural beauty. Each one is a masterpiece of Mediterranean de- sign, featuring terraces that invite you to linger, pools that beckon for a re- freshing dip, and private spaces that of- fer breathtaking, uninterrupted views of the marina and sea, extending to the horizon. Life at the Summit Life at Horizon means enjoying the fin- est details. Picture homes built from warm Luštica stone, accented with Mediterranean shutters and distinctive roofs. Interiors feature earthy tones that complement the stunning blue views, creating a serene and elegant atmos- phere. Each view has been carefully choreo- graphed and framed by an arched por- tico or pergola entwined with honey- suckle tendrils. Think artfully tiered pool terraces, lush gardens with olive and lemon trees, and winding staircases overlooking the sea.

me scan

THE EMERGING MON- DESTINATION OF LUŠTICA BAY is redefining coastal indoor-outdoor living with the country’s first golf course and residences, The Peaks. This desti- nation’s most luxurious develop- ment to date offers a collection of residences perched atop dramat- ic cliffs overlooking the Adriatic. Inspired by the beauty of its surroundings, The Peaks com- bines modern architecture with traditional influences to create a timeless and sophisticated neigh- bourhood. Its first collection of residences, Botanika, compris- es villas, townhouses and apart- ments that have been designed by internationally acclaimed ar- chitects Block 722 and local de- TENEGRIN

sign firm NRA Atelier.

The residences boast soaring ceilings and open-concept lay- outs, inviting the outdoors in at every turn. From private pools to landscaped terraces, the consid- ered layout and high-end ameni- ties maximise true indoor-outdoor living. With its elevated position between the UNESCO-protected Bay of Kotor and the Adriatic Sea, the development’s Gary Player De- signed 18-hole golf course joins an elite group of under 10% of the world’s golf courses that of- fer sea views from every hole, es- tablishing Montenegro as a pre- mier golfing destination. Complementing The Peaks, the wider town of Luštica Bay provides a vibrant hub of din-

The Art of Living Horizon isn’t just about where you live; it’s about how you live. Engage in out- door adventures, find peace in tranquil corners and enjoy a community that blends modern amenities with tradi- tional charm. From dynamic Luštica Bay activities to serene private moments, Horizon offers a life reimagined.

14 | Promo » Promo

Stunning views in every direction FROM THE TEE TO THE SEA Not only will The Peaks be the home of Montenegro’s first ever golf course, the course at Luštica Bay will join an exclusive international cadre of cours- es that boast scenic views from every hole: something that fewer than 10% of golf courses worldwide can claim to offer. The natural topology of the terrain allows for a course that of- fers something for players of all lev- els and abilities. So, whether you’re a seasoned pro or just getting into the swing of things, you’ll want to return round after round. To commemorate its visionary construction, Luštica Bay proudly hosted its inaugural event with sporting legend and leading voice in golf course design, Gary Player – in- cluding the first symbolic swing. “The property’s natural beauty is ex- traordinary – with its rugged terrain, diverse wildlife and views of the Adri- atic. Its development has demanded innovative solutions, but also unpar- alleled opportunities, enabling us to create a course that will offer golfers a truly unique journey. It is with great pride that we’re expanding the game of golf to Montenegro…if I had to have a house or villa on any golf course in the world, this would be my place. I have spent the majority of my profes- sional career expanding golf around the world and always felt that it is im- portant to create new opportunities for golfers to enjoy the game in new and exciting ways. No doubt the chal- lenging landscape of Luštica Bay will offer a unique experience for golf- ers to test their skills and improve their game. By opening up this course in Montenegro, we are not only bring- ing the beauty of the sport to a new lo- cation, but also providing a platform for golfers to push themselves and grow in their abilities. I am excited for the opportunity Luštica Bay will bring through creating a new golfing desti- nation in an area where our sport is un- derserved,” said Player.

ing, shopping and entertainment for both sightseers and adven- ture-seekers. Combining mod- ern luxury with authentic Mediter- ranean charm, this development is the ideal destination for both short and long-term visitors want- ing to explore Montenegro’s stun- ning natural landscapes and rich cultural heritage. Now bolstered with its upcoming championship golf course, Luštica Bay continues to expand its offer of world-class sporting facilities, establishing it- self as a premier destination for all.

W: www.lusticabay.com E: sales@lusticabay.com T: +382 67 050 550

Promo » Promo | 15



Dobro došli u grad cveć a i ovnova

Guangdžou, sa nadimcima Grad ov - nova i Grad cveć a, živo je mesto pre - puno cveć a, modernih visokih zgra - da, preukusne hrane i elegantnih ljudi. Pa ipak, u nekim svojim delovi - ma grad zadržava tradicionalni na - čin života. Kao glamurozna turistič - ka destinacija, Guangdžou poseduje veliki broj atrakcija fokusiranih po - djednako i na prirodne pejzaže i na kulturnu baštinu. Ljubitelji istorije će rado istražiti Ša - mjen, ostrvo evropskog šarma, dok će se oni naklonjeniji prirodnim pej - zažima brzo uveriti da ih Guang - džou neć e razočarati. Planina Beli oblak, koja se sastoji od više od 30

vrhova, spada među najlepše u tom regionu, a tu je i park Juesju u kom je postavljena znamenita skulptura Pet ovnova. Noć u obavezno krstari - te Bisernom rekom kako biste u pot - punosti osetili duh ovog dinamič - nog grada... Postoji mnogo događaja i aktivno - sti u kojima možete učestvovati to - kom septembra jer ovaj prelepi grad ima šta da ponudi posetiocima svih uzrasta i interesovanja. Mi smo vam spremili neke lepe predloge, ali do - pustite sebi da istražujete... Narav - no, ne zaboravite da od 30. sep - tembra do Guangdžoua možete da odletite direktnim letom Er Srbije!

16 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia



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Welcome to the city of flowers and rams

Nicknamed “City of Rams” and “City of Flowers”, Guangzhou is a migrant ci- ty that’s packed with flowers, modern high rises, delicate foods and stylish pe- ople, while it also preserves its traditio- nal lifestyle in some parts. As a glamoro- us travel destination, Guangzhou boasts a large number of tourist attractions that focus either on natural landscapes or cul- tural heritage. History buffs always enjoy exploring Sha- mian Island, with its European flavour, but Guangzhou’s attractions also won’t disa- ppoint those who prefer natural scenery. White Cloud Mountain, consisting of mo- re than 30 peaks, ranks as the most be-

autiful mountain in the Guangzhou area. Yuexiu Park, home to the landmark Fi- ve-Ram Sculpture, offers enchanting mo- untain and lake views. Be sure to take a night cruise on the Pearl River, in order to experience the full spirit of this dyna- mic city... There are plenty of events and activities to check out in Guangzhou during Sep- tember. This beautiful city has lots to offer visitors of all ages and interests. He- re we’ll provide insight into the top things to see and do, but be sure to explore the city for yourself... Of course, don‘t forget that from 30 th September you can fly to Guangzhou on a direct Air Serbia flight!

Air Serbia » Er Srbija | 17


va vojna akademija u kineskoj istoriji), koncertnu dvoranu Singai (koja se može pohvali - ti elegantnim izgledom), istorij - ski Šamjen (pročitajte ispod)... Reka je ovde poput vrpce ko - ja povezuje istorijske lokacije i prelepe pejzaže sa modernom kulturom i istorijskim nasle - đem grada. Ostrvo Šamjen Prošetajte šarmantnim uli - cama ostrva Šamjen, ko - je je poznato po svojoj dobro očuvanoj arhitekturi i mir - noj atmosferi. Možete se divi - ti zgradama u evropskom sti - lu, posetiti ostrvske muzeje i opustiti se u njegovim živopi - snim parkovima. Ostrvo je do - bro mesto za šetnju, pošto je dugačko samo 900 m od isto - ka ka zapadu i 300 od juga ka severu. Problemi kao što su saobrać ajne gužve i zagađe - nje ovde ne postoje. Delom re - zervisani za pešake, široki bu - levari su poput dugih vrtnih topijara. Niz barova i kafić a na jugozapadnoj strani sa pogle -

dom na Bisernu reku dobro će doći za kratak predah. Lingnan tematski park Ovaj kulturni tematski park nu - di jedinstven uvid u tradicio - nalnu kulturu Lingnan provin - cije Guangdong. U septembru se u parku održavaju poseb - ni događaji i predstave koje prikazuju bogato nasleđe re - giona, uključujuć i tradicional - nu muziku, ples i zanate. Park se nalazi u južnom delu grada na Malom ostrvu Guvej. Kuć e i hramovi se mogu videti u tra - dicionalnom kantonskom stilu sa obe strane glavne ulice par - ka, pa posetioci mogu da ose - te duh starog Guangdžoua. Operska kuća Sa pogledom na Bisernu re - ku, gradska Opera usvojila je najsavremeniju tehnologiju u svom dizajnu i izgradnji, po - stajući trajni spomenik Novom milenijumu i potvrđujuć i Gu - angdžou kao jedan od azijskih kulturnih centara. Opera je po - stala je jedno od tri najveć a

Biserna reka Prvi jesenji mesec je odlič - no vreme za uživanje u laga - nom krstarenju Bisernom re - kom, jer je vreme još toplo, a gradska svetla stvaraju magi - čan ambijent. Moć i ć ete da vi - dite ikonične znamenitosti po - put Kantonske kule i Opere u Guangdžou osvetljene na no - ć nom nebu. Mostovi, ukraše - ni šarenim neonskim svetlima, izgledaju kao fantastične duge koje se protežu preko reke. Na obe obale se budi noć ni život grada, a voda u reci reflektuje sva ta veličanstvena svetla. Tokom dana možete da se prošetate pored Biserne reke i prepustite prelepim vodenim prizorima. Koridor, dugačak oko 23 kilometra, zapravo je nasip napravljen posebno za uživanje u pejzažu. Pored le - pota reke, možete ovde prona - ć i istorijske i umetničke zgra - de u Guangdžou, uključujuć i vojnu akademiju Huangpu (pr -

18 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia

Pearl River The first month of autumn is a great time to enjoy a leisurely cruise along the Pearl River, wi- th the weather still warm and the lights of the city creating a magical ambiance. You’ll see iconic landmarks, like Can- ton Tower and the Guangzhou Opera House, illuminated aga- inst the night sky. The city’s bridges, decorated by colourful shining neon lights, seem like fantastic rainbows spanning the river. The nightlife of the ci- ty awakens on both banks, wi- th the water reflecting the ma- gnificent lights. During the daytime, take a stroll along the ‘Scenery Corri- dor’ beside the Pearl and enjoy beautiful riverside scenes. IN THE CITY

This corridor is around 23 ki- lometres long and is actually a dyke built for the purpose of appreciating the scenery. In addition to attractive scenes on and beside the river, peo- ple can also find historic and artistic buildings including Huangpu Military Academy (the first military academy in Chinese history), Xinghai Con- cert Hall (boasting an ele- gant appearance), the Histo- ric Site in Shamian (covered below)... The river is like a ri- bbon connecting historical si- tes and beautiful scenery with modern culture and the city’s

il atmosphere. You can admire European-style buildings, vi- sit the island’s museums and relax in its picturesque parks. Shamian Island is a good place for a stroll, given that it is just 900 metres wide from east to west and 300 metres long from south to north. Problems like traffic congestion and ex - haust fumes don’t exist here. Today reserved partly for pe- destrians, its broad boulevards are like long topiary gardens. The line of bars and cafés loca- ted on the southwest side, and providing views of the Pearl, are ideal for a short break. Lingnan Impression Park This cultural theme park offers unique insight into the traditio- nal Lingnan culture of Guang- dong province. The park hosts special events and performan- ces in September that show- case the region’s rich herita- ge, including traditional music, dance and crafts. The park is located in the south of the ci- ty on Small Guwei Island. Here you can see houses and tem- ples in the traditional Canto- nese style on both sides of the park’s main street. Walking this street leads visitors to feel as

historical legacy. Shamian Island

Wander the charming streets of Shamian Island, which is known for its well-preser- ved architecture and tranqu-

Kantonski toranj je drugi najviši toranj i četvrta po visini samostojeća građevina na svetu Canton Tower is the second tallest tower and fourth tallest free- standing building in the world

Air Serbia » Er Srbija | 19

Zdanje Opere dizajnirala je čuvena Zaha Hadid Opera House designed by famous architect Zaha Hadid

famous architect Zaha Hadid, it was made to represent two boulder-like structures of di- fferent sizes, each containing an auditorium. Yuexiu Park The largest park in downtown Guangzhou, covering an area of 860,000 square metres, it includes three artificial lakes and seven hills of Yuexiu Mo- untain, hence the name. A per- fect combination of cultural relics and ecological tourism, its main points of interest inc- lude the stone sculpture of the Five Rams, Zhenhai Tower, the Ming Dynasty City Wall etc. The Five-Ram Sculpture is one of the most famous structu- res in Guangzhou and has be- come an emblem of the city. Legend has it that the city was a barren land more than 2,000 years ago, with the people suffering from famine despite being hard working. One day, five immortals in five-colour garments came riding on five rams, playing their legendary music. The rams held sheaves of rice in their mouths. The immortals left the sheaves of rice for the local people, gave blessings to the city and left. The rams turned to stone and the city became a rich and po- pulous place. And it was then that Guangzhou earned the nickname City of Rams.

muzička teatra, izgrađena od 12.000 tona čelika na površi - ni od 70.000 kvadratnih meta - ra, sa 1.800 i 400 mesta. Zda - nje je dizajnirala čuvena Zaha Hadid kako bi predstavila dve strukture različitih veličina, sa pozorištem u svakoj. Juesju park Ovo je najveć i park u centru Guangdžoua, koji pokriva po - vršinu od 860.000 kvadratnih metara, a sastoji se od tri ve - štačka jezera i sedam brda planine Juesju – otuda i na - ziv. To je savršena kombina - cija kulturnih znamenitosti i ekološkog turizma, a glavna mesta interesovanja uključu - ju kamenu skulpturu Pet ovno - va, kulu Dženhaj, zid dinastije Ming... Ipak, skulptura Pet ov - nova je jedna od najpoznatijih građevina u Guangdžouu, ko - ja je postala simbol grada i da - lu mu nadimak. Legenda kaže da je pre više od 2.000 godina grad bio neplodna zemlja sa ljudima koji su, uprkos teškom radu, gladovali. Jednog dana došlo je pet besmrtnika jašu -

though they are in old Guang- zhou city. Opera House Overlooking the Pearl River, Guangzhou Opera House in- corporated cutting edge te- chnology into its design and construction, as a lasting mo- nument to the New Millenni- um, confirming Guangzhou as one of Asia’s hubs of cultu- re. Constructed from 12,000 tons of steel on a 70,000 squ- are-metre site, the Opera Hou- se has become one of China’s three biggest theatres and inc- ludes 1,800-seat and 400-se- at auditoriums. Designed by

20 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia

ć i na pet ovnova, svirajuć i mu - ziku. Ovnovi su u ustima drža - li snopove pirinča. Besmrtnici su ostavili snopove za lokalno stanovništvo, dali blagoslov gradu i otišli. Ovnovi su se pre - tvorili u kamen i grad je postao bogato i naseljeno mesto. Gu - angdžou je zbog toga dobio nadimak Grad ovnova. VAN GRADA Kajping Djaolou i sela Septembar je idealno vreme za istraživanje lokacije „Kaj - ping Djaolou i sela“ koja se na - lazi na listi svetske baštine Uneska, a poznata je po svom jedinstvenom arhitektonskom stilu i istorijskom značaju. Možete se diviti prepoznatlji - vim karaulama i utvrđenim re - zidencijama i naučiti o fasci -

nantnoj istoriji regiona. Ovo mesto je napravljeno od više - spratnih odbrambenih seoskih kuć a u Kajpingu, koje prikazu - ju složenu fuziju kineskih i za - padnih strukturalnih i deko - rativnih oblika izgrađenih od kamena, cigle ili betona. Za - državajuć i harmoničan odnos sa okolnim pejzažom, Djao - lou svedoči o procvatu lokal - ne građevinske tradicije koja je započela u periodu dinasti - je Ming. Planina Bađun Ovo je fantastično vreme za planinarenje na Bađunu i uži - vanje u prelepom pogledu na grad ispod. Niže temperatu - re i vedro nebo donose prijat - no iskustvo na otvorenom, a imać ete priliku da vidite buj - nu vegetaciju planine i prele - pe vodopade. Planina Bađun

pokriva veliku površinu seve - roistočnog Guangdžoua i od davnina se zbog svoje veličan - stvenosti i uzvišenosti smatra vrhunskim prirodnim delom grada. Ime Bađun znači Beli oblaci jer je vrh obavijen obla - cima kad god se nebo razvedri posle kiše. Sa pokrivenošć u šumom od preko 28 kvadrat - nih kilometara, planina tako - đe predstavlja pluć a Guang - džoua. Vozeć i se žičarom do vrha, možete uživati u pogle - du na deltu Biserne reke i uda - ljeni urbani deo Guangdžoua. Možete se diviti divljim ptica - ma i retkim biljkama, poseti - ti kulturne znamenitosti, vide - ti umetnička dela i opustiti se u prirodi. Ne postoji metro do ove lokacije, ali zato ima ne - koliko linija autobusa koji vo - ze do jednog od ulaza na pla - ninu.

Prosečna temperatura u Guangdžou u septembru kreć e se između 24 i 31 stepena Celzijusa The average daily temperature in Guangzhou during September typically ranges from a high of 31°C to a low of 24°C

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Kompleksna, fantastična fuzija kineskih i zapadnih strukturalnih i dekorativnih formi A complex and flamboyant fusion of Chinese and Western structural and decorative forms

Kaiping Diaolou and Villages

The cooler temperatures and clear skies make for a plea- sant outdoor experience, and you‘ll have a chance to enjoy the mountain’s lush vegetati- on and beautiful waterfalls. Ba- iyun Mountain covers a large area of northeast Guangzhou and has been considered the top natural scenic part of the city since ancient times, due to its magnificence and towering height. The name means Whi- te Cloud Mountain, because the summit is wreathed in clo- uds whenever the sky clears after rain. With forest coverage exceeding 28 square kilome- tres, Baiyun Mountain is also praised as the lung of Guangz- hou. Ride a cable car to the top and enjoy the view of the Pe- arl River Delta and far away ur- ban part of Guangzhou. You can admire wild birds and rare plants, visit cultural relics, see artistic works and relax in na- ture. As there are no subway li- nes leading directly to the site, visitors need to take a public bus to one of the entrances to Baiyun Mountain.

September is an ideal time to explore the UNESCO World He- ritage-listed Kaiping Diaolou and Villages, which are famo- us for their unique architectu- ral style and historical signifi - cance. Marvel at the distinctive watchtowers and fortified resi - dences, and learn about the re- gion’s fascinating history. This place consists of multi-sto- reyed defensive village hou- ses in Kaiping, which display a complex and flamboyant fusion of Chinese and We- stern structural and decorati- ve forms and are built of sto- ne, brick or concrete. Retaining a harmonious relationship wi- th the surrounding landscape, the Diaolou testify to the final flowering of local building tra- ditions that began in the period of the Ming dynasty. Baiyun Mountain September is also a fantastic time to hike up Baiyun Moun- tain and take in the breathta- king views of the city below.

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FESTIVAL SREDINE JESENI Ova tradicionalna proslava, poznata i kao Mesečev festi - val, divna je prilika da uroni - te u kinesku kulturu i pridru - žite se prazničnoj atmosferi. Ove godine ć e se slaviti 17. septembra, a glavni običa - ji su kačenje fenjera, jedenje rečnih puževa i obožavanje meseca. 1. Viseć i lampioni Svaka porodica pravi lampi - one sa bambusovim traka - ma, u različitim oblicima, sa predstavama životinja, voć a i insekata. Noć u se u fenjeri - ma pale sveć e, a manje sve - tiljke nižu na glavnu, pa pri - čvršć uju ispred vrata ili kače na drveć e. Veruje se da ova praksa donosi sreć u porodici – što su lampioni viši, to ć e porodica biti sreć nija. 2. Jedenje rečnih puževa Rečni puževi su tradicional - no nezaobilazna hrana na fe - stivalu u Guangdžouu. Obič - no se kuvaju sa začinskim biljem i veruje se da pomažu u „osvetljavanju“ očiju, odno - sno doprinose boljem vidu. 3. Obožavanje meseca Žene i deca obožavaju me - sec u noć i ovog praznika. Pale se mirišljavi štapići i ša - puću mesecu želje u nadi da ć e im on doneti sreć u. Poro - dice sa mladić ima ili devoj - kama koje nisu pronašle svo - ju voljenu osobu pale tamjan pod mesecom i mole ga da im donese ljubav.


believed to bring good luck to the family - the higher the lan- terns, the luckier the family wi- ll be. 2. Eating River Snails River snails are traditionally an indispensable food of the Mid-Autumn Festival dinner for the people of Guangzhou. Usu- ally cooked with medicinal her- bs, these snails are believed to help brighten the eyes. 3. Worshipping the Moon Women and children worship the moon during the evenin- gs of the Mid-Autumn Festi- val. They burn incense sticks and positive wishes are whis- pered to the moon when wor- shipping, in the hope that the moon will bring good luck. Fa- milies with young men or wo- men who have yet to find the - ir beloved burn incense under the moon and prey for it to bring them their love.

MID-AUTUMN FESTIVAL This traditional Chinese festi- val, also known as the Moon Festival, provides a wonderful opportunity to immerse your- self in Chinese culture and jo- in in the festive atmosphere. It will be celebrated this year on 17 th September and will include the main traditional customs of hanging lanterns, eating ri- ver snails and worshipping the moon. 1. Hanging Lanterns Each family makes lanterns using bamboo strips that are formed into various shapes, with representations of ani- mals, fruit and insects. Cand- les are lit inside the lanterns at night and smaller lanterns are stringed to the main lantern and fixed in front of the door or hung in trees. This practice is

26 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia


Located at the heart of Belgrade, Ca- baret Club Lafayette isn’t just an ordi- nary evening venue, rather it represents the perfect fusion of music, dance and top gastronomy, creating a unique expe- rience that can’t be found anywhere el- se. Luxury drinks, the most refined flavo- urs, the best staff and, finally, spectacular cabaret elements compose the wor- ld of Lafayette. With its refined art deco setting, Lafayette symbolises elegance and style, providing guests with an aut- hentic experience inspired by the glamo- ur of bygone times. Visitors from all over the world come to enjoy a great cabaret show each wee- kend. Lafayette has a unique atmosphe- re thanks to the engaging of the most ta- lented dancers and singers from Serbia’s most prestigious theatres. These perfor- mers deliver spectacularly breathtaking performances, with a repertoire domina- ted by world music hits packaged in spe- ctacular cabaret and theatre elements. Distinguishing Lafayette from clubs of a similar calibre is the unusual role played by its waiters and bartenders. They aren’t merely service personnel – they form part of the artistic experience. Their variations and interactions with guests add an extra dimension to the evening, elevating and

enriching an already rich entertainment programme. But Lafayette isn’t just a venue for music and dance parties. It also offers a top gastronomic experience that wi- ll satisfy even the most discerning of ta- stes. The international cuisine on offer at Lafayette Cabaret includes an abundan- ce of flavours and aromas that inundate the senses. From carefully prepared coc- ktails to exotic specialities from all corners of the world, every morsel represents a genuine gastronomic experience. As Club Lafayette founder Aleksandar Kajmaković notes: “Lafayette represents the very pinnacle of nightlife – not only in Serbia, but worldwide. The key to success is constant development, the creation of new elements, improvements to the cu- isine and always keeping pace with mo- dern trends. This ensures that Lafayette is always at the top.” Allow your evening at Lafayette to be a fusion of art, music and gastronomic in- dulgence. Enjoy the perfect symphony of sounds, tastes and elegance offered by this club, and indulge in the charms of an unforgettable evening at one of the world’s most prestigious nightlife spots. Lafayette is more than just an ordinary nightclub – it’s an experience that’s re- membered and shared with friends.

Address: 2-4 Karađorđeva Street, Beton Hala

Tel: +381 63 1111 211

Instagram: lafayette.belgrade

Web: www.lafayette.rs

Promo » Promo | 27

An island of sun and history three times a week

Intervju Interview

P redvodnici britanske esid džez scene vraća- ju se u „BitefArtCafe“ u sklopu koncertnog se- rijala „Musicology Ses- sions“ na nastupe zakazane za 5. i 6. oktobar. Više od benda u tradi- cionalnom smislu, „Inkognito“ je stalno promenljiv kolektiv muzi- čara, što rezultira dinamičnim en- titetom koji obuhvata širok spektar stilova. Ono što je uvek sigurno je- ste da donose naelektrisanu atmos- feru i muzičko majstorstvo kao sa- vršenu koncertnu proslavu više od četiri decenije stvaranja. Tačnije, nakon 44 godine aktivnog rada iz- dali su svoj 19. i prvi dupli album koji nosi naziv „Into You“.

ŽAN POL MUNIK, „INKOGNITO“ Muzika može da transformiše ljude, to je magija Video sam kako se slomljena tela podižu i počinju da se vrte i plešu. Želeo sam da upotrebim muziku i tu magiju na svoj način i jednog dana vidim svoju baku kako igra na zdravim nogama

30 | Inkognito » Incognito

Zdravo, ja sam Blui iz benda „Inkognito“, dolazim kod vas sa srcem punim ljubavi. Mir!

Hi, I'm Bluey from the band Incognito, coming at you with a heart full of love. Peace!

Neverovatan je period prošao otkako ste osno- vali „Inkognito“. Kakvo je bilo to putovanje? – Svi smo mi nekada bili deca koja su sanjala ovaj život u mu- zici. Sada živimo te snove. Želja da vidimo svet i istražimo različi- te kulture uvek je bila naša moti- vacija. Muzika i mogućnosti koje dolaze s njom nadahnjivali su nas iz dana u dan. A muzičari tako vi- sokog kalibra kao oni koji sviraju u ovom bendu privlače jedni dru- ge. To je neizrečeni kodeks. „Inkognito“ je kolektiv koji se konstantno me- nja, a nakon toliko de- cenija muzika je postala specifična mešavina žan- rova. Kako biste defini- sali to što stvarate da- nas? – Da, kolektiv koji se uvek me- nja je u središtu moje kreativno- sti. Kada stvaram muziku u bilo kojem trenutku, ona odražava ono čemu su moje uši, oči, telo i duša bili izloženi. To su priče o životu koji sam proživeo i prašina saku- pljena na putu. Ali naša muzika je uvek bila naša istina i naši tek- stovi to takođe odražavaju. Ipak, uvek će to biti moje prve ljubavi – džez, fank i soul. Muzika je došla do vas vrlo rano, sećate li se ka- ko je sve počelo? – Moja najranija sećanja na muziku i na život uopšte sežu do vremena kada sam imao četiri ili pet godina i odlazio na plažu sa svojom bakom. Gledao sam ka- ko muzičari dolaze da sviraju za ljude koji su stizali sa polja. Tela su im bila slomljena, bili su jako umorni, ali kada bi muzičari sti- gli, to bi ih podiglo, dalo im život i delovalo je kao da ih okrepljuje. To je bila magija! A ja sam želeo da sakupim tu magiju i budem u stanju da je prenesem ljudima, ali pre svega mojoj baki koja je ima- la problema sa nogama. Još uvek pokušavam da radim to isto, da okrepim ljude.

Kako je bilo preseliti se s Mauricijusa u London? Pretpostavljam da je ra- zlika bila drastična? – Došao sam s Mauricijusa negde oko 1967/68. godine. Bio je to kulturološki i šok u svakom drugom smislu. Dok sam se vo- zio kolima sa aerodroma i gledao sneg napolju, nadao sam se da ću videti Pola Makartnija ili neko- ga iz „Rolingstonsa“. Bilo je puno predrasuda na ulicama Londona u to vreme i ja sam bio žrtva to- ga, kao i moja porodica. Ali prošli smo kroz sve. Bili smo vojnici lju- bavi. Imali smo muziku u srcima. Imali smo ljubav u srcima i to je pobedilo sve. Mislim da ste jednom izjavili da niste u muzici zbog slave ili privilegija. – Muzika je bila moja prva lju- bav i biće moja poslednja, kao što pesma kaže. Ona je sve za mene, ali je sve za svakoga ko stvara mu- ziku i za one koji je slušaju, one ko- ji je primaju. To je blagoslov s obe strane. Tako mislim da ću nastaviti da sviram muziku dok god budem mogao jer mi donosi tako veliku ličnu sreću, ali takođe i zbog ono- ga što vidim da ona radi za dru- ge ljude. Muzika, to je jezik srca. Dolazite u „Bitefartcafe“ za otvaranje sezone. Šta vas motiviše da se stalno vraćate u ovaj klub? – Drago mi je što se vraćam za otvaranje sezone jer je to divno mesto. Kada vas ljudi tako toplo i srdačno dočekaju, želite da to po- navljate iznova i iznova. Vraćamo se zbog dobrih vremena koja želi- mo da proslavimo sa vama ponovo. A i Beograd je sada vero- vatno postao grad koji poznajete? – Radujemo se toploj beograd- skoj dobrodošlici. Tom toplom za- grljaju Beograda. Kada sviramo za vas, mi dajemo sebi taj poklon jer želimo da sviramo za osmehe na vašim licima. Dakle, Beograd mo- ra biti nasmejan da bismo mi po- bedili. I vi ćete se smešiti.

T he leaders of Britain’s acid jazz scene are re- turning to Belgrade’s BitefArtCafe under the scope of the Musicol- ogy Sessions concert series, with concerts scheduled for 5 th and 6 th October. More than a band in the traditional sense, Incognito is an ever-changing collective of musi- cians that has resulted in it being a dynamic entity that encompasses a wide range of styles and cultures. One thing that’s always assured is that they create an electrifying con- cert atmosphere and bring musi- cal mastery as a perfect celebration of their more than four decades of creativity. Or, more precisely, after 44 years of active work, the band has released its 19 th studio album, and first double album, entitled In- to You. lifted and suddenly spinning around and dancing and I wanted to use that music in my way one day to fix my grandmother, who had a bad leg JEAN-PAUL MAUNICK, INCOGNITO Music can transform people, it’s magic I'd see broken bodies

Tekst / Words: Jelena Pantović Fotografije / Photography: Profimedia.rs

Incognito » Inkognito | 31


Živeti sa Parkinsonovom bolešć u – Kada sam prvi put dobio dija- gnozu Parkinsonove bolesti 2023. godine, da, bilo je strašno, ali zna- te, naučiš da živite s onim što vam život donosi. Zašto ne ja? Ljudi se razbolevaju, ljudi odlaze, zašto ne i ja? Mogu da budem od koristi dru- gima kroz ono što naučim o svom stanju, a imam sreć e da sam u po- ziciji da mogu da priuštim lekove, da imam ljubav oko sebe, one ko- ji me vole. Izabran sam da bih mo- gao da osvetlim ovo stanje dru- gima koji pate od njega i da im učinim život mnogo boljim. LIVING WITH PARKINSON'S “When I was first diagnosed with Parkinson’s in 2023, yes, it was scary. But, you know, you learn to live with what life throws at you, and why not me? People get sick, peo- ple pass, and why not me? So, I can be of service to others through what I learn about my condition. I’m in a fortunate position to be able to afford medication and treatments, to have love around me, that sup- port of people who love me and support me. So, I see that I’ve been chosen to be able to shine some light on this condition for others that suffer from it, and to make their lives much better.”

It's been an incredible time since you founded Incogni- to. What was that trip like? "We were all once children that dreamt of this life in music. Now we live that dream. Our desire to see the world and explore various cultures was always our motivation. Music and the opportunities that come with it inspired us from one day to the next. And musicians of such high calibre as those that play in this band are drawn to each oth- er. It’s an unspoken code.” Incognito is an ever-chang- ing collective, and the mu- sic has become a specific mix after so many decades. How would you define that music today? "Yes, the ever-changing collec- tive is always at the core of my crea- tivity. When I create music at any giv- en time, it would reflect on what my ears, eyes, body and soul have been exposed to. I will have stories of life fully lived and the dust gathered on the road. But our music was always our truth and our lyrics reflect that also. It will always be dressed in the gown of my first love though – jazz, funk and soul." Music came to you very ear- ly. Do you remember how it all started? "My earliest memories of mu- sic, and of life really, are about age four or five and going to the beach with my grandmother and watch- ing the musicians arrive to play for the people that had come from the fields. Their bodies were broken, they were really tired, but when the mu- sicians arrived, it picked them up, it gave them life and it seemed to fix them, it was like magic. So, I wanted to gather that information of magic and be able to take it to fix people, but mainly my grandmother. So that

was my beginnings and it's still what I'm trying to do today, to fix people.” What was it like moving from Mauritius to London? I assume the difference was dramatic? “I came from Mauritius around 1967-68. It was a culture shock; it was all kinds of other shocks. I was in the car from the airport and I was looking at the snow outside and hop- ing to see Paul McCartney or some- one from the Rolling Stones. There was a lot of prejudice on the streets of London and I suffered and so did my family, but you know we came through. We were soldiers of love. We had music in our hearts. We had love in our hearts and that conquered all.” I think you once stated that you are not in music for the fame or privilege? “Music is my first love, was my first love and will be my last, as the song goes. It’s everything to me, but it’s everything to anybody who cre- ates music and those who listen to it, those who receive it. It’s a blessing on both sides. So, I think I will go and play music as long as I can, because it brings me such great personal joy, but it’s also about what I see it do for other people, you know, it’s the lan- guage of the heart." You are coming to Bitefart- cafe for the opening of the season. What keeps you coming back to this club? “I’m glad to be returning for the season opening at Bitef Art Cafe. It’s a wonderful place, and when people welcome you in that way and give you such a warm and affectionate feeling, you want to repeat it over and over again. We're coming back because of the good times we want to celebrate with you again.” And by now Belgrade has probably become a city that you know? “We’re looking forward to that warm Belgrade welcome; that warm Belgrade embrace. When we play for you, we are giving ourselves the gift because we want to play for the smiles on your faces. So, Belgrade must be smiling for us to be winning. And smile you will.”

Bili smo vojnici ljubavi. Imali smo muziku u srcima. Imali smo ljubav u srcima, i to je sve pobedilo We were soldiers of love. We had music in our hearts. We had love in our hearts and that conquered all

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