Malaga Malaga
About 1200 m long and 45 m wide, La Malagueta is one of the most visited beaches by the inhabitants of Malaga due to its links with the city and its easy access
Duga oko 1.200 m i široka 45 m, La Malageta je jedna od najposeć enijih plaža za stanovnike Malage zbog veze sa gradom i lakog pristupa
U gostima kod Pikasa Na trgu Mersed ispod procvetalih, lju- bičastih krošnji na betonskoj klupi sedi Pablo Pikaso. Izliven u bronzi, drži neku olovku i notes, večno okružen gomilom ljudi i grupama nasmejane dece na ek- skurzijama. U broju 15 na tom trgu do- šao je na svet 25. oktobra 1881. U nje- govoj rodnoj kući pretvorenoj u muzej oseća se uticaj oca, koji je bio učitelj sli- kanja i umetnik i sâm, čovek koji je ma- lom Pablu otvorio vrata sveta u kojem će ga sin nezamislivo nadrasti. Ali koji će ostaviti neizbrisiv uticaj, baš kao i sa- ma Malaga i cela njegova Andaluzija. Kada se u Pikasovoj rodnoj kući upo- znate sa fascinantnim počecima jed- nog genija, nekoliko ulica dalje posetite Muzej Pikaso i uživajte u 70 godina ne- verovatno plodnog stvaralaštva. „Mu- seo Picasso Málaga“ otvoren je 2003. i pomogao je da se grad pretvori u vr- hunsku kulturnu destinaciju, ne samo u Španiji. VISITING PICASSO At Mercy Square Picasso himself is sit- ting on a marble bench under the purple canopy of a blooming Jacaranda tree. Cast in bronze, he holds a pen and a notebook and is eternally surrounded by crowds of people and groups of smiling children on field trips. He was born on that same plaza on 25 th October 1881, at number 15. Here in the house of his birth, you can really feel the influence of his father, who was himself an artist and an art teacher; the man who opened the door to the world to the little Pab- lo, a world in which his son would incon- ceivably outgrow him. Though he would still leave an indelible impact on Pab- lo, as did Málaga itself, and his Andalu- sia as a whole. When you witness the fascinating be- ginnings of this genius at Casa Natal, then just a few streets away, at the Pi- casso Museum, you will see his 70 years of incredibly fruitful creativity. Museo Pi- casso Málaga, opened in 2003, helped turn the city into a top cultural destina- tion, and not just in Spain.
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