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Momčilo Kocić, First Officer Three questions for...
Momčila Kocića, kopilota
U septembru ispraćamo leto i dočekujemo je- sen. Postoji li neka destinacija u kojoj se, po va- šem mišljenju, najlepše susreću ta dva godiš- nja doba? – Svaka destinacija je lepa
We bid farewell to summer and welcome autumn in September. In your opinion, is there a destinati- on where the shifting of those two seasons is at its most beautiful? “Every destination is beautiful in
na svoj način, pa je teško odgo- voriti na to pitanje. Naročito je fascinantna ta smena godišnjih doba i raskošnih boja u kojima uživamo i iz vazduha. Ali ako baš moram da biram, neka to bude Atina. Grad je lep u svako doba godine, a meni je naročito drag i lep prilaz ka aerodromu. Ili možda Nica, za koju po- lećemo ovog 19. septem- bra? – Da, zašto da ne! Veoma se radujem ponovnom poletanju Er Srbije ka Nici jer to znači da nam je cela Azurna obala sada bliže. Toliko je toga što tamo mo- že da se vidi, od umetnosti, pre- ko prirodnih lepota, do istorije i značajnih ljudi koji su tu ispisiva- li svoje biografije. Ja se naroči- to radujem i zato što tamo još ni- sam bio i što ću sada imati priliku da posetim i Nicu i celu obalu. Kad smo kod novih desti-
its own way, so it’s difficult to answer this question. That shifting of seasons and wonderful colours is particularly fascinating and we even enjoy it from the air. But if I really must choose, then let it be Athens. That city is beautiful in every season, and I find the approa- ch to the airport particularly precious and pretty.” Or maybe Nice, which we’re la- unching flights to this 19 th Septem- ber? “Yes, why not? I’m really looking forward to Air Serbia departing for Ni- ce again, because that means the en- tire French Riviera is now closer to us. There’s so much to be seen there – from art, via natural beauty, to history and the important people who wro- te their biographies there. I’m also par- ticularly looking forward to it because I haven’t been there yet, and because I will now have the opportunity to visit Nice and the entire Côte d'Azur.” While we’re on the topic of new
nacija, krajem meseca stiže i Guangdžou, još jedan grad u Kini. Koliko je zahtevno leteti tako daleko i jeste li već biti u Kini? – Nažalost, još nemam to iskustvo, ali oni koji su bi- li u Kini kažu da je to putovanje koje se ne zaboravlja. Osim toga, sjajno je što naša kompanija otvara vrata još jedne nove destinacije u Kini. Naravno da je zahtevno preći toliki put, ali uz ljubav i posvećenost prema ovom poslu ne postoje ni prepreke ni teškoće.
destinations, the end of this month will also see the inc- lusion of Guangzhou, another city in China. How de- manding is it to fly so far and have you been to China? “I unfortunately haven’t had that experience yet, but those who’ve been to China say it’s an unforgettable trip. Apart from that, it’s wonderful that our company opened the door to another new destination in China. It is of course demanding to travel such a long way, but with love and de- dication to this job, there are no obstacles or difficulties.”
Veoma se radujem ponovnom poletanju Er Srbije ka Nici jer to znači da nam je cela Azurna obala sada bliže I’m really looking forward to Air Serbia departing for Nice again, because that means the entire French Riviera is now closer to us
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