Na letu
On board
Na letu pripadam svetu mašte On flights I belong to the world of the imagination ZAŠTO VOLITE AVIONE? WHY DO YOU LIKE PLANES?
– OD NAJRANIJEG DETINJSTVA LETIM AVIONIMA, ali se još nisam navikla na magič- nost boravka u nebeskim visinama. Postoji ne- što što me opčini svaki put kad poletim: kao da na određeno vreme i sama pripadam višem svetu mašte. Volela bih da nikad ne postanem ravno- dušna na prizor koji vidim kroz avionski prozor. Kako provodite vreme na letovima i bez čega ne ulazite u avion? – Zavisi s kim letim. Deca, naravno, postav- ljaju hiljadu pitanja koja nisu bezazlena. Kad na njih odgovorim, volimo da slušamo muziku. Vo- lim i da čitam i pišem planove, poneku misao, ideju. Umem u avionu da vidim određene stva- ri iz ptičje perspektive, pa mi se učini da sam pa- metnija u vazduhu. A nosim previše stvari – osim slušalica, tu su knjiga, časopis, agende i olovke, karmini, parfemi...
“I’VE BEEN FLYING BY PLANE SINCE MY EARLI- EST CHILDHOOD , but I still haven’t grown accustomed to the magic of spending time in the heavenly heights. There is something that captivates me every time I take off: as if I personally belong to the higher world of the imagination for a certain period. I would like it if I never become apa- thetic to the sight I observe through an aeroplane window.” How do you pass the time during flights and what do you always carry aboard the plane? “It depends who I’m flying with. Children naturally ask a thousand questions that aren’t naïve. Once I an- swer them, we like to listen to music. I also like to read and write down plans, some thoughts, ideas. I’m capable of observing certain things from a bird’s eye view while I’m aboard a plane, so it seems to me that I’m more intel- ligent in the air. And I carry too many things – apart from headphones, I also take a book, a magazine, journals and pens, lipsticks, perfumes etc.”
Tekst / Words: Ana Vodinelić Fotografije / Photography: Irina Duplevskaya
Ko je Lena Diplomirala je muziku na muzičkom Konzervatorijumu u Amsterdamu. S pesmom „Kafe“ glas joj se začuo na radio-stanicama širom sveta. Bila je po- časni član na „Brit Awards“ iz regiona, nastupala na venčanju Novaka Đokovi- ća, zapevala pred nastup Lari Fabijan u beogradskoj „Areni“. U 2024. objavila je obradu čuvene pesme „Ederlezi“, uz po- dršku Gorana Bregovića, a uveliko piše muziku za novi album. WHO IS LENA? She graduated from the Conservatori- um van Amsterdam music school. Her voice was heard on radio stations world- wide thanks to the song Cafe. She has been this region’s honorary guest at the Brit Awards, performed at Novak Đok- ović’s wedding and sang as a special guest performer at Lara Fabian’s Bel- grade Arena concert. She released a 2024 cover version of the famous Romani song Ederlezi, with the support of Goran Bregović, and is currently busy writing music for her new album.
Lena Kovačević, muzičarka musician
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