Elevate September 2024 | Air Serbia

Zdanje Opere dizajnirala je čuvena Zaha Hadid Opera House designed by famous architect Zaha Hadid

famous architect Zaha Hadid, it was made to represent two boulder-like structures of di- fferent sizes, each containing an auditorium. Yuexiu Park The largest park in downtown Guangzhou, covering an area of 860,000 square metres, it includes three artificial lakes and seven hills of Yuexiu Mo- untain, hence the name. A per- fect combination of cultural relics and ecological tourism, its main points of interest inc- lude the stone sculpture of the Five Rams, Zhenhai Tower, the Ming Dynasty City Wall etc. The Five-Ram Sculpture is one of the most famous structu- res in Guangzhou and has be- come an emblem of the city. Legend has it that the city was a barren land more than 2,000 years ago, with the people suffering from famine despite being hard working. One day, five immortals in five-colour garments came riding on five rams, playing their legendary music. The rams held sheaves of rice in their mouths. The immortals left the sheaves of rice for the local people, gave blessings to the city and left. The rams turned to stone and the city became a rich and po- pulous place. And it was then that Guangzhou earned the nickname City of Rams.

muzička teatra, izgrađena od 12.000 tona čelika na površi - ni od 70.000 kvadratnih meta - ra, sa 1.800 i 400 mesta. Zda - nje je dizajnirala čuvena Zaha Hadid kako bi predstavila dve strukture različitih veličina, sa pozorištem u svakoj. Juesju park Ovo je najveć i park u centru Guangdžoua, koji pokriva po - vršinu od 860.000 kvadratnih metara, a sastoji se od tri ve - štačka jezera i sedam brda planine Juesju – otuda i na - ziv. To je savršena kombina - cija kulturnih znamenitosti i ekološkog turizma, a glavna mesta interesovanja uključu - ju kamenu skulpturu Pet ovno - va, kulu Dženhaj, zid dinastije Ming... Ipak, skulptura Pet ov - nova je jedna od najpoznatijih građevina u Guangdžouu, ko - ja je postala simbol grada i da - lu mu nadimak. Legenda kaže da je pre više od 2.000 godina grad bio neplodna zemlja sa ljudima koji su, uprkos teškom radu, gladovali. Jednog dana došlo je pet besmrtnika jašu -

though they are in old Guang- zhou city. Opera House Overlooking the Pearl River, Guangzhou Opera House in- corporated cutting edge te- chnology into its design and construction, as a lasting mo- nument to the New Millenni- um, confirming Guangzhou as one of Asia’s hubs of cultu- re. Constructed from 12,000 tons of steel on a 70,000 squ- are-metre site, the Opera Hou- se has become one of China’s three biggest theatres and inc- ludes 1,800-seat and 400-se- at auditoriums. Designed by

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