FESTIVAL SREDINE JESENI Ova tradicionalna proslava, poznata i kao Mesečev festi - val, divna je prilika da uroni - te u kinesku kulturu i pridru - žite se prazničnoj atmosferi. Ove godine ć e se slaviti 17. septembra, a glavni običa - ji su kačenje fenjera, jedenje rečnih puževa i obožavanje meseca. 1. Viseć i lampioni Svaka porodica pravi lampi - one sa bambusovim traka - ma, u različitim oblicima, sa predstavama životinja, voć a i insekata. Noć u se u fenjeri - ma pale sveć e, a manje sve - tiljke nižu na glavnu, pa pri - čvršć uju ispred vrata ili kače na drveć e. Veruje se da ova praksa donosi sreć u porodici – što su lampioni viši, to ć e porodica biti sreć nija. 2. Jedenje rečnih puževa Rečni puževi su tradicional - no nezaobilazna hrana na fe - stivalu u Guangdžouu. Obič - no se kuvaju sa začinskim biljem i veruje se da pomažu u „osvetljavanju“ očiju, odno - sno doprinose boljem vidu. 3. Obožavanje meseca Žene i deca obožavaju me - sec u noć i ovog praznika. Pale se mirišljavi štapići i ša - puću mesecu želje u nadi da ć e im on doneti sreć u. Poro - dice sa mladić ima ili devoj - kama koje nisu pronašle svo - ju voljenu osobu pale tamjan pod mesecom i mole ga da im donese ljubav.
believed to bring good luck to the family - the higher the lan- terns, the luckier the family wi- ll be. 2. Eating River Snails River snails are traditionally an indispensable food of the Mid-Autumn Festival dinner for the people of Guangzhou. Usu- ally cooked with medicinal her- bs, these snails are believed to help brighten the eyes. 3. Worshipping the Moon Women and children worship the moon during the evenin- gs of the Mid-Autumn Festi- val. They burn incense sticks and positive wishes are whis- pered to the moon when wor- shipping, in the hope that the moon will bring good luck. Fa- milies with young men or wo- men who have yet to find the - ir beloved burn incense under the moon and prey for it to bring them their love.
MID-AUTUMN FESTIVAL This traditional Chinese festi- val, also known as the Moon Festival, provides a wonderful opportunity to immerse your- self in Chinese culture and jo- in in the festive atmosphere. It will be celebrated this year on 17 th September and will include the main traditional customs of hanging lanterns, eating ri- ver snails and worshipping the moon. 1. Hanging Lanterns Each family makes lanterns using bamboo strips that are formed into various shapes, with representations of ani- mals, fruit and insects. Cand- les are lit inside the lanterns at night and smaller lanterns are stringed to the main lantern and fixed in front of the door or hung in trees. This practice is
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