Živeti sa Parkinsonovom bolešć u – Kada sam prvi put dobio dija- gnozu Parkinsonove bolesti 2023. godine, da, bilo je strašno, ali zna- te, naučiš da živite s onim što vam život donosi. Zašto ne ja? Ljudi se razbolevaju, ljudi odlaze, zašto ne i ja? Mogu da budem od koristi dru- gima kroz ono što naučim o svom stanju, a imam sreć e da sam u po- ziciji da mogu da priuštim lekove, da imam ljubav oko sebe, one ko- ji me vole. Izabran sam da bih mo- gao da osvetlim ovo stanje dru- gima koji pate od njega i da im učinim život mnogo boljim. LIVING WITH PARKINSON'S “When I was first diagnosed with Parkinson’s in 2023, yes, it was scary. But, you know, you learn to live with what life throws at you, and why not me? People get sick, peo- ple pass, and why not me? So, I can be of service to others through what I learn about my condition. I’m in a fortunate position to be able to afford medication and treatments, to have love around me, that sup- port of people who love me and support me. So, I see that I’ve been chosen to be able to shine some light on this condition for others that suffer from it, and to make their lives much better.”
It's been an incredible time since you founded Incogni- to. What was that trip like? "We were all once children that dreamt of this life in music. Now we live that dream. Our desire to see the world and explore various cultures was always our motivation. Music and the opportunities that come with it inspired us from one day to the next. And musicians of such high calibre as those that play in this band are drawn to each oth- er. It’s an unspoken code.” Incognito is an ever-chang- ing collective, and the mu- sic has become a specific mix after so many decades. How would you define that music today? "Yes, the ever-changing collec- tive is always at the core of my crea- tivity. When I create music at any giv- en time, it would reflect on what my ears, eyes, body and soul have been exposed to. I will have stories of life fully lived and the dust gathered on the road. But our music was always our truth and our lyrics reflect that also. It will always be dressed in the gown of my first love though – jazz, funk and soul." Music came to you very ear- ly. Do you remember how it all started? "My earliest memories of mu- sic, and of life really, are about age four or five and going to the beach with my grandmother and watch- ing the musicians arrive to play for the people that had come from the fields. Their bodies were broken, they were really tired, but when the mu- sicians arrived, it picked them up, it gave them life and it seemed to fix them, it was like magic. So, I wanted to gather that information of magic and be able to take it to fix people, but mainly my grandmother. So that
was my beginnings and it's still what I'm trying to do today, to fix people.” What was it like moving from Mauritius to London? I assume the difference was dramatic? “I came from Mauritius around 1967-68. It was a culture shock; it was all kinds of other shocks. I was in the car from the airport and I was looking at the snow outside and hop- ing to see Paul McCartney or some- one from the Rolling Stones. There was a lot of prejudice on the streets of London and I suffered and so did my family, but you know we came through. We were soldiers of love. We had music in our hearts. We had love in our hearts and that conquered all.” I think you once stated that you are not in music for the fame or privilege? “Music is my first love, was my first love and will be my last, as the song goes. It’s everything to me, but it’s everything to anybody who cre- ates music and those who listen to it, those who receive it. It’s a blessing on both sides. So, I think I will go and play music as long as I can, because it brings me such great personal joy, but it’s also about what I see it do for other people, you know, it’s the lan- guage of the heart." You are coming to Bitefart- cafe for the opening of the season. What keeps you coming back to this club? “I’m glad to be returning for the season opening at Bitef Art Cafe. It’s a wonderful place, and when people welcome you in that way and give you such a warm and affectionate feeling, you want to repeat it over and over again. We're coming back because of the good times we want to celebrate with you again.” And by now Belgrade has probably become a city that you know? “We’re looking forward to that warm Belgrade welcome; that warm Belgrade embrace. When we play for you, we are giving ourselves the gift because we want to play for the smiles on your faces. So, Belgrade must be smiling for us to be winning. And smile you will.”
Bili smo vojnici ljubavi. Imali smo muziku u srcima. Imali smo ljubav u srcima, i to je sve pobedilo We were soldiers of love. We had music in our hearts. We had love in our hearts and that conquered all
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