SEASON THREE OF SERIES IN- DUSTRY, which Vanity Fair described as “the missing link between Euphoria and Succession”, was launched on the Max streaming platform and the HBO chan- nel in mid-August and airs every Mon- day. The series provides insider insight into the world of international finance by following a group of young bankers who are forging their professional iden- tities in a stressful environment that’s filled with sex and drugs at the London office of international bank Pierpoint & Co. Season three places the characters at the centre of a green tech energy compa- ny led by Sir Henry Muck. Henry is por- trayed by Kit Harington, who is new to this story and tells us that he actually joined the cast as a big fan! How did you come to join In- dustry? “After a few years of not having a season-long arc as a character on a TV show, I was like, ‘I miss that; I want to do that again’. My agent came back to me and said, ‘Do you watch Industry?’ I did. I love the show. When they told me about Henry Muck, I went, ‘I know that guy.’” What was it you liked about the show as a viewer? “It had this energy to it and it felt very different tonally to anything I had seen before. I think that comes from the fact that they hired a lot of young actors straight out of drama school. I love the music they use; I love the way they film it. I love that it doesn't allow you to stop — it just pummels you with these incred- ibly complex sentences that you have no idea what they mean… and it just requires you to keep up. All of those things made me think it was incredibly original, and it had this HBO quality to it. I remem- ber the excitement of being on Game of Thrones quite soon after graduating dra- ma school. Industry had real overtones of that — a group of brilliant young ac- tors who are really enjoying the fact that they're in a show and the show’s working.” Who is Henry Muck? “Henry is a privileged young man from the English aristocracy who comes into the story as the CEO of a green en- ergy start-up called Lumi. He has all the best intentions, and thinks he is doing good things for the planet, but also for himself and everybody else. But he's may- be not the most astute businessman…”
MINI INTERVJU: KIT HARINGTON, INDUSTRIJA MINI INTERVIEW: KIT HARINGTON, INDUSTRY Ušao sam u seriju kao njen fan / I joined this series as a fan
TREĆA SEZONA SERIJE „INDUSTRIJA“, za koju je „Va- nity Fair“ rekao da je „karika ko- ja nedostaje između ’Euforije’ i ’Naslednika’“ pojavila se sredi- nom avgusta na „Max“ striming platformi i „HBO“ kanalu i emi- tuje se svakog ponedeljka. Seri- ja daje insajderski pogled na svet međunarodnih finansija prateći grupu mladih bankara koji grade svoje identitete u stresnom okru- ženju, prepunom seksa i droge u londonskoj kancelariji međuna- rodne banke „Pierpoint & Co“. U trećoj sezoni likovi se nalaze u središtu zelene tehnološko-ener- getske kompanije koju vodi ser Henri Mek. A Henrija glumi Kit Harington, novi glumac u ovoj priči koji nam kaže da je u seri- ju zapravo i stigao kao njen ve- liki fan! Otkud vi u „Industriji“? – Nekoliko godina nisam imao pravi, više sezona angažovan lik u TV seriji, i pomislio sam: „Ne- dostaje mi to. Želim to ponovo. Agent me jednog dana pitao: „Da li gledaš ’Industriju’?“ Jesam gle- dao jer mi se baš svidela ta seri- ja. Kada su mi rekli za lik Henri- ja Meka, samo sam rekao: „Znam tog tipa. Upoznao sam tog tipa“. I sve je leglo na svoje mesto.
Šta vam se svidelo u seriji kao gledaocu? – To što sam video energi- ju i tonalitet veoma drugačiji od svega što sam ranije gledao. Mislim da to dolazi iz činjeni- ce da su angažovali mnogo mla- dih glumaca direktno iz dramske škole. Volim muziku koju kori- ste u seriji, način na koji snima- ju... Sviđa mi se što vam priča ne dozvoljava da stanete – sa- mo vas zadivljuje neverovatno složenim rečenicama za koje ne- mate pojma šta znače… I zahte- va da budete u toku. Sve te stva- ri su me navele da pomislim da je reč originalnom „HBO“ kva- litetu. Seć am se uzbuđenja koje sam imao u „Igri prestola“, ubr- zo nakon što sam završio dram- sku školu. „Industrija“ je imala pravi prizvuk toga – grupa bri- ljantnih mladih glumaca koji za- ista uživaju u činjenici da su u seriji i da to funkcioniše. Ko je Henri Mek? – On je privilegovani mladić iz engleske aristokratije koji ula- zi u priču kao izvršni direktor eko- loškog startapa „Lumi“. Henri ima najbolje namere i misli da radi pra- vu stvar za planetu, sebe i sve osta- le. Ali možda on i nije najmudriji biznismen…
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