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ROĐEN SAM U BEOGRADU, na Dorćolu, tu nedaleko od „Ma- me“. Te 2017. godine već sam imao skoro 20 godina iskustva u hotelskom biznisu i kada sam pomislio da sam već dosta toga iskusio i video, stigao je poziv iz Pariza. Pozvao me je Žeremi Tri- gano, osnivač „Mama Sheltera“, inače sin gospodina Serža Triga- noa, osnivača čuvenog „Club Meda“. Pitao me je da li sam spre- man da Beogradu zajedno dodamo nove boje, energiju nekih drugih evropskih metropola i napravimo hotelsku scenu intere- santnijom i zabavnijom. Pristao sam i 2018. godine Beograd je dobio
I WAS BORN IN BELGRADE, in the Dorćol neighbourhood, not far from Mama. By the year 2017, I’d already amassed almost 20 years of experience in the hotel business, and just when I thought I’d alre- ady experienced and seen a lot, I received a call from Paris. I was ca- lled by Jeremie Trigano, founder of the Mama Shelter Group and son of Serge Trigano, founder of the famous Club Med. He asked me if I was ready to work together to add new colour to Belgrade, to bring the energy of some other European metropolises and make the hotel scene more interesting and fun?
I accepted, and in 2018 Belgrade got Mama... Or Mama got Belgrade... regardless, everyone got the- ir own shelter. We created a Rooftop restaurant (ran- ked among the top 10 rooftops in the World by Guar- dian), 125 chic rooms with balconies overlooking the most beautiful side of this city, Kalemegdan Fortress, the Sava and Danube rivers, with evocative furniture from all over the world, painted ceilings and walls. We got five conference halls that we refer to as Ateliers, because aren’t we all artists in our own work? And the result of it all? The most comfortable night’s sleep in the city centre, excellent cuisine (li- ke at Mama’s place), the most beautiful sunsets, enjoyed with a cocktail in hand as the DJ spins some good chillout mix, Ateliers that are certainly the most
„Mamu“... Ili „Mama“ Beograd... Svejedno, svi su dobili svoje skrovište („Shelter“). Kreirali smo „roof- top“ restoran („Top 10 rooftops in the World by Gu- ardian“), 125 šik soba sa terasama koje gledaju na najlepše strane ovog grada, na Kalemegdansku tvr- đavu, Savu i Dunav, živopisan nameštaj iz svih delo- va sveta, oslikane plafone i zidove. Dobili smo 5 kon- ferencijskih sala koje mi zovemo „Atelier“, jer svi smo mi umetnici, svako u svom poslu, zar ne? A šta je rezultat svega... Najudobnije spavanje u centru grada, odlična kuhinja (kao kod „Mame“), najlepši zalasci sunca sa koktelom u ruci dok di-džej vrti neki dobar „chill mix“, „Atelier-e“ koji su sigurno najzabavnija sala u kojoj ste imali neki „work shop“ i
mnogo, mnogo dobrih žurki. Ponekad mi napravimo žurku, pa vas zovemo da zajedno uživamo, ponekad vi zamislite svoju žurku. Bi- lo da je sa kolegama iz kompanije u kojoj radite ili je vaš rođendan, venčanje ili šta god, rezultat je isti. Dobro se provedemo i zajedno proslavljamo iznova... Od ovog meseca pa nadalje imamo neke nove žurke i do- gađanja. „Karaoke nights“, „Tattoo nights“, „Tribute band nights“, „Sushi and Champagne nights“. Vaše novogodišnje proslave počinju već u novembru, a mi za 31. 12. planiramo nešto stvar- no nezaboravno.
fun halls you’ve ever had a workshop in, and many, many good par- ties. We sometimes make our own party and invite you to enjoy it to- gether with us, while sometimes you imagine your own party. Whet- her it’s with work colleagues or to celebrate your birthday, wedding or whatever, the result is the same. We have a good time and celebrate together time and again... As of this month, we also have some new parties and events. Ka- raoke nights, Tattoo nights, Tribute band nights, Sushi and Champa- gne nights. Your New Year’s celebrations start as early as November, and we’re planning something truly unforgettable for 31 st December. And we’re awaiting you. DEJAN MAJIĆ GENERAL MANAGER MAMA SHELTER BELGRADE
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