Elevate September 2024 | Air Serbia

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Welcome message

September 2024

Septembar 2024.

Dear passengers,

Dragi putnici,

SEPTEMBARSKO IZDANJE MAGAZINA „ELEVEJT“ PO- SVETILI SMO NARODNOJ REPUBLICI KINI . Već skoro dve godine Er Srbija leti do Tjenđina na severoistoku Ki- ne, a nedavno smo najavili pokretanje i naše druge de- stinacije u toj azijskoj zemlji. Od 30. septembra srpska nacionalna avio-kompanija leteće do grada Guangdžou, koga zbog pozicije često nazivaju i kapija južne Kine. Taj moderni i dinamični grad, bogate kulturne baštine, krase stare gradske četvrti, istorijski i kulturni spomenici i kan- tonski vrtovi, a hramovi i autentična gastronomija turiste privlače tokom cele godine. Do Guangdžoua Er Srbija će saobraćati dva puta nedeljno, a mi vas pozivamo da red letenja i dodatne informacije pronađete na našem saj- tu www.airserbia.com. Karte za Guangdžou su u proda- ji, pa već danas možete isplanirati putovanje do Narod- ne Republike Kine. Onima koji daju prednost kraćim putovanjima na ras- polaganju je više od 80 destinacija u našoj mreži. Pre- poručujemo da iskoristite čari septembra za putova- nja do Krfa, Krita, Rodosa, Kipra, Sicilije ili Malte. Na tim ostrvima je leto još uvek u punom jeku, a uživanje zagarantovano. Ukoliko više volite obilaske evropskih metropola, pra- vi je trenutak da upoznate njihovu bogatu istoriju i kul- turu, arhitektonska čuda, živopisne gradske trgove i lokalnu kuhinju. U Evropi je sve blizu, pa tokom samo jednog putovanja lako možete obići i više destinacija. Pogledajte na poslednjim stranicama našeg magazi- na do kojih gradova Evrope Er Srbija leti, a zatim pusti- te mašti na volju, planirajte, kombinujte, uvek imaju- ći na umu misao čuvenog Marka Tvena: „Za dvadeset godina bićeš više razočaran stvarima koje nisi uradio nego onima koje jesi. Isplovi, zato, iz sigurne luke. Ot- krivaj, sanjaj, istražuj!“ Da bismo vam u tome pomogli, trudimo se da nepre- kidno unapređujemo uslugu. Naša flota trenutno ima 27 aviona, različitih tipova. Pored širokotrupnih aviona tipa „erbas A330-200“, uskotrupnih aviona iz porodice „erbas A320“ i turboelisnih ATR aviona, odnedavno u floti imamo i dva „embraer“ aviona tipa „E195“. Očeku- jemo da će u narednom periodu u Beograd stići i treći širokotrupni avion, čime se otvara mogućnost za dalje proširenje dugolinijskog saobraćaja naše kompanije. Er Srbija, kao najbrže rastuća avio-kompanija u regi- onu, iz dana u dan obara rekorde u broju prevezenih putnika i realizovanih letova. Dobri rezultati odraz su poverenja koje nam ukazujete. Zajedno idemo napred i dostižemo nove visine. Hvala vam što birate srpsku nacionalnu avio-kompaniju za svoja putovanja. Uživajte u letu i srećan put!

WE HAVE DEDICATED THIS SEPTEMBER ISSUE OF OUR ELEVATE MAGAZINE TO THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA . Air Serbia has been operating flights to Tianjin, a city in northeast China, for almost two years, while we re- cently announced the launch of flights to our second de- stination in this Asian country. Starting on 30 th Septem- ber, the Serbian national airline will be operating regular flights to Guangzhou, which is often dubbed “China's Sout- hern Gateway” due to its position. This modern and dyna- mic city with a rich cultural heritage has old town neighbo- urhoods, historical and cultural monuments, Cantonese gardens, temples and authentic gastronomy that attra- ct tourists year-round. Air Serbia will operate two flights a week to Guangzhou, and we invite you to check out the flight schedule and all additional information on our web- site: www.airserbia.com. Tickets for Guangzhou flights are already available, so you can plan your trip to the People’s Republic of China today. Those preferring shorter trips can benefit from over 80 de- stinations in our network. We recommend that you seize the opportunity and enjoy the magic of September by travelling to Corfu, Crete, Rhodes, Cyprus, Sicily or Malta. Summer is still in full swing on these islands, and a good time is guaranteed. If you prefer visiting European cities, now is the perfect ti- me to learn about their rich history and discover their cultu- re, architectural wonders, lively town squares and local cui- sine. Everything is nearby in Europe, and you can easily visit multiple destinations in a single trip. Check out the last pa- ges of our magazine to see which European cities are inc- luded in Air Serbia’s network, then let your imagination ta- ke over, make plans and arrangements, and always have in mind the words of famous writer Mark Twain: “Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines! Sail away from the safe harbour. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover!!” We strive to constantly upgrade our services in an effort to help you in this endeavour. Our fleet currently includes 27 aircraft of different types. In addition to wide-body Airbus A330-200 aircraft, narrow-body planes from the Airbus A320 family and turboprop ATR, as of recently our fleet has also included two Embraer E195 aircraft. We are expecting a third wide-body jet to arrive in Belgrade in the coming period, thus creating the po- ssibility to further expand our long-haul network. As the fastest-growing airline in the region, Air Serbia is bre- aking passenger and flight number records on a daily basis. And these good results reflect the trust you have placed in us. We are advancing and reaching new heights together. Thank you for choosing the Serbian national airline for your travels. Enjoy your flight and have a safe trip!

Jirži Marek Jiri Marek



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