Report on Philanthropy 2017-2018

“I will be forever grateful for what I learned at CST”

Anna with Congresswoman Terri Sewell, advocating for DACA

Anna with Sarah Collins Rudolph, a survivor of 16th Street Baptist Church bombing

- Anna Crews Camphouse

Anna Crews Camphouse, M.Div. ’04 and D.Min. ’09 , serves as Lead Pastor of the Auburn Wesley Cooperative Parish and is on staff at Auburn Wesley Foundation, the largest Wesley Foundation in the country, in Auburn, Alabama. She says, “Working with Auburn University and its students and faculty has been particularly inspiring. One of my students wrote a Bible study from a series I led on Jesus and women in the Bible that was published in the New York Times, I pastored and mentored a young man who is now the President of the American College Democrats, and I was invited to help with the creation of a group that works to build the beloved community and support the increase of love, hope, and justice here in Auburn.”

She says, “I have connected deeply with Tuskegee University – working hard to empower those who have historically been disempowered and working towards healing and restoration. At CST, my cross-cultural competencies were strengthened, and thanks to the grace-filled space of learning created there, I am unafraid to re- engage with my native Alabama culture. I will be forever grateful for what I learned at CST.” CST now offers a Hybrid/Online Doctor of Ministry in Spiritual Renewal, Contemplative Practice, and Strategic Leadership – designed for clergy and other spiritual leaders. Visit our website at for more information.

Anna actually works with about two dozen community organizations to help change the narrative in east Alabama -- especially related to poverty and health. She describes her work as a calling that exercises not only her M.Div. skills in theology and her D.Min. in Pastoral Care and Counseling but also her undergraduate skills as a Registered Nurse. Beyond Auburn, Anna has co-labored with the Equal Justice Initiative in Montgomery, has given an invocation with the Poor People’s Campaign at the U.S. Capitol Building, has advocated for DACA recipients to Alabama legislators in Washington, D.C., has preached a Baccalaureate service for high school students at Tuskegee University, and has co-led book studies at Tuskegee Wesley Foundation.


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