
spreadsheet or something similar so you can review and update wherever you are. Again, keep it simple and uncomplicated, but focused enough to hold yourself accountable.

Here are some suggestions for doing that. Create a column on the far left of the spreadsheet with a heading that says “Activities.“ Next, create subsequent columns labeled

“Week 1,” “Week 2,” and so on. By doing this, you can track each activity and you can see at a glance any activities you may be neglecting. EXAMPLE WEEKLY ACTIVITY DASHBOARD: Now that you have a dashboard to track the activities that will lead you to your goals, commit to making it work for you. Start by making sure the activities in your weekly dashboard directly relate to all of your one-year goals. It’s OK if you don’t hit all your activities in one week, but you should complete each activity at least once each month. There are some activi- ties you will naturally do every week. Schedule time once a month to reflect on which activities are pro - ducing the most results toward your goals, and do more of those activities and fewer of the unproductive ones. If certain activities are not producing results after you’ve given them ample time to do so, rethink them. Put your weekly activities in your physical weekly planner. Allotting time to them in your schedule makes them a priority and helps ensure that you accomplish them. Setting aside time on Sunday to plan for the coming week is a good way to prepare to accomplish your activities for the week. Modify and adapt these suggestions to make them work for you. •


• No matter what your goals, you must write them down in specific detail. • You should be emotionally excited about your goals, and they should be naturally time bound to one-year, five-year and 10-year increments. • Your five-year goals should directly relate to each of your 10-year goals; your one-year goals should directly relate to each of your five-year goals. • Once you have determined your one-year goals, place them where you can see them daily—in a place where you plan your week, are the most productive, or feel most relaxed. • The most important part of achieving your goals is to consistently complete the activities that lead to your goals. • Design your week using an activity dashboard with all the activities you need to do to achieve your goals; track how often you complete these activities. • Plan time once a month to review which activities are getting the most results. Adjust your activities to focus on the most productive activities.

Week 1

Week 2

Week 3


1. Attend one business networking group or real eWstate investing meeting




2. Have one sit-down meeting with someone from the networking group or real estate investor meeting 3. Send one hand written thank you note to the person you had a sit-down with or that helped you toward your goals that week

Jeff Roth is the founder of Arbor Advising in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Arbor Advising is a real estate consultancy dedicated to growing and securing clients’ wealth.



They are passionate about helping clients invest, buy, and sell in Michigan. You can contact Roth at, visit www.arboradvising. com, or subscribe to the weekly newsletter at


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